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Socoder -> C/C++/C#/Other -> My First... Windows App

Sun, 22 Oct 2006, 02:44
I just started raedng my book, "Teach yourself Game Programming in 21 Days with DirectX". It starts off with creating a simple window. So i went and downloaded MS VC++ EE and installed it. Then, I got the PSDK that i needed for it. I then did the following (there may be a problem here, please tell me if you see something wrong):

project properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories. In there, i linked to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Include", the default location of the Include files.


project properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Include Directories. Ine there, i linked to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Lib", the default location of the libs.

Then i copied and pasted the code given in the book into my C++ file in that project, and lo and behold, there were errors. I am thinking they maybe compatability errors? the book uses "MS's latest version of C++, Visual C++ .NET", an older version of what i have, i believe?

I managed to tweak the code so that it would run, window title bar and the class name are GIBBERISH. You see, i had to modify these to get the damn thing to atleast run. In the book, they are defined:

and also in this funtion:

What I did to to make it work was:


I am doing something wrong, aren't I?

Here is the full code (with no tweaks):

Does this work for anyone? Anyone gonna fix it for meh

Sun, 22 Oct 2006, 13:26
Ahh, some guys on gamedev managed to help me. Basically, i had to get rid of the LPCWSTR that i had shoved in, and press Alt-F7 and change one of the properties to multi-byte something or other.. yeah .. but it works
Sun, 22 Oct 2006, 14:56
You know what... That code is too darn C++ for me!!

If it weren't for the DS stuff, I wouldn't be touching it!

''Load, Next List!''