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Socoder -> On Topic -> AGameAWeek 2019

Sun, 13 Jan 2019, 15:58

AGameAWeek 2019

Off we go again!
Having tweaked the absolute bare minimum in my framework, and not really had time for much more, it's already 2019, and already time to get things going once again.
Oh dear god, help me!!!

I fully intend to release a version of the framework soon, but time hasn't been great over the past couple of weeks. The insanity of the Advent thing, coupled with Xmas and family and whatnot, and then starting on this rather large game.. It's all been a bit chaotic. But I'll aim to get the release ready ASAP.

In the meantime.. On with the games!

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Sun, 13 Jan 2019, 16:02

Created : 13 January 2019
Edited : 13 January 2019
System : Cross Platform
Language : C/C++


Blast the Barrels, Save the World

Windows Download
Other Downloads
This is a sequel to the earlier game, Futrino.
Scour the world, blasting away at barrels, to try to find the three hidden floppy disks within each level.
Take the disks home to save the level, and move on to the next.

There are two game modes, Arcade and Explorer. Arcade has smaller levels whilst Explorer contains much more lengthy worlds to explore.
Hopefully you can find the right mode for you.

Mon, 14 Jan 2019, 03:44
Tue, 15 Jan 2019, 09:09
11,905!! FFS, Steve!!
Tue, 15 Jan 2019, 09:49
I like it!

The wall graphics are nice.
Tue, 15 Jan 2019, 10:33
Indeed. Lots of Sprite Generator usage in this game.
Walls, Barrels and Baddies!! Oh, yeah, and the Gems and Weapon Icons, too..

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Tue, 15 Jan 2019, 10:54
Jayenkai 11,905!! FFS, Steve!!

Mon, 21 Jan 2019, 13:31

Created : 21 January 2019
Edited : 21 January 2019
System : Cross Platform
Language : C/C++

Orbital Annihilation

Blast the Planets

Windows Download
Other Downloads
You've blasted off in a bad mood, and are taking it out on all the living things in the system.
Blast the targeted planet to score extra bonus points.

Why? 'cos Videogames!!


- Tilt a bit
- Shoot a missile

This game's just a simple Highscore-Battler, really, but I think it turned out quite nicely.
Given I only started it a few days ago, and had no flaming idea what the hell I was coding, it's not a bad little game.

Wed, 06 Feb 2019, 11:23
For the past couple of weeks, I've been trying my damndest to get a Chess Puzzle game working, but .. In the end, it failed, mostly because I didn't quite plan ahead well enough, and my own AI code became horribly confounded!
Bah, humbug..
Instead, then, I've opted to make a game that I KNOW will work a little better.

After months (literally months!) of trying to decide the best way to draw the background, (without my rubbish 3DS screen making it blurry as all hell) I've finally come up with a neat enough representation of the classic "Grass and Stars" graphical style.


Today's test : Timing.

View on YouTube


Nailed it!!

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Fri, 08 Feb 2019, 08:01

Created : 08 February 2019
Edited : 08 February 2019
System : Cross Platform
Language : C/C++

Classic SpikeDislike

Th3 classic bounce-em-up returns

Windows Download
Other Downloads
The classic bounce-em-up returns!


- Move

Fri, 08 Feb 2019, 14:23
Blimey!, I forgot how hard that game is.
Mon, 11 Feb 2019, 06:50
A slight detour, this week.
Someone emailed me asking for a card game, and when I looked into ways to get my Framework to handle a deck of cards, the results weren't good.
The framework's great at tiles, and tons of little sprites and even a decent selection of big sprites.. But a large selection of large card sprites had it at breaking point.

So.. What to do..?

Start a new framework, with the intent of getting a bunch of card games working in the browser!!

This will, hopefully, be for Card/Board games what Foldapuz is for Pen'n'Paper puzzles.

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Wed, 13 Feb 2019, 13:18
New framework continues to grow.
I've added basic drag'n'drop to the card code, today, but have yet to deal with "rules", and .. it's still a little quirky in places!!
But it's a good enough start, I reckon.

same link

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Mon, 18 Feb 2019, 14:33
The "Shoebox of Games" is coming along rather well.
Spider Solitaire seems mostly competent, now, and you shouldn't find any glaring flaws..
Same link!

Saves should be functioning well enough, too, so the "framework" is at least functioning as it oughta.

Coming soon, a more functional menu system, and alt game-modes for Spider Solitaire (number of Suits)

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Wed, 20 Feb 2019, 11:27
Bloody 'ell, I only got sound working on iOS..!!!

Might have to see about getting that going in the Emscripten stuff, next.

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Thu, 21 Feb 2019, 08:32
Tried my hands on string.

Thu, 21 Feb 2019, 11:45
Instructions coming to Framework, next, methinks!!!

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Sat, 23 Feb 2019, 19:29
Last few tweaks to Strings are finished, and the new "end of round" scoreboard is mostly working.
Again, the hardest part of this being how to account for all the different future games I'd like to implement into the "shoebox"...
I really do need to fix up this screen, though.
So much space, but, it's cramped into a tiny space.. d'oh..

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Mon, 08 Jul 2019, 05:43
Last year, after I started Foldapuz, AGameAWeek took a bit of a detour.. I wasn't particularly proud of switching from "Proper AGameAWeek" to the smaller form of pen and paper games.
But they certainly helped to up the numbers, so that's ok!

This year, I started with a plan to make "Proper AGameAWeek", but then Shoebox of Games interfered, and now I'm even considering making a browser based "Arcade'y games" collection to go with Shoebox.

I've not done a "Proper AGameAWeek" downloadable game since February.
Shockingly bad..

On the other hand..
> Reveal 🔎

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Tue, 09 Jul 2019, 09:37
Bah, humbug..
It was going SO well.

Firefox is apparently not caching anything, even though I've told it to do so.
Completely breaks both Browsercade and Shoebox..

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Sat, 13 Jul 2019, 18:16
Started the lengthy task of adding Shoebox and Foldapuz games to my AGameAWeek archive.

Each game requires 2 screenshots, a logo, an icon, and a neat little combo thing that works as a banner/icon for the game,
Then I have to upload it to the site, tweak (database access..) the date on the post to match roughly when the game was released, and write a short description, and add links and such.

It's taken all sodding day to go through the Foldapuz games.
Tomorrow, Shoebox's turn..

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Sun, 14 Jul 2019, 08:34

Finished.. Took about 4 hours to do all the Shoebox games.

What a lovely number of games!

The AGameAWeek Archive now lists all Foldapuz and Shoebox games, and is ready for when I start doing Browsercade games, too.

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Sat, 16 Nov 2019, 07:11
I keep forgetting to post each game, here, so I might as well start reposting my weekly Twitter/Facebook posts here, instead.

I only made three games, again, this week.
*sigh* Lazy Jay!

For @Browsercade, I made a simple scrolling vertical shooter.

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You can play Airborne Mercenary in your Browser, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet

Over on @Foldapuz, this week's new puzzle sees you trying to combine the 3-letter fish, with the 4-letter sign, to make 7-letter words.

You can print out sheets of the puzzle at https://foldapuz.com/cDcDcDcDcDcDcDcD
or play it in your browser at https://foldapuz.com/unfolded/cD0

Meanwhile, my #PetitCom game for the week is Roadster.

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If you have #SmileBASIC on your #NintendoSwitch, you can grab the game using the #SBKey : 4N4AEEE33

And that's all for this week.
The Shoebox game was started, but then I had a sodding 12 hour sleep, last night, so... that's that out the window!

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Sat, 23 Nov 2019, 07:15
This week's collection of AGameAWeek craziness.

For Browsercade, I recreated the Army of Flags.
Attack the enemy, and take back your flags.

View on YouTube
You can play the game in your browser, on Desktop, Mobile or Tablet.

Over on Foldapuz, this week's release (Mathrax) asks you to fill in the grid with numbers 1 to 5.

View on YouTube
You can print out sheets of the puzzle at https://foldapuz.com/cEcEcEcEcEcEcEcE
or play it in your browser https://foldapuz.com/unfolded/cE0

For the Nintendo Switch, this week, I made the game BreakPeg

View on YouTube
If you have PetitCom/SmileBASIC, you can download the game using the SBKey 48KXVA344

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Sun, 24 Nov 2019, 02:48
Yay!, Peganoid