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Socoder -> On Topic -> A Whole Different World

Sat, 18 Jan 2025, 07:50

A Whole Different World

Plumber came today to finish off the new sink, and he brought his kid Woody with him. Woody's interested in game-dev, so he ended up spending 5 or 10 minutes with me, as I struggled to explain my grumpy-old-man style of coding.

He then showed me his Scratch game, and that was mighty impressive! (Balloons, spike, pop!)

I showed him JSE, and explained how the sprites get turned into the Symbol data, and then leisurely mentioned that it's "so you can copy and paste it into a forum"
The blank expression on his face...

"Forum .. um.. .. .. "
My mind tried to find a modern equivalent..
.. BBS certainly wouldn't do.

"Chatroom..? Discord?!"
Discord did it.

Honestly, I didn't expect the word "Forum" to be lost to the ages.
To be fair, SoCoder's a number of years older than he was, so.. you know...

But, yeah, today I met a kid who'll be a millionaire in no time.

Good luck, Woody!

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Sat, 18 Jan 2025, 14:22
What is the difference between a forum and discord... Or Reddit? In my mind next to zero lol
Sat, 18 Jan 2025, 15:08
Yeah, but if you've never heard the word before, I expect it's quite the baffler

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Sat, 18 Jan 2025, 15:49
How old is Woody? The word forum has route outside of the computing world too
Sat, 18 Jan 2025, 17:59
Early secondary, maybe? Not sure, if I'm honest, but Forums just aren't a thing, anymore. We're unpopular, now
Maybe we should do an annual Prom or something. That's what all the kids do, right?
And hand out stars and records for good attendance.

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