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Socoder -> Off Topic -> AmiGets!!

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Sun, 18 May 2014, 16:28
Just won and ebay aution for a mint condition Commodore Amiga 500-Plus. Now all I need to do is drive to Crowborough to collect it.
Sun, 18 May 2014, 16:28
Not a clue where that is, but bravo on winning a classic Now head to AmigaKit and see what goodies are compatible!

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Sun, 18 May 2014, 16:34
I don't think anyone would believe me if I were to say how much I got it for.
Sun, 18 May 2014, 16:35
*fingers crossed* that the Drive's in working order.. That's the most important piece of the puzzle.

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Sun, 18 May 2014, 16:39
The seller does state mint condition, but I won't know if the drive is OK until I buy some software for it. It comes with the Cartoon Classics box but no games, I guess there's also no Workbench disks, but I can probably get that on ebay.

Sun, 18 May 2014, 16:41
Should be easy enough to get access to a few basic floppies to get the thing up and running. Have a hunt on AmigaKit to see if you can add any kind of external SD/CompactFlash storage. No idea what connects to an A500! My 600 has a handy PCMCIA slot \o/yeay\o/

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Sun, 18 May 2014, 16:42
Time to gloat, and probably make the blood of some Amiga-nut's blood boil...

I pounced on the bid-button when there was only a few seconds left. I got it for £12.49.
Sun, 18 May 2014, 16:47
Sun, 18 May 2014, 16:55
The seller says: "My husband is letting go of his old favourite. This A500-Plus is in perfect condition. Comes complete with vintage box, 'Quickshot' joy-stick, mouse, power supply inc all necessary leads and interface. "

The husband is probably gonna be pretty pissed. LOL

She says it powers-up but not tested on a monitor at this time, still a bargain though even if I do have to replace the drive.

Sun, 18 May 2014, 17:24
Have you picture of it?

I still got Blue Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200 somewhere in my room
Sun, 18 May 2014, 17:28
I will put up pictures when it I get it home.
Mon, 19 May 2014, 07:07
I collected, it is in the back of my car, safely covered over while I'm in ASDA.

Slight yellowing on the keys and not too bad yellowing on the casings. Nothing that a bit of water and bleach can't tackle.
Mon, 19 May 2014, 07:17
Yellowing's all part of the authenticity, IMO!

Good luck getting it up and running.

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Mon, 19 May 2014, 15:58
So far it just shows a green light, but no click-click from the drive and just a blank screen. I will open it up tomorrow and re-seat connectors and chips etc, it's been in the original owner's loft for about twenty years as I was told today.

Mon, 19 May 2014, 16:25
Hmmmm... :/

Good luck.
Mon, 19 May 2014, 16:26
Not all is lost, if I can't get it going then I will just shove it back on ebay as spares or repair.
Mon, 19 May 2014, 16:58
So not exactly minty fresh then, despite the eBay claims...

Hopefully it's just a simple fix and you'll be back in Amiga Nirvana soon.
Tue, 20 May 2014, 07:39
That is a shame but maybe your second lucky time eh?
Thu, 22 May 2014, 04:54
Just pulled it apart, a bit of furry green shit going on in the battery and surrounding components and a few dry joints here and there.

Looks like I have an appointment with a soldering iron.

Thu, 22 May 2014, 05:12
Hmmm.. Yeah, batteries.. Thankfully my 600 never had a battery fitted. :\

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Thu, 22 May 2014, 11:02
The sockets for the GARY and EVEN CIA chips are badly corroded, the pin holes just disintegrated, but the chips themselves seem OK. I can probably obtain new sockets on ebay.

Also noticed a crack at the corner of the FAT AGNUS socket, but the chip seems to be in there tight enough.
Thu, 22 May 2014, 11:09

This is what happens when people put computers away "safely".. You'd cry if you saw the state of my Sega Saturn.. "It'll be safe in the conservatory!!" ... My arse!!!!

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Thu, 22 May 2014, 11:12
I'm not too worried though, I'm sure that I can get something back for the casings, keyboard, mouse and power supply if it comes to it.

If I can't get this one going then I might get an A1200 instead.

Thu, 22 May 2014, 11:18
Yeah, a 600/1200 with a PCMCIA slot will allow for more kewlystuffs

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