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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Knackered!!

Thu, 16 Jul 2015, 06:28
Yesterday was Amazon's "Prime Day" where they had shitloads of things on offer, except the one thing I wanted.
I've been looking at Treadmills for the past few months, and been in two minds.
On the one hand, it'd help my craptastic fitness levels. On the other, if I want to walk, I could easily go outside and do it.
Except, realistically, I can't go outside. My balance is still shit, and I struggle with most walks.

So, yesterday, I trawled through the Amazon offers, but the whole thing was less fruitful than I thought.
I waited until about 13:30, before going "Well, that's not showing up any time soon" and instead just ordering the most half-decent/cheap looking one I could find.

It arrived, about two hours ago, and contained NO INSTRUCTIONS for how to put it together.
Had a lovely User Manual telling you to wear the safety clip, but as far as how the fuck to put the pile of nuts and bolts together, you were pretty much left on your own.

.. The scariest part was "Holy fuck, do I actually have to dismantle the entirety of the screen/buttons thing, just to attach it to the bars"!?!

Indeed I did.. 8 screws came out, opened the whole thing up with little wirey bits all over, clamped it around the front-bar, and then 5 screws went back in.



The whole thing's now in a stable condition.
I'd initially planned on having it upstairs in my bedroom, for late night exercising, but the weight of the bloody thing freaked Mum out a bit.. Our floorboards aren't exactly new!!
Instead, she's made me keep the thing downstairs, so it's currently sat in the dining room, where I'll no doubt be stinking the kitchen up with my sweatyness. .. Not the most ideal of places, I should say..

But there it is..
And after an hour's rest, I might attempt to plug it in, and try it out, but I'm already completely fucking knackered!!!

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Thu, 16 Jul 2015, 07:24
5 minutes on the thing, and I'm sweating like a very sweaty person!!

So out of shape, it's unbelievable
But the treadmill works, and it's giving me a much better workout than the little exercise bike does.. So, yeah, a good buy! Woot!!

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Thu, 16 Jul 2015, 08:44
Another 5 minutes.. *phew*
But, not as bad this time. I even sped it up to a moderate pace. Might be fun playing with this!

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Thu, 16 Jul 2015, 12:07
Yeah, keep at it but don't stress yourself too much. A little each day will do wonders.

My job is quite sedentary (at a desk all day) and I find that even one 15-minute walk makes me feel a lot better, less tired and more focused.
Thu, 16 Jul 2015, 12:12
I eat pies to keep fit!

Thu, 16 Jul 2015, 16:49
I got a new exercie machine back in May. It's called Noof - OK, it's more dog than machine, but... If I don't exercise at least three times daily he lets me know. :/

Anyway, WOT NO PICS?
Thu, 16 Jul 2015, 16:57
If you want, but.. Treadmill's a treadmill!!

Once you've seen one balloon, you've seen them all..

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Fri, 17 Jul 2015, 01:31
I always liked the idea of a treadmill, but the new flat is a little smaller than the council one I was renting. Plus I don't really need one, I walk to work, walk around all day at work then walk home. Thats enough exercise to maintain my slightly overweight physique. No doubt I'd loose a tone of weight if my diet was a little healthier, but it isn't.
Had an exercise bike once, hung clothes on it, scared the hell out of me one night when I fell asleep with my eyes open, got rid of it.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 17 Jul 2015, 05:23
Today I turned the speed up to 2, and managed 6 minutes before getting short of breath.
Which is better, longer time or faster speed? *shrugs*
I'll have to experiment, I guess..

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Fri, 17 Jul 2015, 06:01
I think it depends how you want to train, speed or endurance. Whichever feels right to you is probably the best advice I can give, I've always been put-off treadmills myself, convinced I'd fall off them!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 17 Jul 2015, 13:08
I've heard the short tough bursts of exercise are much better for weight loss, but I imag you need to deal more with endurance if you want to get out and about more. Does it help with the dizziness btw?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 17 Jul 2015, 14:47
Nah, it's not helping the dizziness. But I'm feeling much more energetic after just a couple of days, so it is at least helping that.
Just need to keep it up and I'll be fit as a fiddle.
.... A dizzy fiddle that falls about and stumbles around, but a fiddle none the less.

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Thu, 23 Jul 2015, 03:01
Pumped up the speed to 3.0, today!
Currently managing 5 minutes per session. The machine speeds up in 0.1 increments.
1.0 is a crappy stroll pace, 1.5 is roughly my regular pace, and 2.0 is enough of a pace to get me a bit pant'y at the end of the 5 minutes.
I've been gradually increasing the speed each day, and am now up to 3.0! Wowie!
Panting, but not breathless. Slight headache, though, so I might need to keep an eye on that.

I might stick with 3.0 for the time being, and instead try to increase the time I'm doing it for.
Either way, I'm feeling a LOT fitter than I was, this time last week. That little bit of movement is certainly helping a lot, although that is with a guard rail to hold on to!
Walking outdoors is still .. guard-less!!

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Thu, 23 Jul 2015, 04:38
I really should think about getting the mountain bike out sometime this Summer. I've lost about 3/4 stone since taking Metformin over the past 3 months, maybe the bike will help now that the meds are helping me use glucose more effectively.
Thu, 23 Jul 2015, 05:02
Biking.. Without balance?? I don't think that's a very good idea!!

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Thu, 23 Jul 2015, 05:04
Stablisers, or go three wheeled.
I know what you mean though, I have vertigo and tend to go off balance if I turn my head whilst riding.

I also have to slow the car right down when doing corners, it feels proper funny if I go around a corner too quick.
Tue, 01 Sep 2015, 06:14
Over a month and a half of daily use. I'm up to 10 minutes a day (2x5min sessions) at an average of about speed 3.3. (Km/h, btw!) Pumping up to 3.5 tires me out after just a couple of minutes, so I think that's roughly my limit.

I should really work on the stamina of lengthier sessions, but I think my mind has started to watch for that 5 minute barrier, then go "OK, that's enough!!!"

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Tue, 01 Sep 2015, 15:25
Good work Jay! Don't try to do to much to soon, take it slow. If you injure yourself by going to fast/to long it'll set you back double.

Keep it up!