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Socoder -> Off Topic -> New Card..

Wed, 17 May 2017, 07:22
Lost my debit card..
I never fucking go anywhere.. How could I lose the damn thing!?!

Had to cancel it and get a new one.
(Yes, I checked my account!!)

Have spent the past hour updating various websites, until I reached the "Hatchette Partworks" site, where I'm subscribed (for mum!!) to the Art of Knitting partwork.
"Log in to change your account details", except I can't remember the password.. Do the "Forgot my password" and wait a good 20 minutes before getting it, and finally logging in.

"Select your subscription", so I do.
"Change Billing Information", so I do.
"Name" "Address" "Telephone Number"
"To update card information, please call ...."

Oh, FFS!!!

Why even bother with a fucking login!?!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 17 May 2017, 09:34
I've been there and done that myself Jay. This is not uncommon.

Proof that the online world really hasn't caught up with the way that people really want/need to use it. If I'm using their site, let me do absolutely EVERYTHING that I could do if I were to pick up the phone and talk to their customer service. FFS.