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Socoder -> Sony Gaming -> Getting My Play (stati) On

Mon, 19 Aug 2013, 07:22
I've written tomorrow's AGameAWeek.
I've ALSO written next week's AGameAWeek.
And next week is game #300 in my archive!

I'm probably going to take September off, from AGameAWeek. I deserve a bit of a break, I think, so it'd be nice if there's a fun console to sit down in front of.

There's currently an X360 plugged into the TV.
I DO like it, but.. .. You turn it on, and WHOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHH!!! The Fan immediately kicks into high gear, the DVD drive kicks up at 17,000 RPMs, and in order to actually hear the game you're playing, you need to boost the fucking TV volume up to 89%.

Not ideal, especially when your head can't take too much noise.

So, I sat here, thinking about it, and considering my choices for the GTAV world.

The smaller, neater PS3 would probably be a wee bit quieter.
I asked on Twitter, and the general concensus was that, indeed, it'd probably be less fan-driven than the currently age-old X360 model that I have.
Then I also remembered that the PS3 is a Blu-Ray player, too, and that kinda made my mind up for me.
Fuck it..
It's time to buy a PS3!

... And since I'm penniless, it'll have to be via the shitty credit-driven home-shopping catalogue again. Nnngh.


Ordered from Very.co.uk

Playstation 3 - 12Gb Slim model £149.00
GTAV Preorder - £49.00
All Stars Battle Royale and Little Big Planet - 2 games for £25.00
Total : £223.00

They also have a Bundle.

The GTAV Bundle..
Playstation 3 - 12Gb Slim model
GTAV Preorder
Price.. £239.00



So, there you have it.
It should arrive by Friday (except GTAV, obviously!) and I'll be hooking it up, and digging out a decibel meter, or something

Any suggestions for good fun little Sony games, for those of us who haven't owned one since the PS1?

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Mon, 19 Aug 2013, 09:28
I have both machines and they both have some great exclusives.

For games exclusive to the PS range, how about the God Of War series (you can even get a remastered HD PS2 versions in a pack, which are both excellent). I'd also highly recommend the Ico & Shadow Of The Colossus double pack. Then there are various Wip3Out games. And Disgaea - mustn't forget them.

I'm sure there are many others, but I'm knackered and my brain isn't functioning. But the above will keep you going for years and none should cost more than £20.
Wed, 21 Aug 2013, 09:13
My first three hours with a PS3.

After unboxing the console, and connecting it all, and then going "fuck me, this controller is made out of the cheapest shittest plastic that I've EVER seen an official controller made out of, EVER!", I booted the console up.

"Muuuuuuuuuuuuuur" went the uninteresting string drone. Not quite up to "boooooooooooo.... Waaaaaaaa!!!!" Of the original Playstation. More of a shit splodge of noise.


I started my experience by having to type my name and address into a giant user-registration thing, using a shitty controller.
God damnit, I'd forgotten how fucking hellish that was.
Wii remote, and touchscreens have spoiled me.
Left left left left left x. Right right right up x. Down left left x.
... That's only 3 letters, and it wants my entire address!? FFS!!!

About half an hour later, I was ready to go. I'd pissed about with various settings, and clicked the system update, then waited for that.
First job, head into the Playstation Store, and grab the demo of Stardust.
.. Another wait for a download...

... And then I click to play it. Keep in mind, it's only just downloaded the game, directly from the store..
"There is an update available for this game."
So, I had to wait a bit more for that bit to download, and once all that was done. I spent about two, maybe three minutes actually playing it, before going "ok, it's Stardust" and quitting it.


Anyhoo, I got 2 or my 3 "proper" games.
First up, Little Big Planet.
Opened the game, popped it into the console, and closed the disc tray slideybob thing.

Nope.. Update!!!

I sat and waited for that update to download and install, before finally getting to play it.
I played for about ten minutes or so, was marginally annoyed by the extreme floatyness of the character.
For a game that's supposed to be "Platformer with Physics engine" the main character seems pretty fucking determined to ignore the laws of physics, floating more like a balloon than falling like a platform character.

Guess I could get used to it, but I grew bored fairly quickly.
The character walks to the right.
Nothing killed him. Nothing was deadly.
And then he got stuck down a pit, and I had to use the "kill sackboy" option.

... Tutorials are boring, aren't they!

.. Never mind, let's try the other game I got.
I unwrapped Playstation All Stars, and plopped it in the drive.
.. Can you guess what happened next?
That's right! Update ahoy!!!

This one took over a fucking gigabyte. Holy shit, dude! My PS3 only has 12GB in it, and I need to keep 8gb free for GTAV.


Gameplay wise, the main menu gave me the option to skip the tutorial, so obviously I did that, and went in blind.
Probably not a good idea, as it resulted in my imminent demise!
I figured it'd be a generic fighter, but WTF is going on with those controls!?
Also, the big number that slowly increased in the status bar, which you'd normally assume is your score, turned out to be the number of my deaths.. I lost, where I thought I was winning.
In terms of UI STyle, I'd say that's a bit of a failure.
But ..
Parappa!!!!!!! \O/YEAY\O/!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also pissed about with the menu a bit, and was quite happy to see that it automagically picked up my network drive with all it's shared media. It can play all my vids in high-def, mmmm....
YouTube and BBCiPlayer work, and the browser works fine,too, although it doesn't do my Monkey HTML5 games (will need further experimenting, methinks!)
Note that the browser, the YouTube, the iPlayer and more do not require a fucking Xbox Live Gold account before you can fucking use the features on the fucking console that you fucking paid for already...

... So, good stuff, there!!

So, um, yeah.. Not a bad little device.
£149 for all it can do, is quite a bargain, as far as I'm concerned.

Currently £149 at Very.co.uk or Argos.. Hadn't bothered to price check until just now, but noticed it's actually £159 at amazon, so seems I got a good deal!

.. Now to sit and wait for GTAV to appear. Woot!!

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Wed, 21 Aug 2013, 09:27
With little big planet, my main problem is using an analog stick to play a damned platformer. This can be overcom however, by plugging in a generic usb gamepad that enables you to turn off the analog sticks and use the dpad in their place!! The stupid little sackboy still tends to jump back and forth between the layers whenever he feels like it though. And yes, way, way, way too floaty.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 21 Aug 2013, 10:27
I just couldn't get into LBP at all. Dull.

PS3 is awful for updates. And they are all terribly slooooooooooooow.

The worst example of total shit was Disgaea 3 (IIRC), which when putting in a brand new, just released game - took 3+ HOURS to install and update. 3+ FUCKING HOURS!!!! Waiting for Sultan's Maze to load on the CPC was hell at 17mins, but 3+ fucking hours? Unbelievable. Even pc games don't take that long.

I was well pissed that day. When you see "Approx. 3 hours wait" on any loading bar, you think - yeah, that's going to go down soon, you know, like Microsoft update bars. It didn't.

But not only do you have to wait for the update download, afterwards it then installs it. Another long wait. XBox360 has the same number of updates for games, but they never take an age to load and then install quickly/seemlessly.

I really hope PS4 fixes that.
Wed, 21 Aug 2013, 13:15
The only way to fix that is have studios actually finish a game BEFORE selling it. Not going to happen. I miss the old days of gaming.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 21 Aug 2013, 13:56
I actually really enjoyed LBP. Admittedly the tutorial section isn't super exciting, but once you get into the main game things become a bit more challenging.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 21 Aug 2013, 14:15
I find it challenging enough floating about all over the place and hardly controlling the little guy.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Thu, 22 Aug 2013, 05:06
Downloaded the demo.
Garish background colours, vs slightly darker lemming sprites = practically fucking unplayable mess.

Bad, bad, bad...

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Thu, 22 Aug 2013, 05:48
Had my second play of Battle Royale. It's not bad, but it's no SmashBros!

I found N2O in the PSOne store, so I might dump my debit card's details on here, later, and grab that. It's a cracking shooter, and it's nice and cheap, too!!

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Thu, 22 Aug 2013, 09:06
PS3 originally launched with PS2 compatibility, but they eventually stripped it out, to keep things cheaper.
I knew that...

What I didn't know, was that it was also PS1 compatible.. And they left that bit in!!!

My Playstation collection got a play, today.
In fact, so far, I've played much more of my PS1 collection, and had much more fun out of it, than my PS3 collection.

\O/yeay\o/ for Parappa!! And Um Jammer Lammy!! And Vib Ribbon!!!
All, finally, playable fully without emulator slowdown, or anything.

Kick ass!!!!

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Thu, 22 Aug 2013, 12:11
Yeah, I've played many a PS1 game on my PS3. The original Worms game gets a dusting off and play every so often.

I really wish that PS2 compatibility had been left in - I've still got some unused PS2 games to play (although I do still have a PS2, it's in my son's room, who's on his XBox360 25 hours of the day).

One of these days I'll get around to Rogue Planet, Breath Of Fire IV, Final Fantasy 10 etc. etc. etc.
Sun, 25 Aug 2013, 06:37

Had to delete a bunch of files, this morning.
Seems that, with all these multi-gig updates, the PS3-12Gb's small amount of free space is even smaller.
I was down to 6856Mb, which is nowhere near enough for GTAV's 8Gb Mandatory Install..

After deleting both the Little Big Planet update, and the Playstation All-Stars one, I got it back up to 9Gb. Should suffice.
Kind of annoying to have to do that, but.. Whatever..
Guess I might end up buying one of those new-fangled "Hard Drive!" things, after all..
.. we'll wait and see how much use it gets, first, though.

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Sun, 25 Aug 2013, 11:28
can't you just upgrade the HD with a decent sized one? The older PS3s all use standard HDs which can easily be swapped in/out (although not tried this myself).
Sun, 25 Aug 2013, 11:38
Checked online the other day, and the slim requires a 2.5 incher.. I'm currently leaving it until I find myself actually playing the thing.. If I find I'm only ever either playing ps1 games, or just GTAV, then there's really no point in faffing about with it.
We'll see how it goes.

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Sun, 25 Aug 2013, 17:12
I haven't seen anyone tell you to get Journey, so get Journey. It's on the PSN store.
Sun, 25 Aug 2013, 17:25
People have told me to get Journey!
Currently saving every ounce of space for GTAV.

I have a list for post GTAV. If I find that I'm actually playing the thing, I'll upgrade it, and start throwing money at it, but I'm reluctant to do that straight away, given the fact that I've already grown bored with both Playstation All Stars and Little Big Planet.
.. I'm really not a good player!!

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