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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Morphing

Tue, 13 Dec 2016, 14:41
I want to morph between two small b/w images, anyone got any software to do that? looking for a similar effect to how dpaint did it.

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Tue, 13 Dec 2016, 14:41
Morph tools used to be a dime a dozen, but much like Perspective Warping, and image Wrapping, they're no longer part of modern tools..

God knows why.

Dig out DPaint!

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Wed, 14 Dec 2016, 00:03
I've started a blitz 'pixel mover' as I'm using small monochrome images, it's going to be just a case of setting where each pixel from the first image needs to be in the second, then move them there in x steps.
Just have to move x,y to x1,y1... you'd think I'd remember how to do that. Anyway, couple of long days at work, so that might take me a few days.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 14 Dec 2016, 00:11

Or in this case
and again for Y

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Wed, 14 Dec 2016, 14:08
Wed, 14 Dec 2016, 14:22
Or any other value...
Approximate number of steps that it takes to get from A to B

Note that it'll start off fast, then slow down as it gets closer.
Works best with Floats..

Also, you might want a..
if Abs(a-b)<0.5 then a=b
in there, too.

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Thu, 15 Dec 2016, 00:59
I was thinking more about even steps, shouldn'y this work....

Check out my excellent homepage!
Thu, 15 Dec 2016, 02:32
Switch For a to "= numframes to 1 step -1" , and use that as the divider instead of numframes. Should be ok.

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Thu, 15 Dec 2016, 14:39
this works well enough!

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