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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Badvent 2021

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Sat, 11 Dec 2021, 12:26
Thing is, I don't think I'd actually use it, other than this. It's not really worth buying it, if it's going to sit and go dry..
.. is it?!

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Sat, 11 Dec 2021, 17:01
Bonus Video!
Allison opens FIVE calendars!!!

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Sat, 11 Dec 2021, 20:48
Generally won't go dry, but supposedly loses its strength after a year or so of not being used. Personally think that is a marketing gimmick they came up with to get you to buy more glue.
Sun, 12 Dec 2021, 05:53

Day Twelve

> Reveal 🔎

Blind Bag
> Reveal 🔎

Crafty Box
> Reveal 🔎

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Sun, 12 Dec 2021, 09:31
Can only just shake my head at Jays...
Sun, 12 Dec 2021, 10:14
Those Transformers are really poor aren't they. The very least you'd expect is wheels and rotors that turn. Even if the Transformer is shit (and they appear to be), they could at least make the vehicle good.

To be fair, with those Transformers you are definitely winning the Badvent Calendar comp this year (so far).

Day 12

> Reveal 🔎
Sun, 12 Dec 2021, 10:19
A festive Polo!
Sun, 12 Dec 2021, 10:28
It's made of metal. Probably wreck your teeth, mouth and throat. It's probably not even mint flavoured. How crap is that?!
Sun, 12 Dec 2021, 10:59
@rockford: A ring to go around the base of a candlestick?
Sun, 12 Dec 2021, 11:29


Ashens vs Nerdcubed https://youtu.be/4eHt5hVZ8H0

Otakupunk https://youtu.be/99ujruAZ-X0

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Sun, 12 Dec 2021, 11:51
@rockford: A ring to go around the base of a candlestick?

I'm not putting that anywhere near my candlestick!!
Mon, 13 Dec 2021, 05:59

Day Titen

> Reveal 🔎

Crafty Box
> Reveal 🔎

Blind Bag
> Reveal 🔎

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Mon, 13 Dec 2021, 06:14
The tub of salt is worse than the Hitler Scrotum.
Mon, 13 Dec 2021, 09:48
Salt the gift that keeps on giving.

Make it a Christmas to remember - give salt to a loved one this year. The gift they'll never, ever forget! Ever.


Day 13

> Reveal 🔎
Mon, 13 Dec 2021, 09:58
Looking forward to a couple more of these, followed by a puppet theatre!

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Mon, 13 Dec 2021, 10:47
TBH I really don't know what's coming - many of the gifts I've had so far aren't shown on the box at all. I'm not sure if the images represent what's actually in the calendar, or they're more of a - "they might be these. Or not." Time will tell.
Mon, 13 Dec 2021, 12:21


Ashens vs Nerdcubed https://youtu.be/rx4OGmtVeFQ

Mr Weebl https://youtu.be/sMwu1TqiDcQ

Otakupunk https://youtu.be/Us_pa_WmsEY

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Mon, 13 Dec 2021, 17:06
That is clearly a Tomato Girl. Not making a joke, being serious. We have logos that look like that for various tomato festivals. And although they look much nicer, there are Tomato Chibis that are cute as can be.
Tue, 14 Dec 2021, 04:26
OooooKkkkkkkkk... Not something I'm at all familiar with!

Day 14

> Reveal 🔎
Tue, 14 Dec 2021, 05:28
What to do with all the leftovers from a puzzle pack!

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Tue, 14 Dec 2021, 06:11
> Reveal 🔎

Crafty Box
Did anyone notice that, yesterday, I posted 14 instead of 13?!
I was too pissed off to even notice.
Let's look at Day 13, then.

> Reveal 🔎

Blind Bag
> Reveal 🔎

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Tue, 14 Dec 2021, 06:33
So, you make a tree, by going and cutting a little sprig of a tree? Please tell me ole' Kuron is missing something here?

*edit* It would seem the only "craft" part is the act of gluing?
Tue, 14 Dec 2021, 07:14
Indeed. Can't have a craft from this box without needing some of the glue they didn't bother to supply!!

Seriously, how hard would it've been to have included a small glue stick and a little cheap squeezy bottle of PVA glue, in Day One?!
Every day I'm getting more and more annoyed by this calendar.
It's bloody awful.

*rant rant grumble*

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Tue, 14 Dec 2021, 08:26
Well, you could be "crafty" and make your own glue.

*ducks and runs*
Tue, 14 Dec 2021, 12:21


Ashens vs Nerdcubed https://youtu.be/vk7gwfHRmWQ

Otakupunk https://youtu.be/n1kcCYG8q_k

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Tue, 14 Dec 2021, 16:05
Poor Jay.

Well, at least we know what to get you for Christmas!
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