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Socoder -> Mobile Coding -> Getting Back to iOS Dev

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Mon, 04 Mar 2024, 03:33
OK.. I need to make an iOS game, now. Anyone know the easiest way for a lazy-dev like me to make up a modern iOS game?! What's the ’’in’’ thing, nowadays?

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Mon, 04 Mar 2024, 03:33
Not a clue, I gave up on iOS after seeing a massive difference in coverage between apple and android with Super Grid Run back in 2013 though.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 04 Mar 2024, 04:00
Good grief, it's been an effort, this morning.
I'm currently up to the "I wonder if I can code with Swift?" point.
I've plugged in the iPad (!!!! Haven't done that in a LONG time!) and am currently waiting for Xcode to do whatever the hell it is that it's doing in the background "copying shared cache symbols from jPad (65% complete)" before attempting to run the template on the thing.

From there, I guess I need to learn how the hell to code in Swift.

Story So Far

I woke up at half past midnight with a fully fledged game concept in my head.
I tossed and turned for a good 20 minutes or so, and the concept split itself up into little tasks, all of which would fit together by the end.
Each task seemed like it'd take about half an hour or so, so by 1am I had a good enough plan in mind, and figured the game would be done by about 4'ish..
By 4'ish I was playing the game, and good grief, was it a good game!!

I stopped, happy that I'd done a cracking job, and went back to sleep.

I let Mum see the game, this morning, and she also went "Oooooh".

I've locked the game away. It's NOT going to be today's AGameAWeek like I originally intended it to be, and instead will be my first attempt at an iOS game in bloody ages.

I'm going to have to learn a ton of stuff, here, but I'm fairly sure I can get things up and running well enough to have it playable in my regular fast-paced way.
I've already got the game concept running in JSE so I know it's pretty easy to reproduce. I just need to.. you know.. relearn how to do that so it runs on an iOS device!!


The iPad has now finished doing whatever it was doing, and the test template thing is running on it.


Wish me luck!

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Mon, 04 Mar 2024, 04:07
Cool, good luck with the return to iOS dev
Mon, 04 Mar 2024, 04:35
I think codea had the ability to have it be put onto stores. One could use it with Xcode.

The language is lua. I had some fun times with it. Codea is quite capable.

I never really looked at Swift. It was really lacking in having lots of docs and examples back then.
Mon, 04 Mar 2024, 04:42
I've already stopped to have a bit of a mental rest. OMG!!!
Really no idea what I'm doing with Swift, but figured it probably a good way to go. It very much seems like the "Apple" way of doing things.
If nothing else, it's a learning experience, and .. isn't that half the fun!?!

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Mon, 04 Mar 2024, 12:36
OK, I've done a number of quick tests, over the course of the day, and I don't think this is going to be a "..and then I'd made a game!!" kind of thing.

Screen scaling and such is somewhat haphazard. Even the above simple template with its "Hello, World!" doesn't always fit on the screen of everything I can test it on, with portrait views trying to squeeze the display, without reporting the screen scaling percentage and... well, it's all a bit downhill from there.

So, I think I'll have to write some code, see if I can access the raw screensize, and work from there.
I think I'll try to build a few functions to handle Blitz'esque functions.. DrawImg, DrawRect, that kind of thing.
From there, see if I can do my good old-fashioned Testcard to ensure my scaling code is all hunky dory, and if all is working in a half-decent way, THEN I'll see if I can get the game working.
It's going to be a long long road, ahead, methinks.

.. Oh yeah, and I've lost 20Gb over the course of the day.

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Mon, 04 Mar 2024, 12:46
New macbook airs got released today. Stil big prices for big storage.

Curious to see how fast you can learn the language and create a game
Mon, 04 Mar 2024, 13:29
Yeah, my M2Air is just fine.

Maybe once I've earned a bazillion pounds from this epic game!

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Wed, 06 Mar 2024, 15:03
Still fiddling about with the template, trying to figure out how best I can convert OMG, AppleCode into something more.. um.. not fucking insane..

*if let spinnyNode = self.spinnyNode { *

The hell does that even..!?!
I mean, I know..
It's like a promise in Javascript. You ask the system to create a self.spinnyNode, and it may or may not do it.
It's the "may not do it" bit that pisses me off in Javascript, and to think that's going to happen in a native language, is frustrating as hell.

Also, holy fucking shit, can people stop using the same damn name for methods and variables and objects and more.

Should be something like...
*if let thisSpinnyNode = self.spinnyNode {*
*if let me = self.spinnyNode {*
or something..
but not *if let spinnyNode = self.spinnyNode {*
That's just silly, and confusing, and it definitely shouldn't be done.

Also, this..
If you're going to "prefer" that people write lines over code over multi-lines, instead of the traditional "long line of code you have to scroll horizontally to see properly" thing..

(click to gif)

... That's a bug, right?

If you're commenting the top of a multi-line, it should know it's a multi-line, and it should comment out the rest...
Isn't that sensible?!

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Wed, 06 Mar 2024, 17:39

Has this really taken me three days to work out?
In the above screenshot, every frame the label is changed to show Mills and a Rand number.
Mills() and Rand(a,b) are functions inside my JFrame.swift script

In the project, a JCode "group" has been added, and a JFrame.swift file has been placed in there.

JFrame.swift currently looks like...

And then the line "import Foundation" is added to the top of GameScene, and from there, GameScene can access everything in JFrame.
(And, no, I don't know why I have to import Foundation.. .. ChatGPT told me to do that, and it worked, so that'll do!!)

This then allows all the JFrame commands to be used in GameScene directly, without farting about writing JFrame.Command() every bloody time. Oh my god, that hurt my head so much, the last time I was doing this sort of stuff!

I also tested that variables can go back and forth, too.
JFrameThick changes the thickness of the wibbly random lines drawn by touches.
JFrameThick is a variable in JFrame, and is usable in GameScene.

It's still very messy, but I'm hoping I can carry on in this step-by-step method, until something vaguely useable pops out the other side!!

Still not sure how I'm going to do any drawing in the thing!!

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Sun, 10 Mar 2024, 01:34
Poe has 1000 requests left for me this month with Claude 3 Opus. It was supposed to be a level above GPT 4 with coding. 1000 credits per prompt. I had 950.000 credits left last month. So I have room to do stuff.

Oh, I was reading about a thing called QA Engineering. Not sure what it means. But it sounds interesting.

Reading about the news about the M3 macbook air, has kind of given me doubt in to developing with the m3 and ios. It gets real hot. Got me looking at a regular low power Windows Laptops. But those gfx have 1/3 the gfx power compared to the m3..
Wed, 13 Mar 2024, 14:29

Oh, fuck off, Swift..

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Wed, 13 Mar 2024, 15:40

OK, 1,000 "sprites" onscreen per frame, any colour, any rotation, any size, none of that seems to matter in the slightest.
Now to see if I can get images onto those sprites!!!

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Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 00:40
Got me kind of interested in the for loops now. The for loops seem quite different in Swift 3.

Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 03:44
It's that "in"... The in is breaking my brain.
For n is (1...10) I could cope with, but For n in (1...10) ...?

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Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 03:56
Let's make an array of 5000x50 elements..


"Swift" is it fuck..

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Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 04:51

Don't EVER ask to see the background code for this!!!!
Oh my god, it's horrific!!!

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Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 06:35
Oh, cool..
... So, SpriteKit doesn't handle recolouring sprites.
That's fantastic...


You have to recolour the texture, then use that on the sprite.

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Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 06:59
Not possible to copy a transparent colored shape on top of it?
Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 07:01
I'm currently trying to figure out Shaders.... !!!

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Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 07:10
Gpt5 might drop any day now. I bet it wil be better at supplying snippets than 4.

Shader language stil looks a bit alien to me.
Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 07:26
I'm not getting anywhere with the shader!
Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 07:57
Claude, Poe and Bard were all lying to me. SpriteKit does indeed to recolouring.
Bing/Copilot told me how.
You need to set the sprite's ".colorBlendFactor" to 1.
That's a good hour of my day gone..

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Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 09:19
I was going to mention to use a book

Stackoverflow might also stil have its use with all these hallucinations in LLM's
Thu, 14 Mar 2024, 09:34
No, StackOverflow will give you answers from 2010.. and complain that things were answered in 2010 if you dare to ask for an update.

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