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Socoder -> Off Topic -> New Visual Programming System been launched.

Tue, 15 May 2007, 09:12
I stumbled across this earlier this morning.
Tue, 15 May 2007, 09:34
More info on Scratch.



N.B. The server is a bit slow at the moment due to press coverage.
Tue, 15 May 2007, 09:43
That looks incredibly silly.



You couldn't do anything amazing with it, but it'd be good for teaching the kiddies all about If statements, and that jazz.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 15 May 2007, 09:53
@ Jay...

LOL... I wouldn't try making the next version of Halo with it !.
Tue, 15 May 2007, 11:37
Visual programming tools aren't all that new. Lego has a drag and drop style one with their Lego bricks, which can also be programmed in Java. There was an arty one this guy I knew told me about. He made music videos, and was a sort of visual artist. But it allowed him to mess with images without having to know how to program.

Looks a little like a cross between Greenfoot, with an RPG Maker style pre-defined list of commands, and fancy graphics. Honestly, I don't think it looks that great.
Tue, 15 May 2007, 14:04
power mousey

but as a certain genius of ancell
has said in reply to another post
concerning XNA:

"just as with cheese, it will mature with age"

Besides, I'm a big kid at heart. So this must be aimed
at me.

I was certainly impressed with this Professor Restnick.

thank you, steve for telling us. True.

Tue, 15 May 2007, 16:49
@ Kent... I knew that the Scratch Programming System would appeal to you, that's one of the reasons why I posted this thread. Enjoy .

|edit| True Brother Mousey, just like a cheese it will mature. Maybe it might mature like Gorgonzola. |edit|
Wed, 16 May 2007, 02:19
power mousey

and hey steve. the previous night at work,
I was talking with Matthew.

A few things he was telling me about. He saw the last five
minutes of this documentary on the Discovery Channel
about Bob Moog. Inventor and creator of the synthesizer back in the late 1960s' and 1970s'.


And then as our talking and sharing continued, he told me
me how he likes to play the Lego Star Wars series. And also
telling me about Lego Mindstorms as well.

hey, you know... highly coincidental and synchronistic
that you share and provide a link to this Scratch and
the creator behinD this development language. True!

But yes, it will be definitely improved and developed
more into a professional system. And yes, with third party
add ons and plug ins. So, you can definitely make that
Quake or Halo game that you want.
And in speaking about that and other 3d Shooters and the like, check this out. I downloaded it for the development
but mostly for the textures and the models.
