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Socoder -> In-Development -> AGAW - Foldapuz

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Wed, 14 Nov 2018, 05:25
Is there a limit to cookie sizes? I was wondering on how to store mb’s of level data for my voxel game myself with monkey 2. With minecraft the level sizes I have after playing on a map for 200 hours is around 12mb now. But they probably have superb techniques.
Wed, 14 Nov 2018, 09:37

Things seemed to go fairly well, but with numerous issues, mostly down to the iPhing being a bitch!!!

But I've made a start, so.. yeay!!

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Wed, 14 Nov 2018, 12:35
All that effort, and it doesn't seem to work, at all, on Android.
Bah, humbug!!

Aw well.. another day.

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Thu, 15 Nov 2018, 08:20


Android is a go!

OK, now I just need to add a GUI, and figure out how to do all the zoom+scroll stuff..

And then work out how to save the data!


... Oh dear god, help me!!!

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Thu, 15 Nov 2018, 11:32
Reading up on LocalStorage.
A bit of data compression, and things should be doable.

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Thu, 15 Nov 2018, 14:32
Coming together fairly well.
Need to add scrolling, and there's also some kind of weird clipping stuff happening to the edges on certain displays.. I expect that's a shitty maths error somewhere.
Still haven't tackled saving, either, yet!

You can Try it Out if you'd like.
Should run on most things. Let me know if it doesn't!

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Fri, 16 Nov 2018, 07:25
Fucking Zoom!!
Fri, 16 Nov 2018, 18:00
OK, the touchscreen pinch-scrolling and zooming is now about 80% done.
Now I just need to shift the image based on the center of the pinch-zoom...!!

Good grief, this shit is NOT easy!
(And the code's a fucking mess, at this point)

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Fri, 16 Nov 2018, 19:18
Woot.. Things are looking much more capable, now.
The zoom/scroll is a little too fast on smaller devices, but it does at least work. I now need to figure out how to extract physical screen size vs resolution via the browser..

... Yeah, I don't think that's happening! You never know, though.

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Sat, 17 Nov 2018, 03:56
OK, loading and saving works.. (fucking hell!!!)

The site autosaves every time it calls PenUp(), and then loads when you reload the page.

localStorage() is fairly easy to use, and seems to work well enough.
Not sure what happens when I hit the limit, though, but given how many doodle-points will have to be used up to reach that limit, I think I'm ok..
.. .. Maybe..
...... eek!!

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Sat, 17 Nov 2018, 11:22
Everything I can find online is telling me to draw a rectangle of "1 inch", then test how big it is in pixels, but that definitely isn't working on iOS. I think because the os is doing fancy Retina Scaling of all values, and that's fucking it up.

.. Oh joy..

Have spent most of today working on scaling and that damn scroll/zoom stuff. I think it's gradually getting worse!!!

Anyway, there's a basic game-select on the top right, now.
I need to decide the best way to switch between the 8 possible "pages", now. Running out of space on the menu, though!


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Wed, 21 Nov 2018, 08:42


This has fucked me over, about 50+ times, today!

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Wed, 21 Nov 2018, 12:14

View on YouTube

This is doing my flamin' head in!!!

Please give it a whirl on your own Android device, and let me know if yours does it, too.

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Wed, 21 Nov 2018, 13:32
It's definitely my reliance on cheapshit android devices that's causing this issue!!

Top tip, check the touchscreen before you buy!

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Wed, 21 Nov 2018, 18:18
"Foldapuz - Unfolded" is now live, albeit still in need of a few tweaks, here and there.

On the top right are buttons to select the type of puzzle, and the puzzle's page/slot.
From there, you've got 4 colours, an eraser, a button to align the page, an undo button and a delete button.
I REALLY need to add an "Are you sure?" to the delete button!!

Other things I could do with doing include allowing for "Show Yesterday's Solution" as well as accounting for different timezones. Everything's currently forced UK time.

.. And then there's that damn zooming which still isn't perfect. Grrr!

But, otherwise, most things seem like they're working ok.
If you do give it a go, let me know how you get on.

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Thu, 22 Nov 2018, 15:53
Zooming's getting ever so closer, and I rearranged the menu a little.
Things are definitely looking a bit more feature-complete.

Aye, I'm quite happy with how that's turned out!

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Tue, 27 Nov 2018, 14:45
Rejigged the main Foldapuz page a bit, today, but ... I dunno, craptastic design skills

I think I could do with making better icons, too.
Maybe time to sit down and actually put some effort into design for a change.

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Wed, 09 Jan 2019, 17:14
Foldapuz is now up to 27 games, and .. I think I've run out of steam!!
I spent about 2 hours, last night, trying to come up with a new logic puzzle.
"Leapfrog" would see you hopping over objects like that old marble solitaire puzzle, but it seems my head has now switched back to videogame mode!! No matter how hard I tried, I simply couldn't find a way to make that work with pen and paper..
In the end, I gave up. I've jotted down a couple of thoughts in my Foldapuz notes note, but I can't quite wrap my head around the scribbled logic of the idea.

Bah, humbug.

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Thu, 10 Jan 2019, 03:29
Love seeing how far this has progressed
Sun, 13 Jan 2019, 22:06
Hurray, a new maths puzzle..

Maths Maze

A target is given beneath. Starting from the middle, use the maths equations shown as you move from square to square.
The goal should be reachable within just 4 moves..

Full sheet's worth

I was nodding off at about 12:30am, when this idea popped into my head.
I tried to sleep.
I really really tried..
But by 3am, I gave up trying to sleep, sat up, grabbed the laptop, and it's now 2 hours later..


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Thu, 17 Jan 2019, 07:17
A few days ago, I decide that the single flat-file .html of updates was getting a little chaotic.
It's been quite an adventure, deciding how best to cope with all these updates, and I figured it'd be nice to create some kind of Foldapuz specific blog to host them all.
But that means writing a whole blog setup.
Surely there has to be a quicker and easier way!?!

.. Of course! I HAVE a blog, and I've coded the thing myself, so I can do whatever the hell I want to it, to wrangle it to be exactly what I need for this purpose!

In the end, the only thing I've currently done is add a "Foldapuz Blog" tag, which collects all the necessary posts into an easily listable series of posts that can easily be linked to from the main site, along with a "JNKsg Blog" for that Sprite Generator thing that I still haven't yet given a proper name to, but which seems to be sticking with JNKsg!!

Foldapuz now has a blog, and so does my JNKsg Sprite Generator thing, and each one handles comments and things, too, because they're part of the main AGameAWeek Blog. \o/yeay\o/

Sometimes the simpler ideas work better than having to write an entirely new set of blog scripts!!

Later on, I'll probably tweak the script so that it changes theme to match the Foldapuz/JNKsg styles a little better. But.. Having to post and hack the database (to change the dates on the posts!) has already taken about 3 bloomin' hours!!

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Sat, 19 Jan 2019, 16:45

PHP has a really handy function that's GREAT for doing Anagrams.

count_chars(string,1) returns an array, with each letter in string being returned with the number of repetitions.. eg "lolly" returns l3,o1,y1
If you do a very simple comparison, you instantly know if they're an anagram


And it's seemingly quite fast, too, letting me scan my entire massive 170,000 word list multiple times per second.
Gud Gud!!!

.... so, now I just need to come up with a game that uses it..

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Mon, 10 Jun 2019, 17:31
Having finally decided on a half-baked schedule for all my crazy insanity, Foldapuz is back to being updated much more frequently.

The collection is now up to 34 puzzles with the latest additions of "Extra Letters", an anagram game (making full use of the previous findings), and "Rikudo", a maze/number/logic thing!

Feels good to get back into the swing of things, but.. geeze, is it getting hard to find decent puzzles!!

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Tue, 30 Jul 2019, 10:37

View on YouTube

A simple maze puzzle, this week.
Find your way, one step at a time!

Browser Mode - Full Sheet

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Tue, 30 Jul 2019, 13:32
I think they recently invented ai that could invent games. But I think that was for games like soccer etc.

There is bound to be a lot of puzzles created in the thousands of years humans have been around. Not sure if there is a location where they are showcased.
Tue, 30 Jul 2019, 15:00
There is now!!
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