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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Stephen Fry vs Twitter

Mon, 15 Feb 2016, 04:57
Stephen Fry quits Twitter. Again. Linkage
Mon, 15 Feb 2016, 04:57
I think if his RHLSTP experience has taught us anything, it's that he's an incredibly fragile person.

Timestamped YouTube Link

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Mon, 15 Feb 2016, 05:25
If you're no longer allowed to make jokes/statements in public, then perhaps quitting Twitter is probably for the best. Political correctness censorship gone mad.

If the woman in question (and a personal friend of Fry's according to news sources) didn't make a complaint or statement of her being upset, then why should it bother everyone else?

I really feel for him. It only takes one or two loud-mouthed twats to ruin an experience forever.
Mon, 15 Feb 2016, 05:38
A lot of people do seem to have a habit of getting offended on behalf of others.
Mon, 15 Feb 2016, 10:33

We live in a strange world where we have MOBO awards - Music Of Black Origin (nothing comparable for music of white origin; that would be racist!) and nobody bats an eyelid, but when there are no black actors selected for an award ceremony the world screams foul. Or do they...?

How much of this is hype generated by the media to deliberately cause a reaction?

Mon, 15 Feb 2016, 10:36
Indeed.. Don't believe everything you read.

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Mon, 15 Feb 2016, 21:49


We live in a strange world where we have MOBO awards - Music Of Black Origin (nothing comparable for music of white origin; that would be racist!) and nobody bats an eyelid"

It doesnt stop there...


Notice there's no NWPA... That is discrimination in my eyes, and can be viewed as racist because lets face it, a police officer, either black, white, brown or ginger... Is still a police officer.

When Laura (the ex) was joining up to the force, she got all the forms, and I had a read through them, the bit that made me cough was that the Police are apparently an "Equal Opportunities" employers... Good... That's the way it should be.

But, while reading through, I came to a little paragraph that started that if you were disabled or of ethnic minority, you were guaranteed an interview.

That's not entirely "Equal" in my view... Yeah, disabled people do indeed have a harder time then the rest of us for obvious reasons, so I can let that go... But, why should an able bodied person who just so happens to be in a ethnic minority group be subject to special treatment over everyone else?

That shouldnt happen really.


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