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Socoder -> On Topic -> AGAW - Shoebox of Games

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Mon, 25 Feb 2019, 08:30

Shoebox of Games

As my Javascript skills slowly grow to be something vaguely useful, I've decided to create a series of mouse/touch-only games, in the style of an old games compendium.

The entire collection will (hopefully!) be done using not much more than barebones Javascript, and will probably completely knacker itself should Google decide that Javascript is pure evil, or something stupid like that.
But, until that happens, here's a nice little collection of games.

Games so far.

Card Games
  • Klondike (Windows) Solitaire
  • Spider Solitaire

    Word Games
  • Strings

    So far, everything seems mostly functional, but goodness knows how long that will last.

    You can play Shoebox here.
    Best played whilst laid back on the couch, running on a nice big Tablet!

    More games are on the way, but they all need coded, so .. you know.. time and shit!
    If you've any game suggestions, do let me know. I'm mostly aiming for card games, word games, board games.. that sort of thing, but if it's mouse/touch compatible, and works randomly (because the menu system is NOT set up to handle Levels!!) then send the suggestions my way!

    (Note : I've opted to give this its own thread, as it's going to be expanding over time.. .. I think!!)

    If you spot any glaring errors, do be sure to let me know, and if it's not working on your device, post as much detail as you can.

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  • Thu, 14 Mar 2019, 10:16
    Latest Shoebox updates.

    There are now 3 Card games
  • Klondike
  • Spider
  • Trail

    1 Word game
  • Strings

    3 Extra games
  • Same Game
  • Leapfrog
  • and Credits, which includes the "Rush Hour" game


    Shoebox is playable here

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  • Mon, 25 Mar 2019, 19:08
    More enhancements to the overall engine, a new AI character named AL, and a couple of new games. There's a Connect Four clone with the AI character, a Yahtzee clone, and I've just added in a Word Tubes game where you need to build the words up, backwards..

    This collection is growing!!
    ..and regular AGameAWeek is being neglected.. hmm..

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    Thu, 25 Apr 2019, 15:49
    Crikey, have I not updated this in a whole month!?!


    The games list now stands at a nice count of 18 games.

    Card Games
    Klondike Solitaire
    Spider Solitaire
    Accordion Solitaire

    Word Games
    Strings (Find words within the grid)
    Score Rack (Typical Anagram game)
    Word Tubes (Build words back to front)

    Board Games
    Snakes and Ladders
    Board of Spikes (SpikeDislike, The BoardGame!)

    Misc Games
    Dice Rolls (Yahtzee)
    Four-in-a-Row (Connect Four)
    Cardagain (My first ever iOS game!!)
    Reversi (/Othello)

    Same Game
    Match 3
    Rush Hour
    Flipped Puzzle (Polarium from the DS's launch)

    A lovely selection!

    The Shoebox has now also got one of those newfangled "domain" things, ShoeboxOfGames.com, and has been bulked up with all manner of fancypants Caching, so (hopefully, unless I've stuffed it up) it should be playable even when you're offline... So, it's great for Mobile devices.

    Be sure to "Add to Home Screen" (or however it is that your mobile device words it) to get the best fullscreen experience!

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    Fri, 03 May 2019, 17:28

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    Gawd, this has taken WAY too long to get even as half-functional as it is..
    Still got loads of actual gameplay to work, but I'm fairly happy that the AI is now at least happening nice and fast, and not causing my poor little laptop's fan to kick into overdrive!!

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    Sat, 04 May 2019, 00:51
    Ooh Polarium! Loved that BITD
    Wed, 15 May 2019, 04:17

    Card Games

    Klondike Solitaire
    Spider Solitaire
    Accordion Solitaire
    Beleaguered Castle Solitaire
    Golf Solitaire

    Word Games

    Strings (Find words within the grid)
    Score Rack (Typical Anagram game)
    Word Tubes (Build words back to front)
    Crosswords (Scrabble)
    Crossword Golf (Scrabble, but with a target)

    Board Games

    Snakes and Ladders
    Board of Spikes (SpikeDislike, The BoardGame!)

    Misc Games

    Dice Rolls (Yahtzee)
    Four-in-a-Row (Connect Four)
    Cardagain (My first ever iOS game!!)
    Reversi (Othello)


    Same Game
    Match 3
    Rush Hour
    Flipped Puzzle (Polarium from the DS's launch)
    Shuffled Tracks (Locomotion)
    Score My Words (Scrabble Scoreboard)

    Shoebox of Games

    Scrabble-clone, "Crossword game", is done, and a couple of companion games, as well as a semi-clone of the 8-bit game Locomotion!

    24 games!?!
    Well, technically only 22, since Crossword Golf and Score My Words are just a reuse of the Scrabble Clone stuff.. But still.. Woot!!

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    Wed, 15 May 2019, 21:08
    I loved Locomotion. Hard as fuck later on, but a cracking puzzler.
    Tue, 21 May 2019, 03:42
    This week, I've chosen to tackle the long forgotten game, "The Quest", which was a game I wrote way back in 2005, based on the classic HeroQuest board game.

    I've barely started, but the dungeon layout generator seems to be working nicely enough, and I'm already reusing a lot of the assets from the original, so will likely continue to use the characters from there, too.

    Today I need to check the characters do indeed fit the style, and then get the layout generator to build a proper quest that can be enjoyed.
    Then it's adding in all the super-happy-fun action stuff!!

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    Tue, 21 May 2019, 05:41
    I just downloaded and played the old version. I had not seen that one yet. I was a little bit confused dying right away when the game started but I needed to create a character first.

    The controls were a little bit getting used to but I was able to clear a couple of rooms before I died.

    Also - Maybe adjust the character/npc graphics a little bit so they stand out more?

    Nice that Blitz games still work from that time
    Tue, 21 May 2019, 09:38

    Jay's 2005 attempts at doing 3D rendering, with horribly garish textures, and a lack of 3D abilities!
    Shame I didn't keep the 3D scene/object files, as I could've fixed these up and reused them..

    Bah, humbug.

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    Tue, 21 May 2019, 15:01

    I might cheat, and mute the floor tiles a little, so the characters stand out.. Rather than attempt to make the sprites "pop" any more than they are.

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    Tue, 21 May 2019, 17:40
    I can make them out very easily. It was a bit more harder on the blitz windowed exe on fhd.

    I like games like this!
    Sat, 22 Jun 2019, 11:45
    Thoughts on "Tower Solitaire"
    For regular Solitaire players this version might need some time to get used to as the card that is required to build the tower is not one less or one more of the cards in stack but follows a simple rule. Even though the rule looks simple it requires patience and strategy from the player to score a win.

    I managed to win a total of 5 times, 4 times in PC and 1 in mobile. One time I managed to get the entire tower with hearts cards.
    One more screenshot just before the win
    I felt the four tower version is much more enjoyable than the other 2.

    If no valid moves are left the game doesn't end.
    The following 2 modes (house rules can be interesting to add)
    1. In the tower a provision to swap 2 cards if they don't have any cards on top.
    2. If there is a stack empty in one of the 3 stacks, then cards can be dropped on to the empty stack from other non empty stack.

    Overall a very addictive, fun and fast Solitaire game.
    Sat, 22 Jun 2019, 12:02
    I don't think I know that game. Looks and sounds interesting
    Sat, 22 Jun 2019, 12:06
    I'm not sure it exists.. it's really hard to google for solitaire games!!
    Went for a nap, a couple of days ago, and woke up with that in my head.

    If anyone knows if it preexists, do let me know wtf I made!!

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    Sat, 22 Jun 2019, 14:07
    Added both swaps.
    Draw Pile swaps can be done from/to any pile.
    Tower swaps can only be done between free cards, and will only work between cards on the same row.

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    Sun, 23 Jun 2019, 09:39
    Even with the swap feature not able to win the six tower.
    So close but so far

    Bad Strategy

    Need some break. Will try some other time.
    Sun, 23 Jun 2019, 11:13
    5 tower seems manageable

    Sun, 23 Jun 2019, 13:07
    Yeah, I've done 5 a few times. Still no 6, though..

    I'm not making it any easier, though! The balance seems "just right" for 5.
    .. I think!

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    Mon, 24 Jun 2019, 09:14


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    Mon, 24 Jun 2019, 09:27

    Got a second win!!!

    Haven't changed anything, today. Just needed to rethink my strategy a little.
    6 Tower is definitely doable.

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    Tue, 02 Jul 2019, 11:03
    Played Space battles for some time and thanks to a lenient AI I was able to win most of the times.

    I was very surprised that it takes quite some time for the player and the AI to find the first target. When the AI finds a target it doesn't go all out destroying the entire target at one go.
    The setup of the ships is very intuitive, the start button appears only when all the ships are placed within the tiles.
    I think a delay would be good before showing the "You win" screen to take a screenshot. Some sort of gradient coloring to the ships would be nice.
    A good addition to the shoeboxofgames collection.
    Tue, 02 Jul 2019, 11:31
    "You sank my Battleship!!!"

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    Tue, 02 Jul 2019, 12:55
    I was aiming to get the "Extra sound effect loading" stuff working this week, specifically for that reason!!
    But.. Nah, didn't have the time.. Too frickin' hot, all week, to do any proper coding, and the damn game needed about 17,000 layers of GUI before it'd work properly!!!!

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    Sat, 06 Jul 2019, 04:45

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    You can Play Dots and Squares in the One On One section of the Shoebox.

    Fact : Shoebox games don't make for the most interesting videos!! The same is true for Foldapuz games.

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