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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What Have You Done - September 2017

Wed, 27 Sep 2017, 11:59

What Have You Done - September 2017


What did you get done this Month?
  • New AGameAWeek Site
  • One Game

    Did everything turn out as planned?

    Surprisingly better than expected.
    Having Socoder's BBCode be wholeheartedly integrated into New AGameAWeek makes for MUCH easier posting.
    For starters, I can post stuff without having to remember the cryptic collection of !'s <'s, -'s and "is it More or more?" that was required to select a snippet in the text.
    There's probably faults all over the damned place, where I've forgotten to move urls or change old html to new BBCode, and I've not begun the trek to find all the soundtracks to all the games and cross link them to their associated music pages.
    .. But given it's pretty much just a month's work (less than that, in fact) I'd say it actually turned out much better than I expected.
    I'm fairly happy with the new site, but now it's time to get back to Game Making!


    What didn't you get done?
  • New SpikeDislike!

    Why not?

    New Site!!

    I've got the groundwork up and running, started on one form of menu, then had to scrap it and restart it because iPhoneX turned up with its stupid blob of uselessness on the top of the screen.
    Most of that game is in the themes and things, so really that's all I need to do.
    That's the hardest part, though. Me and Art.. Eeek!


    What are you working on right now?
    I'm planning next week's game.

    How's that going?
    I'm not sure what I'm going to attempt, but I'm finding myself thinking about ducks..


    What's the plan for the next Month?
  • Games
  • Many Games!


    You can copy+paste the BBCode from the box below, or structure however else you'd like...
    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
  • Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 07:17
    What've I done this month?

    Actually Playing games.
    Fueling my Anime needs with many figurines like, at least 4
    Coding loads of things at work, no games but, apps, ebay things and what not.
    Migrating our website over to HTTPS (bloody nightmare but done now)

    It's gone pretty well, as always, lots more to get on with but, yeah, no games going on at the moment. I've kinda accepted that for the time being though.

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 07:42


    What did you get done this Month?
  • I completed coding a new game- an adventure game based on Manic Miner
  • I finally took time to play and finish a couple fo commercial games
  • ^^ One of which inspired me to write a similar style of game
  • I completed lots of DIY projects - most small, some not so much
  • Spent long periods complaining about shoddy workmanship and company communications (or rather the lack of)

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Pretty much


    What didn't you get done?
  • More DIY and decorating
  • Any real answers or apologies to problems

    Why not?
    Too busy elsewhere
    Because the company is shite.


    What are you working on right now?
    As above, a new game based on a game I completed recently (IronCast), although my game is completely different. More RPG and fantasy, rather than steampunk.

    How's that going?
    Very well.


    What's the plan for the next Month?
  • Continue to do more of the same
  • Win the lottery, big time
  • Give up work (but only if I do actually win the lottery big time!)
  • Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 08:46
    Where Manic Game, Where!?!?
    Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 09:04

    Created : 28 September 2017
    Edited : 28 September 2017
    System : Windows

    A Miner Adventure

    You are in a vast, eerily lit cavern.

    Windows Download
    Punching Robots Thread
    It's over on the RetroRemakes forum - https://lounge.punchingrobots.club/download/file.php?id=505

    It really is a text based adventure, based on Manic Miner. It has jumping over things and many references to rooms, enemies and situations from that game, while being it's very own thing.

    Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 09:36

    Additional : I really should pop into the RR forum more often, but I always feel like a giant fucking spambot, every time I do!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 10:30
    In case you haven't already worked it out - JUMP BUSH or JUMP OVER BUSH

    TBH Jay, nobody minds you spamming your games. At least you've been around and been a member of the community. Most visitors spam and then fuck off never to be heard from again.

    The RR forum is too quiet nowadays.
    Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 10:53
    So's this.
    ... bloody Twitter and Facebook. Grrrrrr

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Thu, 28 Sep 2017, 11:25
    What's being 'appening innit...

    Coding: Little bits, found some more little nuggets tucked away which I was playing with a couple of years ago when the mojo was strong... Musing about moving one over to monkey2

    Gaming: PSVR... Excellent

    Job: Well, I've never really mentioned it, but, one is now back working at home... Basically, I am now officially what is known as... ahem... A Fire Maintenance Technician! I got the job a month ago now, and 100% of the work they do is at the Nissan plant in Sunderland. Having to learn loads and loads, they are going to put me through courses and that, and yeah, been there nearly a month now and I'm enjoying it... Really attractive terms of employment, nice starter salary, which is reviewed every 6 months, and here's the beauty... 45 days holiday a year! \o/ gerrrr innnnnn!!! \o/

    Facebook: Off it, and it's nice to be as well, because basically, I'm a crank on there when I've had one or two too many... Dont know why, but I am, I'll be honest, I didnt know what was wrong with me, but, I've had a few meetings with a nice therapist, and yep, we've delved into my mind and, answers are being dragged out of there... I'm winning though... I'm not a lunatic or anything, I just needed a bit fine tuning, history makes cogs wonky, but we're straightening them!

    So, that's moi!


    Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
    Fri, 29 Sep 2017, 03:01
    I've always said social media brings out the worst in people.