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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Pi Projects

Tue, 17 Dec 2013, 05:49
Say hypothetically someone got me a rasberry pi for Christmas (which I definitely didn’t just open by accident ¬_¬). What do people do with them?

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Tue, 17 Dec 2013, 05:49
From having had one for a while, I'd say that really it's for more of a fun hobby thing more than 'doing' important stuff with - after all, programming-wise, you can do pretty much anything on your normal computer that you could on a pi, and with more power. That being said, it's interesting trying to code within the pi's limited processing power. Where the pi shines more is in more hardware-oriented hobby projects. I haven't tried much in that aspect yet, but I did get a RaspberryPi camera board recently, and had fun trying various image filtering on that in Python.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

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Tue, 17 Dec 2013, 06:12
I still haven't got around to using mine properly yet, due to lack of desk space, it's apparently good for controlling projects like robots and stuff but don't expect it to run at super speeds.
Tue, 17 Dec 2013, 06:44
The one we have is still sitting on the desk doing nothing, it was an original pre-order, so its been sitting there a while

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Tue, 17 Dec 2013, 17:16
due to lack of desk space

Lack of Space? Raspberry PI is so Tiny and not like you having Big Desktop PC in Early 80's! LOL

Tue, 17 Dec 2013, 17:51
You obviously haven't seen my room, or should I say "lack of!".
Tue, 17 Dec 2013, 17:54
I was watching the Discovery Channel some months ago and a science team was using either a PI or a Basic Stamps controller for gathering weather data out in the field.

Wed, 18 Dec 2013, 04:14
I got one for my birthday earlier in the year, and I've had it hooked up to my television. It's not doing much at the moment, but I considered using it to turn my TV into an alarm clock.
Wed, 18 Dec 2013, 13:48
With the right external sensors, the Pi can do just about anything once programmed.

The beauty of those devices is that they can perform a task without being monitored.

Just collect the data when done.
