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Socoder -> Sony Gaming -> PS4 Thoughts

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Sun, 21 Jun 2020, 10:05

PS4 Thoughts

So I tried Remote Desktop, and that worked well enough, and I tried Rainway on the PC and that kinda worked, but my PC (2015 MacMini) isn't exactly top-notch as far as specs go.

Then I remembered that PS4 has Remote Play, and double checked that it worked on iOS, and .. yeah, good to go.
So.. um..
Bought one of those, then..

PS4Pro, 1TB

The PS4's hooked up to the main telly downstairs, and I tested Remote Play from my bedroom at the upstairs rear of the house.

Test number one, of course, is Parappa, and it worked flawlessly,
A precise rhythm game was always going to be the most impacted by lag, yet I was able to play through the demo's first level without a hitch.

Next, I tried Wipeout, and that was visually great, but I'm completely out of practice having not played Wipeout since the PS1, and I spent the test period scraping against the wall.

.. then the joypad battery conked out. It was on the lowest bar when it arrived. I'm leaving it to charge..

Pros and cons

Pro : Well, it works!! We'll see how far I can go with it.

Con : To activate the controller for iPad syncing, you need to hold Share and PSButton. If you accidentally tap just PSButton, then the controller turns on the PS4, and you have no visual ability to turn it back off, unless you turn on the telly and switch it over to the PS4.. which is less than ideal..
I might look into unpairing the controller from the PS4 permanently, to stop that from happening.

Pro : I can record footage using iPad's screen capture. That's neat!

Con : Call of Duty came with it.

Pro : Lots of demos on the storefront. Parappa demo has been played, as has wipeout, and I've grabbed a few more to play later.
I notice that both Parappa 1&2 are available on the store, so I might grab both. But, realistically, I should probably buy some new games, instead! .. silly price of a PS4Pro, though, hasn't left me with much!

Con : DVD playback is horrendously bad quality! Not sure what that's about.

Pro : Nice and quiet, so far. Haven't noticed a giant fan noise like the X360 did!

Con : I've read that it can't play PS1 games, which is odd. Haven't tried that, mind. Might do..

I'll post more, later, once I've charged the controller a bit.

Tip : to turn off the controller once it's connected to your iPhing/Android, simply toggle the device's Bluetooth off and on again, and the PS4 controller goes "oh, ok!!" and switches itself off.

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Sun, 21 Jun 2020, 10:09
"You know the PS5's out in, like, 3 or 4 months, right??!"

Yeah. I was unsure, but decided that, given I'm not playing on the TV, and am streaming it to an iPad, any visual fidelity given by the PS5 might end up being somewhat worthless.

But.. if I can play this for more than 10 minutes at a time without vomiting, I might consider upgrading at some point.

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Sun, 21 Jun 2020, 10:15
"What games are you planning on getting?"

Elite and No Man's Sky are definite. There's really nothing alike on Switch.
Not sure I can withstand the 3D though. Could really do with a demo for them.. :/
Spiderman's on that same list of "might make me vomit" games.

Not sure.
Any recommendations?

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Sun, 21 Jun 2020, 10:52

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Sun, 21 Jun 2020, 16:57
Navigating the store whilst it's downloading half a dozen demos, and also trying to keep a stream going between itself and your iPad.. .. doesn't go very well!! Either that or the store was so busy that it completely froze up to hell and back on its own!
I think shopping will have to be left to "actually on the device" times.

Tonight I've played the following demos.

1. Medievil - for about the same 2 or 3 minutes that I remember playing the original PS1 demo, before getting bored and turning it off.

2. DJMax Respect - A Bemani-sequel game. nothing magical. I have the game MUSYNX on my iPad, and that's infinitely better.

3. Horizon something-or-other (Chase?) - A retro styled racer. Was quite good. Enjoyed that. But can't exactly warrant buying a PS4Pro based on a game that looks like something from the 80s. .. .. can I?

4. Kingdom Hearts 3 - Haven't played any of the previous games, but had a general idea on the plot. Square meets Disney, and chaos ensues. The game itself is a frantic beat-em-up thing inside a large arena. Quite fun.

5. Project Cars 2 - Gawd, I remember when this came up at E3 and they spent the entire presentation wanking over a car. I had that in my head whilst trying to play this, and .. I couldn't even find the "external camera" button. I don't think it has one.. I was staring at the man's gloves, and thinking "Boy, I sure do wish I was playing that 80s styled racer again.."

Parappa 2 is currently £3.99 on the store .. and I have £3.01 on my account from my PS3 days..
...maybe.. .. .....

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Sun, 21 Jun 2020, 22:03
Is the PS4 menu any good? Before getting a ChromeCast I would use the PS3 for its apps. It had Twitch and Youtube and local news tv which I would use a lot.

As for Games. I have no idea what is good. The Last of Us 1/2 is getting lots of praise.
Tue, 23 Jun 2020, 17:00
Don't attempt Parappa 2 on a PS4 using Remote Play!
The PS4 edition of Parappa 1 has obviously had some work done to counteract the lag, whereas Parappa 2 is the original PS2 edition, and really doesn't know how to cope!
I struggled to beat level 1, yesterday, using Remote Play.. but as soon as I sat at the telly-proper, I managed to make it to level 4 without barely a hitch.

.. but because I was playing on the big screen, eventually the hitch showed its face in the form of motion sickness.. .. not even Parappa?! Ffs!!!

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Tue, 23 Jun 2020, 17:02
RE the menu. It's more or less (as much as I can remember of it) about the same as the PS3 one.
A string of icons in a horizontal row, with more options for that icon, if you scroll down.

There's folders, now.. were there folders in the PS3 menu? I can't remember..
But.. yeah, it's very samey..

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Tue, 23 Jun 2020, 17:31
Added £10 to my account yesterday, to help pay for Parappa 2, leaving me with just over £9.
Checked my "main two".. No Man's Sky, £34.99, Elite (The basic pack) £19.99.


Checked back tonight, and though No Man is still the higher price, Elite's dropped to £7.99!!

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Tue, 23 Jun 2020, 19:37

Ok.. Elite thoughts..
I managed to complete the tutorial!
When I tried this a few years ago in the XBone, I got as far as the "shoot the barrels" bit, before vomit-o-rama took over.
This time, I managed to complete the entire tutorial.
The nausea eventually kicked in once I hit the FTL bit, travelling towards the home station, and by the time I docked, I knew I'd played enough.

There was an awful amount of spinning, trying to keep track of the tutorial's fighters, but I just about kept it together.
If I'm playing the "real" game, I might not last in a proper fight.

BUT.. that was probably about an hour's playtime, and that's much better than my previous record of around 5 minutes!! I'm quite happy that Remote Play works as well as it does.
Side note : The teensy tiny tutorial icons are extremely teensy and tiny on the iPad's screen. Completely unreadable.. But.. I managed!!

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Fri, 10 Jul 2020, 10:00
Have played a few more sessions of Elite, over the past couple of weeks. Enjoying flying around aimlessly, near the home space station, but it's a bit quiet out there and I've yet to travel outside of the local area.

Also grabbed Star Trek Online, but I haven't a bloody clue what I'm doing, there..

I'm quite tempted to grab GTAV for some more interesting/scenic aimless wandering. .. but am still awaiting my next month's cash injection!!
Feckin' bills. Grrr!!
Why can't I just grow some fruit and sell it all to the shop?!

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Fri, 17 Jul 2020, 13:59
Treated myself to PlayStation Plus..

I figured, if I no longer have a Degusta box each month, then.. maybe I could play though the PSPlus games, each month..?

July 2020 : Game One : Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Playtime : About 30 minutes before motion sickness kicked in.

The camera seemed to keep jumping about the place. Action scenes would take control of the camera, and there was a lot of jumping and swooping and more.
It's left me with a quite woozy feeling in my head.

I was midway through the tutorial before I gave up. More than anything, snowflakes don't translate particularly well to my Remote Play situation, and the occasional QTE pop ups were getting harder and harder to spot through the fuzz!
Perhaps the fuzz added to my motion sickness. Can't be sure.

Probability I'll play more : Very little. I've been sitting here about 10 minutes, and my head is still feeling the after-effects.

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Mon, 20 Jul 2020, 14:15
July 2020 : Game Two : Erica

"This is an interactive story"
"Please use your phone for the best experience,"

I started the game.
It let me swipe to open a lighter.
Then I got to swipe to light the lighter.
Then a slow, slow, slow camera move to show an unlit lantern.
Guess what I had to do?

Oh, joy! Experience the power of the PlayStation 4 Pro, in full effect!!

I quit at this point, in a fit of rage.

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Mon, 20 Jul 2020, 14:51
July 2020 : Game Three : NBA2K20

Had to type my email addy in, twice, before it let me play.
Usually, the PS4 Remote-Play app will bring up the iPad's onscreen keyboard. But not here.. no sireee.. Had to tap-tap-tap their own onscreen keyboard with the dpad.
So slow and frustrating..

Signed in, Yada Yada, and immediately turned the godawful music off.
Started the Quickplay, and .. well, that wasn't fucking quick. Menus and "presentation" and all sorts.
Eventually got to playing, and then remembered that I know little or nothing about biscuitbell/netball, so lost a handful of wickets fairly quickly, and lost the game.

I think one of the buttons was jump, but that may not have been me jumping.
There didn't appear to be a "throw the ball at your opponent's face" button. I think the Bitmap Brother's version might've been a slightly different ruleset.

Overall : Looked pretty, but .. no.. no....

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Mon, 20 Jul 2020, 14:52
July 2020 Overall : Not for me, and a reminder as to why I didn't previously own a PS4.
I'll go and float about in space for a bit, now.

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Tue, 21 Jul 2020, 05:19
I haven't turned my PS4 on in well over a year. Can you imagine how long it'll take to update?
Tue, 21 Jul 2020, 05:48
Given how long I had to wait for NBA2K20 to update, last night, even though I'd only just downloaded it the day before..

Yes.. Yes, I can..

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Fri, 24 Jul 2020, 18:01
Paid the bills for a month. Time for a treat!
Finally got around to buying No Man's Sky.
A nice roam-a-thon/wander-em-up.

I can definitely see where StarLink came from. It's very much the same idea. Go here, get this, come back, do that.
Very very samey. Hopefully it gets better than this.

In the meantime, I spent about an hour roaming around. I was instructed to grab a few important bits for my ship, and managed to half complete the search before the motion sickness kicked in. I'd say, roughly, an hour total.

For some really odd reason, the player character doesn't seem to understand "forward".
Maybe this will fix up, once the player's health is more stable, but right now they're kinda limping to the right. I'm definitely holding "up", but they're going at roughly 12 degrees to the right, and it's very disorientating..
If it doesn't magic back to normality, I might have to fart about in the settings a bit.

Further playtime required, methinks.

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Sun, 26 Jul 2020, 15:58

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No Man's Sky on PS4 Pro, playing on iPad via Remote Play. (with obvious YouTube compression artefacts ruining an otherwise perfectly good quality image!)

OK, getting into this game, now!
Gathering minerals, buying and selling, free-roaming. It's got it all!
The one really annoying issue is that the game relies quite a lot on you tapping the "The stupid Touchpad on the DualShock4 controller has absolutely no sodding purpose other than as a giant button" button to get into your inventory, and inexplicably the iPad App doesn't send that button from the controller. Instead you have to double tap the top of the iPad's screen. Bit daft.. But otherwise, all is golden!

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Thu, 30 Jul 2020, 21:17

It really is a lovely game.
Nice amount of crafting, gathering, trading and more.

Today I discovered how to trade your ship.
When you're docked at a space station, watch for any landing ships, then chat with their pilots.
Gonna need a fuckton of cash, first, though...

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Fri, 31 Jul 2020, 06:14
It's pretty insane how they turned NMS around and kept an active player base. I bought it a few months after launch and it was extremely lacking. Seems to be wayyy more stuff to do now, and it looks pretty incredible.

I think I'll stick to Elite: Dangerous for now, though.
Sat, 01 Aug 2020, 14:48
Oh dear..
I started playing this at about 2pm, thinking "an hour of this, then more work on the emoji thing.."
And it's now 9:45..
I took a break to eat, and then my Frontier Elite II mindset kicked in, and back in I went!!

I now own a wasp-like looking ship I've titled BuzzyB, and a bigger gun.

Now that I've unlocked a few systems, I've found the teleporter to be a great way to do trading, back and forth.
Earned a ton of cash, bought the new gun, then the ship upgrade.
Life is good!!!

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Wed, 05 Aug 2020, 09:28

Went to the rescue of a freighter, under attack. Great big swirly space battle with about 4 or 5 enemy. Got quite nauseous, spinning round and around. Bah.

Finally killed off the baddies, then headed inside the freighter for my reward.

... they only went and gave me the whole damn freighter!!

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Thu, 06 Aug 2020, 08:39

The latest iOS beta is causing the Remote Play app to crash.
I can just about play for about 2 minutes before it crashes, and I have to reload the app.
Because of this, I can no longer attempt .. practically anything.. lest it crash and leave my player stranded in the middle of a battle/etc, whilst I reboot the app.
Fuckity fucknuts.

This is going to put a serious damper on my playtime.

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Fri, 07 Aug 2020, 09:20
Getting withdrawals...

"Maybe I could try using my Android Tab..?"

If I can't play on my iPad, I can at least make use of that Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.A 2018 that's lying around doing nothing.

So, I booted up the Android tab, and gave it approximately 67 hours to settle down before I could use it, and then installed the PS4 Remote Play app.
"DualShock 4 is incompatible with this device"

So, touchscreen only?
Fuck that!!!
Fuck it with a giant mallet.

Android Tab powered off.

I've played around about half an hour in two days, with the app consistently crashing.
Do not install iOS 14 beta 4!!

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Fri, 07 Aug 2020, 19:23

Managed about an hour's playtime, with only 6 or 7 crashes, the worst of which left me hurtling towards my new freighter at great speed.
Thankfully I rebooted the app fast enough to recover, before destroying things!!

Today, I've got a little buggy, and a landing pad for my ship.

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