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Socoder -> Monkey -> Invisible Munky 2

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Mon, 09 Mar 2015, 04:49
So, I'm sitting here adding extra functionality to my Monkey Framework, and one of the features I've decided to add is a little more collision detection.
I added a LineCollide() function, and gave it a quick test.
And then the test grew, and grew, and grew..

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At which point Blanko1324 posted the comment "My god it's invisible munky! I think... He is invisible after all."

Indeed.. That's Invisible Munky!!

I'm somewhat alarmed by the fact that the invisible character has been recognised, when his tenth anniversary is literally 2 days away.
TEN years old! Can you believe it!?

Invisible Munky - 11th March 2005!

For those who don't remember Invisible Munky, the basic idea is that you play as an invisible character, and have only the arrow to help you too guide yourself along the way.
Munky will be given a buttload of levels, and some kind of shitty obscure storyline, this time, but his path will be the same as ever.
Find the exit without getting killed!

I'll keep it simple, and see where it goes from there.

IM2 is officially on the go!

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Mon, 09 Mar 2015, 06:57

Classic vectors, grabbed and converted to sprites.
.. They're a bit gnatty.
I'm going to have to find a nicer way to achieve that, methinks.

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Mon, 09 Mar 2015, 07:54

Much more Doodle-esque, but seems to work nicely.

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Mon, 09 Mar 2015, 14:58
Cool stuff!
Mon, 09 Mar 2015, 15:25
More Munky!
Today I added wall-jumping, along with all the above graphical neatening.

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Tue, 10 Mar 2015, 03:48
Looks good!

Tue, 10 Mar 2015, 15:37
A choon for the game!
Very very rare that I can sit down with a specific tune in mind, and actually manage to reproduce it!!
..although, if I'm completely honest, I still prefer the original!!

And for comparison, The ten-year-old original!!

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Wed, 11 Mar 2015, 07:57
Tested the game on OUYA, and .. Although it works, the controller-lag is making the controls a little bit wonkier than on the PC.
As such, I've released a test edition, over on "That OUYAForum", and am asking for opinions on whether the controls work nicely enough.
Topic Here

Lemmie know if you try it out, and whether or not you're comfortable with the controls, as they are.

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Thu, 12 Mar 2015, 06:30

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Thu, 12 Mar 2015, 08:02

Replaced generic starfield with "Leaf Field"
Added Floating Platform.. These have taken pretty much all of today to get working right!!! Damn things kept flinging Munky off, at weird random tangents!

Invisible (Other than Munky)
Added generic "Spike" enemy.
Added Exit
Preparing to start making levels! Eeek!!

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Sat, 14 Mar 2015, 06:00
Three levels in, and .. ... It needs something else.
I'm not sure what to add, but wandering enemies seems to be the obvious choice.
The issue, of course, is that adding those will require a buttload of "obj-floor" collision checks. I'm not sure how well the engine can cope with that sort of thing.
.. Guess there's only one way to find out..

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Mon, 16 Mar 2015, 05:41
OK, I've added an extra enemy type that sub-wanders across the floors. I've stress tested it with 75 enemies in the level, and it doesn't appear to be slowing down, which is nice to know.

Next up, designing some nice levels to go with it all!

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Wed, 18 Mar 2015, 10:05

I've been working on "Level Complete" stuff, today.
Banana Collect % count, and Enemy Kill % count both show up on the level complete screen. I'm thinking you'll need about 50% of both, to unlock the next level.

.. I think..

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Thu, 19 Mar 2015, 08:56
Still haven't done any new levels yet!!
Spent today faffing about with the "% Complete" display. It's not very obvious, so I might need to rejig it a bit, but.. at least there's something there!!

Overall game is roughly done. There's only the levels to make. .. .. Gah!

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Thu, 19 Mar 2015, 23:29
Have you added multiplayer yet?
Since it's Invisible Munky, you could design special levels that require cooperation to succeed, and have the other player(s) be anonymous/invisible!!
You could even turn it into a platform MMO, or at least have the player randomly join various games with other players as they complete their levels. Just don't add video conferencing, or there's no telling what you might end up seeing!!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 19 Mar 2015, 23:31
Also, are you adding support for Occulus Rift to your Monkey framework??

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Fri, 20 Mar 2015, 02:27
Multiplayer would be too difficult. The screen is so zoomed in and tight, that there's "just" enough area to see what's up ahead as it is.
If I dare to splitscreen it, it'll make it infinitely worse.

I could, of course, "zoom out a bit", but then that makes most of the graphics "thinner", which makes it even tougher to see objects when they're scrolling about, specially on a screen with a slow update rate..
And trust me, this is a game that REALLY shows up your update rate!!!!

..as for RIFT... ... I very much doubt it, other than the 3D Arcade, with Arcade Cabinet paying the game!!

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Fri, 20 Mar 2015, 04:43
But I want to play Munky on Rift
Fri, 20 Mar 2015, 06:55

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Fri, 20 Mar 2015, 09:17
Who's AL O'DARE?
Fri, 20 Mar 2015, 12:09
My musical pseudonym.

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Sat, 21 Mar 2015, 15:07
I've made 8 levels, now, and they're all a bit samey. Might have to try throwing some kind of random background, or level colour, or something. *shrugs*

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Sat, 21 Mar 2015, 19:04
Liking the little characters with the spikey doo's
Mon, 23 Mar 2015, 05:44
Anyone up for the short 3 Level "Demo"?

It's available now, on GameJolt! \o/yeay\o/

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Mon, 23 Mar 2015, 13:58

Level 12's renderer got a bit wobbly, but a few pixel tweaks here and there make the level less deadly!

Also, Level 13's exit was deadly due to it being too close to the edge of the floor. Ooops!

Still, 1->16 are now working fine.

No lives. I'm not sure if I need lives or not. I'm currently keeping the levels fairly short, no checkpoints, death = Game Over.
For the meantime, that seems to be working well enough, but I think I'm going to try adding a boss level or two, which will make that all the more difficult to put up with.

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Tue, 24 Mar 2015, 09:27

After trying out a few different styles and techniques for different shield/lives, I inevitably opted for the most simplest of options.

Start with 2 lives, hide extra lives in odd places, and .. That's pretty much all you need, really.

Additionally, "Score" has now taken a backseat in this game. Although scores still get counted, and will display in the normal place on the menu, I've actually stripped the score display out from the main game.
Feels odd!

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