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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - June 2023

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Thu, 08 Jun 2023, 03:05

Question of the Day : June 8th

What is the best way to get started in game development?
Thu, 08 Jun 2023, 03:07
Stare at the blinking cursor and wonder what else you could type.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 08 Jun 2023, 05:36
Start off with small goals
Thu, 08 Jun 2023, 08:04
Being born when we were. The first home computers booted into a form of BASIC. If you wanted it to do anything, you had to write a program to do it. If you wanted to play a game, you had to write the game to play it.

Kids today and their point and click game makers!!! We didn't learn how to program because we wanted to, we learned how to program because we had to.

Fri, 09 Jun 2023, 00:51

Question of the Day : June 9th

Do you know how to change a flat tire?
Fri, 09 Jun 2023, 00:54
Do I know? sure. I think so, anyway. The basic mechanics seem reasonably easy enough.
Have I ever? Nah.
"Could" I? Probably not, no.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 09 Jun 2023, 00:59
Yes, many times, and within a matter of seconds when working in a pit crew at some races.

Not looking forward to changing tires on my truck. Big and heavy tires/wheels.
Sat, 10 Jun 2023, 01:18

Question of the Day : June 10th

Which instrument has the funniest sound?
Sat, 10 Jun 2023, 01:39
Kazoo ftw!
Sat, 10 Jun 2023, 12:43
Toss up between a shofar and didgeridoo.
Sat, 10 Jun 2023, 13:53
There was this weird instrument from the 70s or so. It made a kind of analogue sound and was controlled with holding the hand further or closer away from it.
I think maybe there was a Beach Boys song with that?
Sat, 10 Jun 2023, 14:07
The Theremin, a popular instrument for Doctor Who Theme reproduction!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 11 Jun 2023, 01:28

Question of the Day : June 11th

What is the most ridiculous thing you have ever bought or been given?
Sun, 11 Jun 2023, 14:14
When I was 17, I was once given one turquoise cufflink as a gift. Not a pair of cufflinks, ONE cufflink. Absolutely beautiful, but just ONE. I ended up turning it into a lovely tie tack.
Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 01:11

Question of the Day : June 12th

What would be your reaction to seeing a real ghost?
Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 02:10
As I spent my formative years with two ghosts in the bedroom, most nights I feared for my safety as they threatened to kill me, possessed my toys, posters, etc)

I'd be pretty pissed off and fearful of it again although I can't say how much of it was real and how much of it was the wild imagination of myself as a young child.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 02:36
That sounds awfully creepy!
Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 04:06
I was relieved when I moved house when I turned 8 years old, I didn't want much from the old bedroom in the new one, it was quite the relief of a house move for a while.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 12 Jun 2023, 14:25
Ryan: Here, a kid in your situation would be charging the neighborhood kids and friends to sleep over with him in his haunted bedroom.

Seen & felt ghosts and other entities several times in life.

When I lived in Maryland, I walked everywhere. No matter how hot and humid the night was when I came home, there was one spot in the parking lot that was always icy cold.
Tue, 13 Jun 2023, 01:33

Question of the Day : June 13th

How has the emulation scene evolved over the years?
Tue, 13 Jun 2023, 04:29
Better and more powerful due to the increases in chip architecture, This has provided the ability for online emulation to actually be usable, phones and tablets to be capable of decent emulation. It has also allowed my favorite piece of emulation, where I have all the 2600 games on it.

Wed, 14 Jun 2023, 00:34

Question of the Day : June 14th

Are you afraid of ghosts?
Wed, 14 Jun 2023, 01:30
Why be afraid of what I'll one day become?
Wed, 14 Jun 2023, 01:32
Maybe that's why ghosts don't have reflections, so they don't BOOOO! themselves every time they come face to face with a mirror.
Wed, 14 Jun 2023, 03:43
It would depend on who's ghost it is...
Wed, 14 Jun 2023, 17:44
If it's Jimmy Savile then I'm running.
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