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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Advent of Creativity 3

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Fri, 18 Dec 2020, 17:12
Starting to look like something from No Man's Sky!!!

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Sat, 19 Dec 2020, 13:00
I was definitely aiming for that space-tropey landing pad arrangement vibe. (I really should try NMS again some day... played it a little in its early days but it sounds like it's much better now!)

Day 19: made support pillars for the landing pads, did a layout of the pads and paths for the other side of the port, and connected it up to the existing buildings on the other side (with a brief detour to add some more interesting verticality to those existing paths using my new staircase path from yesterday).

> Reveal 🔎

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sat, 19 Dec 2020, 13:04
Definitely looks like it's coming together.
Can't wait to see the final product... Not long left! Eeek!

Today's Testcard is based on the "Picasso" Testcard, which was used to help tune tellies into the new and exciting "Independent Television" channel, during the 60's.
Ooooh, a second channel!!

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Sun, 20 Dec 2020, 15:45
Day 20: I felt like I needed some kind of central plaza type thing, and then ended up making a whole building under it. In my mind this is some kind of shopping centre with a rooftop plaza, though there isn't really anything that signifies that externally.

> Reveal 🔎

4 days left to finish the city... that's probably just about plausible! I'd originally envisioned having several days left to texture it after the layout was done, but there definitely won't be time for that now. Although arguably it might look more aesthetically pleasing without any texturing - a more abstract style. I guess we'll see!

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 20 Dec 2020, 15:56

Not an awful lot of testcard work, today.
I added a few default images into the mix, which required a fair amount of cropping and tweaking, so that the X's all lined up in the middle!
I also had to fart about in the script to get them to load and switch without a memory leak. .. Not sure if I accomplished that. I'm still learning how to use MacOS, here!!

Should roughly work well enough, though, I reckon.

Default Linkage


In addition to that, I wrote a PHP script to do what my old MP3 doohickey used to do.
It scans the current folder for folders, and within those folders for .wav files. If it finds a .wav without an accompanying mp3, it converts the .wav to a 320kbps .mp3, giving it the id tag of the filename, with the folder as the album name.
It also adds the current folder's AlbumArt.jpg as the track's art, and then bundles it into the accompanying .zip for the entire album.
It also produces a 96kbps "lofi" edition that gets used for streaming.
All of that is now handled by a single .php script!!
.. Except for the mp3 converting and tagging which is handled by a command-line copy of lame_encoder in a nearby folder, and the zipping which is handled by MacOS's default command-line zip..

But those are just layers under the tool, and for the most part, everything's self-contained, and as barebones as I could make it. (It should, at the very least, be easy to get up and running again if I were to reinstall the OS)

In addition, the last new track gets converted to a waveform.mp4, which is handled by a command-line FFmpeg, in the same folder where the lame tool is. Gotta admit, setting permissions for all these tools was a right pain-in-the-arse!!

My next challenge is to take that waveform video, dump it into Lumia Fusion on the iPad, and see if I can come up with a nice technique for making more interesting videos than my current range of "KORG Gadget Screengrab" videos.

That's been one hell of a busy day!!

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Sun, 20 Dec 2020, 16:01
Gotta love the little "football" on top of the roof
Imagine having to climb all the way down to get your ball back!

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Mon, 21 Dec 2020, 07:37

Half a day's work..
Been doing the "ITA - Diamond" testcard, today, but..
Man, my head!!
Staring at squares and triangles and grids and greys and more greys.. Boy, that gives you a headache!!

The thing isn't uploaded, yet. I still have to figure out how I'm doing the text (and/or what text to put there) and I also need to add the bar-pattern-things in the middle.

Absolutely the most complicated one I've done, so far.

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Mon, 21 Dec 2020, 14:15

Other half of the day's work.
Had to add extra text boxes for this one, but it works.

My eyes need a rest, now!

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Mon, 21 Dec 2020, 17:04
Day 21: some straightforward and intentionally fairly bland shorter buildings to use as filler for some of the remaining space. Shorter because I realised all my existing buildings are roughly the same height, and some variation is needed! To stop things getting too repetitive, I've made a selection of different cap bits for this building type.

> Reveal 🔎

Tomorrow I'll probably scatter these around the layout.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 03:31
Loving seeing the progress on your projects
Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 12:43

Day TwentyTwo

Can you guess what I made, today?
If you're guessing "Another bloody testcard", you'd be right!!

"ETP-1" was used in various ITV regions, as well as Channel 4, for much of the 80s and 90s.. And in fact, is probably still used today, if you ever catch a glimpse of a testcard on there. They're fairly rare, nowadays, as they tend to use use Channel Caption cards, instead.

You can play with it in the usual place..
.. Crikey, that script's getting a bit lengthy, isn't it!! 64Kb, already!

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Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 13:34
Day 22: More layout work, using the new short building from yesterday. Adjusted its height in a few places since it's such a simple building and that's an easy way to add a bit more variation. Also quickly made a 'half-length' piece of straight path to sort out a few layout issues, and used this to help neaten out a few other layout issues.

This picture includes most of the new stuff added today (in amongst stuff I'd done previously) - there's some other stuff out of shot but that was less interesting looking.

> Reveal 🔎

Just a few empty spaces left... I think I know what I'm going to make to go in them, but can I fit that in with only two days remaining?

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Tue, 22 Dec 2020, 14:06
Awesome!! Looking great.
Wed, 23 Dec 2020, 03:45

Day Twenty-Three

View on YouTube

The final ALChoon of the "Quietly" ALBum

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Wed, 23 Dec 2020, 17:00
Going into Day 23, my plan was to make a simple building with a long footprint (rather than the square footprint most of my stuff has had so far) that I could make a few duplicates of to fill out some of the remaining space. In the end though, the building I made was just 'unique' enough that I didn't feel like I could copy it around, so I built some more infrastructure around it instead.

> Reveal 🔎

So after tomorrow, the city probably won't be as 'complete' as it 'ideally' would be... but that's fine!

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 23 Dec 2020, 17:05
Mmm, that's a nice chill tune!
Wed, 23 Dec 2020, 17:39
That's definitely looking much more dense than it has been. A nice big crowded city!

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Thu, 24 Dec 2020, 10:30

Day Twenty Four

In honour of Closedown, two cards!

One from Stockholm, apparently. Not sure how widespread this one is, but I google-searched for "Classic Testcard", and that came up!!

And, probably the final testcard..


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Thu, 24 Dec 2020, 16:35
Here we are at the end! I may have gone slightly overboard for Day 24...

My plan was to make a stadium as my final main building, to fill in a big gap in the middle. Added some paths to connect it up, and here it is:

> Reveal 🔎

All-in-all, the city was looking fairly complete... except for the far corner by the big hub building, which was conspicuously empty (with a big high up path leading to nowhere). I didn't want to model a whole extra building to go there, and adding too many new duplicate buildings didn't look quite right... so I decided to add a lake. Here it is, with a couple of buildings supporting some paths repurposed as a viewing deck of sorts:

> Reveal 🔎

The lake caused a new problem, however. Previously, the ground was just a big flat plane. This worked fine because it seemed deliberately abstract. But as soon as the more 'naturally shaped' lake was added, it made the flatness look really out of place! So I gave Blender's sculpting mode a quick whirl (having only used it once before... just now, for the lake!) to add some hills around the outside. Plus a modifier to add some subtle noise to the ground in general.

And so, I can finally present: the whole city!

> Reveal 🔎

This has been an interesting journey. My original thought that adding new bits to a single big project gradually would be less time-consuming than creating a completely new idea each day turned out to be completely wrong, but I think that one's entirely on me. Still, I'm pretty happy with the end result. Might take a few more detailed screenshots tomorrow if I feel like it, since it's hard to capture everything in a single shot!

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Thu, 24 Dec 2020, 17:13
That's awesome work, and I'm sure you've learned plenty of new skills along the way..
... much more than I, who mostly drew different rectangles!!
Way to go!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 24 Dec 2020, 18:11
Wow! That's amazing. The city of tomorrow. Today.

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