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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - January 2023

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Tue, 24 Jan 2023, 00:28
@Socoder I was playing Maze War (below) on a Xerox Alto at my grandfather's office during '74-'76, playing against one of the guys who worked with him who was at another Alto. Early networked 3D game and one hell of a unique experience given the time. #retro #classic

> Reveal 🔎
Tue, 24 Jan 2023, 00:38
Oh golly, i should make a 2 player gameboy game at some point then.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 25 Jan 2023, 01:56

Question of the Day : January 25th

Would you take it if you had the opportunity to be immortal?
Wed, 25 Jan 2023, 02:01
Things drag on enough as they are.
Wed, 25 Jan 2023, 08:35
Depends if my quality of life diminished over time, or if I stayed at an age where I could still do physical and mental abilities without any problems.
Wed, 25 Jan 2023, 15:39
Living a couple of thousand years maybe but like fuck do I want to live forever.
Wed, 25 Jan 2023, 16:03
The longer you live, the less you fit into society.
Thu, 26 Jan 2023, 01:32

Question of the Day : January 26th

Who would you hate to see naked?
Thu, 26 Jan 2023, 08:29
Al Gore
Thu, 26 Jan 2023, 08:58
Probably most people to be honest.
Thu, 26 Jan 2023, 16:14
I'm with Rychan.
Thu, 26 Jan 2023, 18:02
Janet Street Porter.
Thu, 26 Jan 2023, 18:46
The way the question is written, it can be taken to be more than one person, so...

Angela Merkel
The lady working in the school lunch room in 4th grade
Fri, 27 Jan 2023, 01:32

Question of the Day : January 27th

Can you share any interesting stories about the development or history of classic games?
Fri, 27 Jan 2023, 01:39
I wish I could but I've not been involved in any outside of the ones I've made really, hahaha!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 27 Jan 2023, 02:13
Let's ask the Chatbot!

> Reveal 🔎

> Reveal 🔎

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Sat, 28 Jan 2023, 01:10

Question of the Day : January 28th

What was the first book you can remember reading?
Sat, 28 Jan 2023, 02:10
One of the many Janet And John Ladybird books.
Sat, 28 Jan 2023, 02:21
I don't remember them, but my parents bought me a lot of the Mr Men books.
The first book I really remember fondly is also a Ladybird book, but it was a maths one, and was full of multiplication tables and fun numerical facts and things.
Gawd, I must've been such a fucking nerd..

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 28 Jan 2023, 02:25
I loved the Mr Men books, but I didn't have very many. We bought my son the boxsets of Mr Men and Little Misses BITD. Not sure he enjoyed them ltbh. He never read them by himself. When I was a kid I could tell quote them all (well the ones I did have) word for word.

I still remember "Beware of giants!" from Mr Greedy.
Sat, 28 Jan 2023, 12:33
The first book series I remember was this load of bollocks, The Village With Three Corners. Linkage"

Sat, 28 Jan 2023, 13:33
Leaving the Dr Seuss (and his other pen name(s)) ones out, as all of those would be the first.

So, the first one I can remember reading which was a fave, I can't remember the name of, but it was a Christmas themed book, that was also a scratch and sniff and had wonderful watercolor type illustrations.

The first one I can remember (and remember the name of) was Miss Suzy. Pic below. A wonderful story about the squirrel, Suzy and it had toy soldiers in it. Of course this led to one of the biggest disappointments as a child -- I wanted toy soldiers after reading the book. Like in the book, not GI Joes, etc. Well, they didn't make toy soldiers like that anymore. Closest you could get is Nutcrackers at Christmas time.

> Reveal 🔎
Sun, 29 Jan 2023, 00:18

Question of the Day : January 29th

How do you use music to convey emotion in a game or film?
Sun, 29 Jan 2023, 02:39
Rarely. Most of my music is happy cheery plinky plonky choons that stop when you're dead.
Does that count?
Happy until death?

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Sun, 29 Jan 2023, 04:19
By playing it.
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