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Socoder -> Off Topic -> JustBasic

Fri, 20 Apr 2007, 13:55
Has anyone used or compared Just Basic to Blitz or Purebasic?

Fri, 20 Apr 2007, 20:37
I used JustBasic for a tiny bit, and for a longer time I used the non-free version, LibertyBasic.

If I remember rightly, JustBasic/LibertyBasic were decent for GUIs, but honestly, I'd go and use C instead for that now. Blitz was better at writing more fun games too.

Hey, you could try it, though, see what you think.

I've not tried PureBasic in ages. I honestly can't remember it to compare.

Cheers, DNA

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 21 Apr 2007, 09:01
power mousey

I thought you were coding in Cobra now.

or possibly testing out the Cobra 3d.
lucky dog. woof! woof!

power mousey

new edition: oh yeah, hobo, dna, mike_g ,
others check this out--V


Sat, 21 Apr 2007, 22:31
Yup, I'm still coding in Cobra

My Blitz and Basic days are over

Cheers, though and thanks for the link.

blog | work | code | more code
Tue, 24 Apr 2007, 12:52
power mousey

well hey hobo and dna,
and others too....

I dumped the Python
and went to the Pure.

100 P E R C E N T %

here is a simple snippet:

power mousey

Thu, 26 Apr 2007, 17:41
Thanks for the link to the website on basics. I am surprised that BMax does not compile to a .exe.

Thu, 26 Apr 2007, 21:24
power mousey

yes, Agent Smith is right.

perhaps someone contact the person
or people involved with the site and table???

okay, okay, most likely me.

Yet,the table is correct as it goes with Pure Basic.
Sat, 28 Apr 2007, 15:09
Is there a site that rates all the basics in various categories?

Sat, 28 Apr 2007, 21:20
power mousey

I know not of any...except that site.

one more thing.....

you can also check out




Tue, 01 May 2007, 16:43
Thanks for those links. They were useful.
Wed, 02 May 2007, 21:13
power mousey

hey, you're welcome.

just search for somethin
you like to code in and...

and break out!! bro.

power mousey