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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Change of Air

Sat, 29 Jul 2017, 03:02
Went up Leicestershire with a mate to pick up a motorbike, he drove the van there and I drove the van back and felt completely fine. Woke up this morning with the sore throat from Hell, it feels like I've swallowed a tree trunk. This seems to happen every time I travel to Kent, London or the North.
Sat, 29 Jul 2017, 03:02
Bloomin' long trip too. We left about 9:30 and didn't get back into Brighton until nearly 7:00. Traffic on M25 and M1 was bollocks there and back. It was really slow on the M25 for nearly 3 hours on the way back down.
Sat, 29 Jul 2017, 03:35
lol, you want to try a jolly from Durham to Southampton and then back... I was doing that run before Christmas as we were doing the expansion joints at the west quay car park...


I'm working in Bracknell now, and thats a shit old run to and from home as well.

I'm now in the frame of mind that Langley Park, to say, Manchester or Liverpool is just a "pop" hehehe


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 29 Jul 2017, 04:03
Trust me Mike, after living down here everywhere else seems to be congested. I remember the first time I went to Birmingham, I got to this really big junction/flyover thing and was like "WHAT THE FUCK!!! "
Sat, 29 Jul 2017, 04:04
Thats spaghetti junction, that is.
Sat, 29 Jul 2017, 04:06
Yeah, that's the one.
Sat, 29 Jul 2017, 04:17
Ever been on the magic roundabouts in Swindon and Hemel Hampstead? I think their great me... But I do remember the first time I seen the one at Swindon... I was "Eh? How the f*** does that work!"


But their actually painless!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 29 Jul 2017, 04:25
I remember standing at the top of Champs Elysses in Paris. There's a ruddy great roundabout around the Arc de Triumph, about six lanes wide but no lane markings whatsoever and the traffic just blats around it.

Was expecting/hoping for a lil crash and filming a couple of Frenchies windmilling each other but nope.... not even a beeping horn!
Sat, 29 Jul 2017, 04:57
Thing I hate with roundabouts is that, your sitting there waiting to get on it, and there's traffic coming from a road leading up to the roundabout to your right, there's a gap though so you think "Champion, I'm on it", there's no other cars coming around, yet the complete prat at the front of the oncoming cars decides they fancy being a bit of an F1 driver and decides to put their toe down to get to it, cross it, then off it, totally wrecking the gap you were just about to take! :/

Boils my piss that.

And then there's the knob heads who decide to do 40 in a 50, 30 in a 40 and then you get to a 30 and they still plough along at 40! :/

I'm not a perfect driver, pretty shit at it to be honest, when I get yacking, I take no notice of anything... And I am, hand on heart, a middle lane hogger!

But in my defence, I move over when I need too, I'm not constantly stuck, if there's a good bit distance with nothing in the left hand lane, I'll ship over... Other then that, I'm nailed there.

One of my contract managers had a whinge at me a couple of months ago for it, I pulled out of Wetherby serives, and was just sitting there, cruising along, and then this car pulled in front, saw a hand waving about, and thought "Whats his problem", anyway, phone started and it was him, whinging... When he stopped giving me a lesson, I was like "Okay, but first, I was knocking out 75 miles an hour, so for you to over take me like you did, you must've been going over 80, and the last I looked, the national speed limit is 70! And secondly... You know I'm bloody driving, but you still ring my phone expecting me to answer it knowing fine well if I get caught I'll get 6 points, if you dont mind, and no disrespect, preach what you dont pray to someone else, and if you have a problem with my driving in one of the firms vans, just take it off me!"

I got hung up on, seen him since and, aye, nowt!



Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 29 Jul 2017, 05:38
I've never been on those magic roundabouts, I take it every segment works like a regular mini roundabout?
Sat, 29 Jul 2017, 05:42
Yeah, sort of makes sense.

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Sun, 30 Jul 2017, 04:24
I live in Milton Keynes. Home of the roundabout!

We have some absolute doozies here!
Sun, 30 Jul 2017, 04:32
What i hate about roundabouts is that people have not a fucking clue how mini-roundabouts work. They're the same, yet people either just drive over the middle like it isn't there, or you're giving way to a car approaching from the right, and he just stops, and sits there wondering why the fuck nobody else is moving.

We're all waiting for you, ya fecking bellend!
Sun, 30 Jul 2017, 04:59
They added a mini-roundabout (Which we nicknamed "lump of dirt"!) near the shop I worked in, after there'd been several accidents at the junction over the course of a few years.

.. They then had 3 accidents, the week after putting it there.
Bravo, Bolton Council! Bravo!!!

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