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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Switch Gadget

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Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 08:13
Jay - you've probably seen this, but if not - Linkage
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 08:13
It's a really interesting prospect, but I've paid SO MUCH for the complete iPad edition, I'm not sure I want to start spending it all again for the Switch version!

.. Plus, let's be honest, it won't be any bloomin' different!!

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Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 08:21
It'll likely lack a lot of the features you use, but it's a neat addition to the Switch library.
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 10:22

God damnit.. there goes the Nintendo Credit I was keeping for Jackbox5!

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Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 10:53
Changed your mind then?
Thu, 19 Apr 2018, 11:21
Possibly. Probably. I dunno..

... I just paid for a new iPad.
I can’t spend much more!!!!

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Fri, 20 Apr 2018, 08:31
is it me or is it not better to get an actual synth / drum machine rather than a software one on a console?

*waves hello, been a while*
Fri, 20 Apr 2018, 09:08
I agree for most of the "Just play"/Live synth/instruments, but KORG Gadget is a complete synth + editor + studio + composer thing.
It's like having a complete Mod Tracker, but with the added Synth included to create all the different sounds..

In use, it's much more like FLStudio than the usual KORG "Play/Quit" things, and in fact I was delighted when the original iPad version was released, as I found FLStudio Mobile on iOS to be .. kinda shit, if I'm honest, when it was originally released!

KORG Gadget was designed with touchscreens in mind, and is a lot more functional as a result, whereas FLStudio ended up being weirdly difficult to use, since it was designed with a more precise mouse+keyboard in mind.

As for the results, everything musical I've done since 2014 has been done on KORG Gadget - iPad.
a LOT of music! (everything from 2014 onwards)
SoundCloud (only a handful, as I have to keep deleting tracks due to SoundCloud-Free limits!)

I think I AM going to have to buy the Switch version, if only so I can say to people "Yes, it IS worth it", or alternatively "It's actually quite shit. Go and get the iOS version instead."
.. Depends how it goes!!

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Mon, 23 Apr 2018, 14:46
Things that are holding me back into buying a switch and Gadget is the fact that I probably need to buy instruments again. Also after buying a PSP years ago and almost never using it is something worrying. I would also probably need a extra memory card.

Not sure if a Switch is for me.
Mon, 23 Apr 2018, 16:09
Looks like I’ll be doing a complete test and writeup about it.. damn you Rockford!!!! .. so, come Thursday/Friday, or whenever it comes out, you should have a decent idea of what it's like compared to the iOS edition.

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Mon, 23 Apr 2018, 16:14
Great, I think thesoundtestroom does not do Switch video's so other sources of information is good!
Mon, 23 Apr 2018, 16:17
Well, you certainly know I’ll be giving an honest opinion.
If it's shit, I’ll tell you it's shit!
If it's a complete package at a bargain price, I’ll tell you that, too!!

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Mon, 23 Apr 2018, 20:11
I got curious and watched a couple of videos of it. It looks like you are stuck with the default instruments. I was not a fan of the vanilla version. When the im1 came out I felt the tool was a lot more capable.

It does seem fun to edit a song with 4 people as seen in the videos.
Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 00:20
I just checked twitter for news and people are posting a whole bunch of their #gadgetswitch songs. Seems like this is build in.

I amconsidering ordering a switch for gadget alone. So far I am getting a nice feeling about what I have seen until now.
Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 00:48
Hmm.. it's still not popped up in the eShop for me, yet..
I waited up til 1am, with no sign of it, and just checked after waking up, but still.. nope...

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Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 01:04
Getting a Switch is a good thing. Getting a Switch just for this gadget, is probably not. But yeah, get a Switch!
Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 01:24
I agree wholeheartedly. I’ve enjoyed gaming much more than in recent years, since getting the Switch, and it's not just been Mario and Zelda! ... There's been Sonic, too!

..still no sign of it in the eShop. Hopefully it pops up at 9..?

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Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 01:58
I would be interested in how many instruments can be used at the same time. I hope like at least 16 or so. Not sure if a switch has that much power.
Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 02:08
Still no #GadgetSwitch. Kinda getting a bit miffed..

|update:10am| Nope |update|
|update:11am| Still no Gadget |update|
|update:12pm| Still nothing |update|
|update:1pm| Still nothing |update|

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Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 07:09
2pm.. it's about fucking time!!!

Downloading now, thoughts soon.

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Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 08:28
The BIG issue
There is NO export.
There is also no import.
If you want to export anything at all, your options are..
A) 30 second video clip from the Switch's Capture button
B ) Output via audio cable to something that'll capture it.
C ) Capture HD video with a suitable capture device.
There is NO export..

Second issue
Although everything's been well designed to use the controller (and it works really quite well) the touchscreen has been abandoned.
Given Gadget was initially designed for the iPad, and worked REALLY well with the touchscreen, it's a bit of a shame they left that out.

General Thoughts
All the native Gadget synths are intact, and they all seem to sound identical to their iOS editions. Missing are things like Darwin which required a separate iOS app to integrate.
All instruments in all synths are available, and that includes the secondary "bonus" default packs which KORG added about a year ago, so there's oodles of sounds to choose from.
I mean, literally hundreds, maybe thousands of default sounds. Plus you can generate your own, by twiddling with the huge variety of knobs and dials, and even save your favourite instruments for future reuse.

The navigation works surprisingly well, and although it's slightly slower to do musical notation with the dpad, there are at least plenty of quick tools to help you out.
Most options are triggered with the X button, like changing bar lengths and things like that. Start button is used to flip between screens (Sequence, Piano Roll, Gadget knobs and switches) and the Y button is a universal play/pause.

As for Oomph, I tested it with 16 gadgets at once (the upper limit) each playing a four note chord, and it didn’t appear to be struggling at all, so it's more than capable of pushing out the notes.

Is it good?

Is it worth the price of entry?

For the price, you’re getting a TON of instruments to play with, on a wide range of synths. There are drums. There are chippy-tune sounds. There are warped synths of various shapes. And there's even Marseille which has a wide array of orchestral, brass and guitar sampled (I think!?!) sounds in it.
You really are getting a rather amazing suite of instruments, and a nice music editor to string them all together with.
If you like to make music on the go, this is .. good. But without export, it isn't as great as it could be.

Is it as good as the iPad edition?
No. Not without ANY export options. Also, the touchscreen is oddly lacklustre.
You can do a few twiddly things, like playing the little musical keyboard on the little synths, but knobs and dials all seem to be off limits, and require the controller. It's an odd half-assed approach, and given how wonderfully functional the iOS version's touchscreen is, I find it really odd that it doesn’t at least LET you use it properly on the Switch.
I understand the whole "But if it's in the dock, you can't use the touchscreen", but all that has been accounted for by use of the controller functionally. Leaving out touchscreen duplicate options is ... just weird.. especially when those were already in there, to begin with.

It's definitely second-place to the iOS version.

But if you enjoy playing with Music software, and don’t already have an iPad for the "better" version, then this is highly recommended.
Make good use of your Switch's power

But don't expect to export anything.

Hopefully they can fix that in a future update?!?...

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Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 08:45
Additional : In version 3 (I think) Gadget iOS got an FX upgrade, where you could add Delay/Distortion/Phaser/Flanger/etc to each channel.
That's (unless I just can't find it) seemingly missing on this edition.

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Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 09:10
A export option really makes things easier. But I am sure they wil add something like that in a few months.

But I have gotten a little less hyped. The Switch is rather a big purchase. Gadget is not extremely cheap also.

Good that there are a lot of instruments. I noticed in video's that knobbing around can get lots of variations.

Another question for you. Do I need to order a memory card to install this? Or would a default switch be enough just for gadget?

I am going to keep an eye on other reviews and usage video's to see if this is something for me. The metacritic score was not up yet.
Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 09:14
I didn’t think about the size.. just dumped it on the memory card I have!! lots of space!!
Looking into the info it's currently using about 600Mb, so it'll EASILY fit into the system itself without an additional memory card.
(But knowing how quickly the iOS edition expanded in size, that might not always be the case, once they start adding to it.)

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Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 20:20
I decided to just buy Flstudio mobile for my android phone. I also got the inapp with orchestral instruments. Now when the ipad is recharging I can use the android phone for some composing.

I will keep track of the gadgetswitch updates and see if this might be something for the future. In a few months there was also a programming language coming on the switch. Maybe then it wil be more reasonable to get a switch.
Thu, 26 Apr 2018, 22:49
Ahhhh, but do these snazzle fangled composing apps come with pipes and flip flops?


If not... Pfffttttttttt!!!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
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