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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Programming for the OUYA?

Sat, 22 Jun 2013, 07:37
I understand that to make games for OUYA you pretty much need Unity all the way, but this is out of my league in terms of cost.

I'm wondering about if it is possible to make your game in another system, Monkey or whatever, and then export the game for OUYA?

I've heard you can code your game in Java (which I really rather I didn't) and export it for Android NME or something

Other than this there is HTML5 + JS?

But I am wondering if there is a possible solution for programming for the OUYA?

Sat, 22 Jun 2013, 07:46
There's been discussions over on the Monkey forum about OUYA stuff. I think it's probably entirely doable with Monkey, and in fact most things, as OUYA is pretty much just Android, with a specific Controller setup.

Indeed this post suggests it's all doable.
You'll probably need to tweak the output a bit, to get everything working, but it's definitely capable of something, vaguely!!

Put me in the "Tempted, but skint!" section.

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Sat, 22 Jun 2013, 07:52
FWIW : UK'ers, OUYA is available from GAME for only £99
US and Canada, Amazon apparently have it.. Not sure why amazon UK doesn't.. Must be a Game Exclusive, or something. *shrugs*

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Sat, 22 Jun 2013, 08:26
I'm undecided between OUYA and PlayJam's GameStick at the moment.
Sat, 22 Jun 2013, 10:13
GLBasic is likely to support OUYA too - it already does Android, so the new bits in the SDK should be no problem.
Sun, 23 Jun 2013, 00:42
Thanks for this. I think YoYoGames and Corona might also do this, but the info seems just related to the controller rather than exporting to the OUYA.

Monkey's development sounds cool; I bought it months ago but never really did anything with it. I'll try to learn it and do something simple with it first
Sun, 23 Jun 2013, 04:07
OUYA is just Android. You can sideload stock Android games to it and they'll run just fine. It's only integrating the controller (which...isn't that part of later versions of Android already? I'm stuck on 2.1 or 2.3 so I don't really know for sure) and integrating the OUYA store...and very few people know about integrating the OUYA store at this point.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sun, 23 Jun 2013, 04:11
I may get a GameStick on a whim in the future if available, but UK hardware tends to sit over in the UK.
I don't think GameStick supports external drives and such, does it? I'd think if it did it would be hard to set it up in a way that wasn't tugging the stick out of the USB socket.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sun, 23 Jun 2013, 15:38
Oooh, finally a review I should be able to trust!

Ashens gets an OUYA!!

View on YouTube

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Mon, 24 Jun 2013, 01:24
I want a cheap Ouya from a charity shop
Mon, 24 Jun 2013, 05:54
That's it, I'm going to be looking in all the charity shops now.
Mon, 24 Jun 2013, 07:25
I'll stick with a retail unit that has the niggly bits worked out.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Mon, 24 Jun 2013, 09:19
I haven't viewed the vid yet, so the following questions may have already been answered within it.

Would someone seriously donate such a new machine to a charity shop? It's only been in people's hands a couple of weeks. Sticking it on eBay would at least get something back.

Is it really that bad that giving it away for free makes up for it? :/