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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Advent of Creativity 2024

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Sat, 30 Nov 2024, 04:51

Advent of Creativity 2024

Welcome to the annual Advent of Creativity
This year, we're going free-reign. There's no enforced word of the day. There's no requirements for creativity.
Just do whatever comes to mind.
Be as creative as you can, as often as you can, and post the results here for us all to enjoy.

Music, Tech demos, Poetry, Art, Games, Tools, Stories, whatever.
Let your creativity flow however it wishes.

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Sun, 01 Dec 2024, 08:48

Day One

Traditional Bauble Selfie.
We're much better organised for Xmas, this year.
Last year's decorations weren't put up until the 17th, as we were that bloomin' disorganised after the house move!

Also, new Baubles, so slightly odd hue!! (And they're tiny, too!)

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Sun, 01 Dec 2024, 15:02
Haiku Gets!

Christmas so soon?
I must buy many presents
and bake many cakes

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 02 Dec 2024, 14:25

Day Two

GIving a limerick a go tonight.

There once was a geezer called Santa
Whose waist was so large due to pasta
Eating up with such vigour
He gave up his figure
That your chimney is stuck with his bum.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 02 Dec 2024, 15:56
Excellent effort!

Today, me and Mum have been trying to finish off decorating the living room. It's been rather tiresome, if I'm honest.
I also wrote a Match Pairs game for Shoebox, because I played it in that DS game I got earlier, and went "OMG, I don't have that in Shoebox!!"

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Tue, 03 Dec 2024, 01:17
\o/ noice!
Tue, 03 Dec 2024, 17:48

Day Three

I ended up doing the same sort of thing again, today.
I played that terrible "Fashion Designer" thing, and felt like it was better in the 80s when we had line drawings and imagination and pen and paper. and.. ... pen and paper.. and..
So, Mannequin is the end of that thought process.
True, it isn't the worlds "best" Mannequin, but it is at lest something fun to doodle against!

You can be the Fashion Designer over at Foldapuz!!
Probably best to click a magnifying glass, and print a single sheet full size, then be the artist!!
(Or save as a png, load it into an art package, then try to be amazing!)

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Wed, 04 Dec 2024, 10:02

Day Four

Another limerick today

Penguins, they kinda like Christmas
But this year, their mood was most cheerless
The briskly chilled weather
Required coats made of leather
So swimming was quite sadly fishless.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 04 Dec 2024, 15:54

I think I need to make the Mannequin heads bigger..!

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Thu, 05 Dec 2024, 17:05

Day Five

All I've done today is work on a game. All bloody day. This one dragged a bit.
You can Play Orbital Protector in JSE
Drag all the rocks with your electronic tractor!

- Turn
- Thrust
Tractor beam is activated automatically, and may not always be what you want!!

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Fri, 06 Dec 2024, 16:03

Day Six

Though I'm trying my best,
To get all the things done.
I'm struggling with Advent.
It's really no fun.

Trying to cram in,
A new game each day,
Leaves me struggling to fit,
All the fun times and play.

I've an ROG Ally,
That's sat and disowned,
By my Meta Quest headset,
With gaming postponed.

I'd planned for this month,
To be happy and free,
With the Typing game finished,
And time left for me.

But it isn't that way,
And each day there's more work.
So I wrote this short ditty,
Whilst going berserk.

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Sat, 07 Dec 2024, 16:18

Day Seven

Haven't a lot to show for today.
Plenty to hear, but not much to show.


Be sure to refresh JSE so it updates to v3ghy
There's a new PlayMP3 function, and it plays pretty much anything from my Music Archive, though there's a few quirks..

1. Obviously, the music is only ever going to be the _lofistream quality, just to save on bandwidth.

2. The music is limited to my archive. I KNOW this makes it all a bit "Me Me Me", but I don't want JSE becoming "Everybody uploads copyrighted music" like PlayMyCode did, so limits are good...!!!

3. If you download with the "Download HTML5 Project" button, this functionality currently doesn't work.
I need to rewrite the exporter, so that it can grab the mp3 and pack it into the zip, before it works there.
Once I've added that functionality, you'll be able to replace the mp3s with your own. For today, I CBA doing that!!! This has been a long, long day.

4. Obviously, bandwidth, transfer speed, etc, will all impact the quality of this function.

If you'd like the complete list, hit the new "Music Library" button, and all is there. Otherwise you could also copy+paste the titles from my Music Archive.
I think I'll probably fix up the Music Library interface a bit, so it's .. anything other than a giant scrolling list!!! Not today, though. I've done more than enough!

But.. \o/yeay\o/ finally got around to this! Woot!!

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Mon, 09 Dec 2024, 01:59

Day Eight?

I'm going to aim to do something a bit more creative, for Day Nine, but that all depends on how the time goes.
Yesterday was a nice enough day, with 2 visitors coming to the bungalow. We spent early afternoon with one of the neighbours, and then later on my Uncle turned up and spent a few more hours here.
On top of that I wrote a game, and once all that was done there was no time left in the day.
Where does the day go?!

Generic Simon game added to Shoebox.

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Mon, 09 Dec 2024, 16:13

Day Nine

Today I tried to make a Skyroads style effect using sprites, but the maths got confused to hell and back and I eventually gave up.



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Tue, 10 Dec 2024, 07:11

Day Ten

There once was a reindeer named Rudolph
Who nose was repeatedly pulled off
When it was replaced
It became disgraced
When honked it blew all Santas Clothes off!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 10 Dec 2024, 10:59

Tue, 10 Dec 2024, 15:23
Today I've been formulating a game, mostly the ruleset, and am intending to add it to Shoebox, but .. Honestly, I've been juggling the rules of this game all day!!

If you have a set of Scrabble tiles at hand, the rules are pretty simple.
Deal yourself 10 tiles per round, and make one or two (or three) words. (each tile should be used only once, but if you make a five letter word, a three letter word and a two letter word, that's awesome!)

If you've used ALL the letters in a single round, that's a bonus.
If you have any tiles left at the end of a round, those are discarded before the next 10 tiles are drawn.

Give yourself points per words, and if you put the word into a "correct" box, you also get the Bonus as displayed on the row.
Pretty much Yahtzee but with words.

Give yourself 8 rounds (so 80 tiles in total) and score as appropriate.
Tally up at the end, and let me know how good/bad the game plays.

Do all the little rules make sense?
Does everything play as it oughta?
I'm not sure if it's possible to earn ALL the rows in a single game (since there's 20 rows, but only 80 tiles).
If you feel that's "wrong", let me know, but I think the lack of those last few tiles makes for an interesting complication to the game.

Oh, and before you begin, nominate letters for "Starts with" and "Ends with", and a score for "Exactly"!

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Wed, 11 Dec 2024, 13:12

Day Eleven

Deep inside the yuletide tree
There lurks a most mysterious bee
In stead of hun
It consumes your fun
And stuffs itself full of glee

Might try that game out over Christmas Jay

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 12 Dec 2024, 02:46

Day Twelve

Spent yesterday working on this silly little game.
I'm fairly sure I've done this game before, though, and kinda recently, too, though I can't find it, so.. *shrugs*

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Thu, 12 Dec 2024, 11:18
It's fun though

Also, this happens...

Baubles, Baubles Everywhere
And lots of Rum to drink
But wait
This rum is extra spicy
So I farted up a stink

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 13 Dec 2024, 09:52

Day Thirteen

Need those old school gravatars but without the external calls?

Here's a PHP function that does it rather well.

Just be sure to create a sub directory called "ticketAvatars" for them to be stored in.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 13 Dec 2024, 10:47
Fri, 13 Dec 2024, 10:50

Limit those numbers!!

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Fri, 13 Dec 2024, 12:39
Ohh, I shall have to see what that makes on Monday Is it overflowing 255 on the colours there I take it?

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 13 Dec 2024, 12:59

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: imagecolorallocate(): Argument #3 ($green) must be between 0 and 255 (inclusive) in /Users/jayenkai/Downloads/Installing/temp/test.php:22

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Fri, 13 Dec 2024, 23:59
Cool, I'll add a range check to that on monday then, haha!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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