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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Finding a Job for Spinal

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Thu, 19 Jul 2018, 11:08
Sorry to hear that. So many closures in recent years, but it's all the worse when it hits people you know.

Hope you can find something suitable, soon.

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Thu, 19 Jul 2018, 13:04
I heard that a certain brand that stretches your pound is looking to buy up a large number of PW stores.
Sat, 21 Jul 2018, 12:42
Well, today we tried a 'fill a plastic bag for £5' sale. Went from a full store to an empty one in about 6 hours.

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Sat, 21 Jul 2018, 13:12
But must be really depressing seeing it that empty. Makes it all the more real.

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Mon, 23 Jul 2018, 09:16
"Because of the recent change in data protection rules, we can't accept C.V's anymore, you have to apply online"...

Bollocks, if anything it would be the other way around.
Also, they only let you apply if they CURRENTLY have a vacancy. In my day (hehe) we kept hold of C.V's for future reference, generally until that person accepted/turned down a job offer, or we simply lost it in all of the other office paperwork. None of this getting ebay-sniped for basic low payed jobs.

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Mon, 23 Jul 2018, 10:41
Mon, 30 Jul 2018, 06:45
Just been to enquire about signing for jobseekers allowance. Was given an outdated leaflet telling me to visit http://www.gov.uk/benefits - which doesn't exist Luckily unlike probably the vast majority of people who get sent there, I have a reasonable grasp if the internet.

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Mon, 30 Jul 2018, 13:48
It's called Universal Credit now.
Mon, 30 Jul 2018, 14:06
Pah! Names might change, but we’ll still call them Opal Fruits, Marathon, Poll Tax..

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Fri, 03 Aug 2018, 09:47
Well, that was fun. I get a txt telling me I'd need to join their job search website, know my email address and have a copy of my V.C for my first jobcentre appointment.
What they REALLY meant was that I'd need my C.V, photo ID, proof of address, print out of my P45, copy of my redundancy letter...
Needless to say, it's rescheduled for next week.

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Mon, 06 Aug 2018, 16:05
Any news on the jobfront?
Tue, 07 Aug 2018, 02:05
Nah, nothing just now. A local store has been wanting staff, but their online application had timed out by the time I found it and guess what? Can't accept C.V's in store because GDPR. So I just have to keep an eye on their website for them to re-post the application.
I've applied for a few jobs locally, problem is everything local is part time, I I go for part time, I want it to be within walking distance, because once you take into account travel expenses it isn't really worth it.

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Tue, 07 Aug 2018, 02:46
Yeah, Part Time's only worth it if you're not having to spend a fortune to do it in the first place.
Hope you can find something soon.
*fingers crossed*

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Tue, 07 Aug 2018, 02:47
The job has been re-posted, filling in the online form now.

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Tue, 07 Aug 2018, 02:48
Good Luck!
Tue, 07 Aug 2018, 03:01
Not sure why the hell they have *mandatory questions about sexual orientation and religion, They have no relevance for selling phones. Not that it bothers me for them to know, but still...

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Tue, 07 Aug 2018, 03:04
Good luck.
Wed, 08 Aug 2018, 02:53
Well, this is interesting, Got to 'stage 2' so now I have to answer 64 'quick' questions. All either/or answers that can not be answered in an either/or manner.

"I am generally happy most of the time"


"I tend to know the best way to approach a task"

Can't click both, can't click neither. For me this one is easy, my happiness usually outweighs my knowledge, but in general, these questions are unanswerable!

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Wed, 08 Aug 2018, 02:55
What a really odd selection of answers..!
Wed, 08 Aug 2018, 03:01
Here's another good one...

"When playing a game, winning is the most important thing to me"


"I dislike being told what to do"


I don't mind not winning, I know my gaming skills are terrible. Also, the whole point of a job is to have someone tell you what to do, I have no issues there either.

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Wed, 08 Aug 2018, 08:03
Wed, 08 Aug 2018, 11:14
The worlds a mess, so this sort of crap doesnt surprise me, all I'll say, quite confidently, is that someone somewhere has probably made a bag full of money from this sort of bollockness, and they are laughing their head off!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Wed, 08 Aug 2018, 11:41
No fair.. Why can't I be an unscrupulous money-grabbing selfish bastard?!!?

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Mon, 27 Aug 2018, 06:51
Got an interview at a local bank tomorrow for their version of customer assistant. It will be my first ever 'shirt and tie' job interview. This might not go very well.

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Mon, 27 Aug 2018, 07:04
Eeek! Professional!!!
Good luck
Mon, 27 Aug 2018, 07:36
I'm particularly bad at "tell me a little about yourself", "when have you worked well in a team" "what strengths would you bring to the job" etc. as I generally prefer my own company, I have very little idea about my strengths/weaknesses and of course have probably the worst memory in the whole human race. So "name a time when x happened and you overcame it..." unless it happened within the last few days, I'm completely stumped.

It doesn't help much that my brain goes here when asked that question....

However, if I spend enough time on it, I can eventually iron a shirt.

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