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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Hey everyone!

Sat, 11 Aug 2007, 10:39
Just thought I'd make a post and say hi to everyone! I'm glad that someone was sensible enough to start up something after CodersWorkshop! I hope this site will keep staying for a while and that I'll be able to learn some stuff here while also teaching stuff to others.



Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sat, 11 Aug 2007, 10:55
hey Afr0! Long time no see How's the MMORPG coming?

|edit| wow! I'm seeing a couple of farmiliar faces (*looks at Erebel55*), along with a new face (*now directs attention twords iusinbello & wishbone*), good to see y'all coming! |edit|

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Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Sat, 11 Aug 2007, 11:11
Welcome Afr0! We're now 110 members
Sat, 11 Aug 2007, 11:38
Yeah, seems like everyday that I keep finding coders that are on my msnm contact list that havn't heard about the place yet. Welcome to the site Afro

Lava Monkey
Sat, 11 Aug 2007, 12:15
Sat, 11 Aug 2007, 12:58
Afr0! Welcome back to the club.
Sat, 11 Aug 2007, 13:01
Sat, 11 Aug 2007, 13:06
Thanks everyone! Appreciate it!

@Instinct: Great to see familiar faces, definately!
As for the MMO, the original 'target', as it were, has been changing shape and form quite drastically after my ex left me (if you've been hanging out at #blitzcoder on IRC, you might have heard about it, unfortunately), so what I'm working on on and off right now is a remake of The Sims Online (tsodeamon.xblz.net). Apart from that, I'm also partially involved in a very good WoW Server Emu project called WCell, but due to the legal complications, I'm not going to link to it's boards.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sat, 11 Aug 2007, 13:19
Hello hello hello, Mr Afr0! I remember seeing you quite a lot in my short time back on CW. Welcome to the wonderful world of SoCoder!

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sat, 11 Aug 2007, 15:09
power mousey
do I remember you?
you look and sound familar.

power mousey

Sat, 11 Aug 2007, 18:13
As for the MMO, the original 'target', as it were, has been changing shape and form quite drastically after my ex left me (if you've been hanging out at #blitzcoder on IRC, you might have heard about it, unfortunately), so what I'm working on on and off right now is a remake of The Sims Online (tsodeamon.xblz.net). Apart from that, I'm also partially involved in a very good WoW Server Emu project called WCell, but due to the legal complications, I'm not going to link to it's boards.

Sad to hear about your ex, I wish you all the best, remember we're all pulling for you! Those projects sound exciting, I look forward to seeing some demos!

YouTube Twitter
Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Sat, 11 Aug 2007, 21:57
Glad to have you here, Afr0... nice to see your Sims project still going, too!

Sun, 12 Aug 2007, 17:29
Thanks again everyone!

@Instinct: Thanks for kind words, I'll make sure to post some demos and/or pics at the first opportunity.

@Nolan: Hey dude, how's it hanging?

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 13 Aug 2007, 09:28
Welcome back, man
Mon, 13 Aug 2007, 11:17
It's going very well, Afr0... just enjoying the summer and dreading school. How about you?

Mon, 13 Aug 2007, 12:53
i remember you a bit, how's it going?

i am dreading school just like nolan but at least i have a few trips to california to see my family to look forward to

i like green haired girls...
Tue, 14 Aug 2007, 14:02
Thanks teasy!

@ Nolan and hyruleknight: My personal life is doing fuck-all (for lack of (a) better wording/sentence construct), but my programming life is actually doing relatively good. Moving away for a year soon to take programming lessons (hopefully I'll have learned C++ by the time I get back home), and still unsure what to do after that point. If it interests anyone, I have this dream of creating a gamestudio sometime in the future, that I have all intentions of following up.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Tue, 14 Aug 2007, 15:39
afr0 C++ is fairly easy except for pointers. they are a pain at first but once you understand how to use them it gets easy

i like green haired girls...
Wed, 15 Aug 2007, 11:43
I'm pretty sure he's talking about more than the syntax and the basic features of the language, Hyrule. Afr0 is an experienced coder and understand pointers fairly well, I assume. There's a lot more to C++ than you might think.

Wed, 15 Aug 2007, 12:30
Yep, Nolan is all too right.

Amongst the things I can recall off the top of my head are:

- Templates.
- Overloaded operators (I have a slight grasp of these from C#, but need to gain more confidence and insight into general use of appliance).
- Multiple class hierarchies (I.E a class with more than one base class, which in turn can be a base class for yet another class with multiple parents).
- The STD Library (I'd say this is where 90% of learning modern C++ comes into play, as you don't want to end up rewriting functions all the time).
- Etc, etc.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Wed, 15 Aug 2007, 12:58
well pointers where the only thing that really knocked me for a loop when learning C++. could just be how i think.

since when i was using blitz i could understand types perfectly fine but arrays confused me. i'm just weird

i like green haired girls...
Wed, 15 Aug 2007, 13:06
Plus there is more to it then that. Responsibility driven design, loosely coupled classes and abstraction are key themes on object-oriented programming courses. Learning the syntax and language features is the easy bit.
Thu, 16 Aug 2007, 12:31
Hey Afr0!!
Fri, 17 Aug 2007, 00:56
Hey flying_cucco!

Did you just join? :o