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SoCoder -> Link Home -> Videos

Created : 25 June 2008
Edited : 25 June 2008

Water powered car?

Or, too good to be true?

(in both videos, you'll have to wait a few seconds for the advert to play)

But if it isn't a hoax, then blimey - 80km per litre of water!

And I live by the sea, too!



Thursday, 26 June 2008, 04:21
First of all, those 'experts' that say it cant be done, there are plenty of major car manufacturers that have had prototypes running for years, the only problem has been getting the technology small enough to use in a family car. BMW for one, have been working on this for years and last I heard were quite close to getting the whole gubbins to fit inside a car.
The ONLY (and I do mean ONLY problem with this technology, is that America will no longer be able to overcharge the world for using oil.

some other stuff for you -

Thursday, 26 June 2008, 07:26
Yeah, apparently they've had stuff working decades ago - but if you believe the conspiracy theories, some people working on the stuff have mysteriously disappeared...

Which isn't too far fetched, considering what the oil companies have to loose. And oil companies are probably the most evil companies in the world.

Thanks for the links, btw
Thursday, 26 June 2008, 07:27
Orion Pax
Wow....why does everyone have to point their fingers to america? Why? Its funny that alot of americans dont know how our government is really run. Its even funnier when everyone else has no idea how our government is run.

First off the reason gas prices are so high is because of president bush jr. That crap with 9/11 was because his family is was trying to take control of the oil in iraq and other countries while bin laden was trying to do the same. And the bush's and laden's have been business partners for YEARS. So when they both got greedy the ladens attacked us. Bush new why and tried to cover it up with a war on terrorism.

You also have to figure in there that the oil companies are seeing big green dollar signs in their eyes and thinking...LETS OVER CHARGE! But then some one comes around and says, what if the government see's our RECORD profits and tries to sue us or force us to lower the prices. Well we can fix that by not selling the gas to US stores. You screw with our money we will screw with your economy by not selling you gas. The government did try to push the oil companies to lower prices, they threatened with stop selling gas. Our gov backed down.

And you have to also acknowledge the fact that most of our representatives in congress and all the others involved own stock in the oil companies or OWN the company themselves or are on the board for the company.

Then there are the lobbyist that basically run our country. These are the bottom feeders that persuade the people that are suppose to represent us into doing the wrong thing. With greed on their side.

I really hope Ohbama gets in as he has stated he is not affiliated or have ever been affiliated with any lobbyist and plans on changing how lobbyist influence our government.

It really pisses me off when people keep pointing their fingers at AMERICA and BLAMING AMERICA. If I remember right it was ENGLANDS FAULT for AMERICA because the KING GOT GREEDY AND TAXED THE SHIT OUT OF THE COLONIST! So the apple really didnt fall far from the tree now did it?

Not that I am blaming England for how we are or anything. Just think about that next time you want to point to us again. Our founding fathers had good intentions back then. Greed has taken over and its up to Obhama (sp?) to fix that like he has stated before.

At any rate I havent seen the video yet but I have read on many websites ( you know the conspiracy theory things) that many alternatives all ready exist but the oil companies with their trillions of dollars have stepped in and thwarted attempts at a better renewable resource. Think about it. Do you honestly think the oil companies want to find an alternative renewable resource to oil? Come on. That would mean DRASTIC drops in revenue. The oil companies also have their hands on the car companies throats or own part of them as well and make sure that science slowed down to a snails pace for these technologies.

Electric powered cars are possible, but one of the oil companies bought the rights to the design of the battery and wont let that car company that designed the car use the battery (cant remember the car company off the top of my mind, nissan or suzuki or something like that. Some japs I think)

At any rate I hope they do get this to work and that it does come out. And efficient. Because the gas prices are hurting us bad. And I dont mean our country period. I mean my family.

|edit| Wow...longest post I have written to date |edit|
Thursday, 26 June 2008, 08:11
I agree with you on most points there, but Obama isn't an angel, either. It seems like a lot of Americans really do want change for the better (and anything has got to be better than Bush, right?) and I really hope that I'm wrong and that Obama turns out alright. But I think that people will be disappointed.
Thursday, 26 June 2008, 10:17
Orion Pax
Yeah I know what you mean but I hope he is what he says he is. I didnt notice your post. You must have typed that up as I was proof reading mine! LOL! I knew I wasnt the only one that was thinking that. In retrospect the oil companies are the evil ones. Corporations PERIOD are the evil of our society now a days. With good intentions when they start, but turn to greed once they see the green flowing in.
Thursday, 26 June 2008, 17:29
I personally believe there are two major problems with the world, neither ow which will end any time soon (or perhaps ever) 1. Religion, every bad thing that humanity has done, has been done 'in god's name', period. No matter which god, they have caused a whole world of problems (literally), the stupidest idea man has ever had. 2. Money, This problem is getting worse. Nobody will do anything for anyone unless they get money out of it. If we humans didn't use money (or barter in any way) and just did thing because they needed done, out of the goodness of our hearts, there would be no problems on earth, except religion of course. But like I said, neither of these is going to change ever, so man is doomed and will likely destroy earth in their search for more money. Just think how simple and easy life would be if we didn't actually have need for an economy. Just think about it.... Oh my, I need a new jumper...[walk to jumper factory] "Hi, got any jumpers","yes, here you go","thank you, that's just what I needed". Just like a million years ago, before this whole money thing happened.
Friday, 27 June 2008, 05:58
Before the whole money thing happened if you needed a jumper you picked the plants, beat them, spun them, wove them, and stitched them.
Nobody just sat around making jumpers just in case somebody might happen along who needed one.
Money is what has freed us from all being subsistance farmers.
Friday, 27 June 2008, 11:06
To say that every bad thing has been done "in god's name" is pure bullshit. In most cases, religion is just the excuse -- not the real reason. Religious organizations do more to help people than any other group in the world. No one even comes close. Religion may have in fact been the smartest thing man ever concocted.
Friday, 27 June 2008, 12:38
Prediction: Obama will invade Iran.
Friday, 27 June 2008, 13:05
I have been a member of overunity.com for a few years now, and have often stumbled upon claims that a car can be powered by water.

I have not seen first-hand any car that runs on water, but a lot of us over there do play around with a gas, know as Hydroxy/Browns gas or HHO, which can be fed into the air intake in order to assist a more complete fuel burn to increase the MPG.

Here is a video of myself, producing HHO on a small scale. uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4TF7TMKoFrc.

It is my first ever youtube, sorry for the bad quality.
Friday, 27 June 2008, 14:39
Orion Pax
Religion might be a good thing now and you might think its the smartest thing man as ever concocted. But before humanity gained a conscience religion WAS the problem. Was it not ordered by the pope (or THE CHURCH) many years ago to raide mexico and kill any savages that did not practice or would not convert to christianity? How many people have died in the middle ages becuase of their religion? How many people died during the Salem witch hunts in america during the early settlesments because of the church claiming people were witches? In the earths past ever since the first IDEA of religion, people have been killed and blood has been shed because of the idea. Now of course probably the past 100 years it has come to a stop, now that humanity has learned the value of life and realized that things are not as we thought they were. Yeah people were just not that smart back then but they still had the ability to think and reason. And it was still done in the chruches name. This is what I believe spinal is talking about AND ITS NOT BULLSHIT. Its our history. Hell JESUS was CRUCIFIED over the idea. ITS IN THE BIBILE. Argue that one. How many others in biblical history were killed over the idea of religion?

Now that I am done with that rant. I agree with you about the NOW part. The church NOW is the most giving and helping organizations in the world. I can not argue with you on that.

And spinal....9572AD has a point. Even back then there was a form of economy. There were farmers (mostly) and carpenters (2nd most common job) and sheep herders (probably 3rd). Unless you could do all 3 and make enough stuff to support your family then you BARTERED for other things. If you were a farmer you would trade FOOD for tables or chairs or clothes. And vice versa and so on. This is probably one of the earliest forms of economy that we see in our history. Although it probably started WAY earlier than that but its still the earliest form.

Oh and ben....why do you think obahma will invade iran....just wondering?
Friday, 27 June 2008, 15:07
How 'bout them water powered cars?
Friday, 27 June 2008, 15:25
Orion Pax
Yeah the conversation keeps going off topic here dont it? I think its great that they have got a car to run off of water. I really hope that they do mass produce them at a price that is affordable. But like most companies that wont happen as they will see big green dollar signs and charge an outragous price for them.
Friday, 27 June 2008, 15:35
One good thing about dissociating water into it's Hydrogen and Oxygen components... When the resulting gasses are ignited, they turn back into water. "Renewable Resource"
Friday, 27 June 2008, 15:41
OOPS !, I almost forgot...

If any of you try to duplicate the experiment that I done in that video, Do Not try to store the gasses in a sealed container. That could be highly dangerous, due to HHO being what it suggests in the name HydrOxy. It is a ready-mix of 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part Oxygen (not just pure Hydrogen), which is the perfect explosive mixture.

Trust-me, I have had a couple of mishaps myself.
Friday, 27 June 2008, 17:13
Friday, 27 June 2008, 18:21
Yeah, poor old Stan Meyer... Snuffed-out by some mystery heart attack. Remarkable how he died just hours after signing a deal, and having a drink with military officials.
Friday, 27 June 2008, 19:10
here is some light reading on the subject -

Saturday, 28 June 2008, 03:13
@Orion, just quoting so that you don't have to visit a website full of adverts, but if you Google "Obama Iran", you'll find some more stuff... There is some speculation that he's just saying it for the support of the pro-Israel lobby, but the gist of it is, America likes Israel, Israel doesn't like Iran, so America doesn't like Iran.

Washington - Democratic Party presumptive nominee Barack Obama vowed on Wednesday he would work to "eliminate" the threat posed by Iran to Middle East and international security.

"There's no greater threat to Israel or to the peace and stability of the region than Iran," he told the powerful pro-Israel lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Council (AIPAC).

"The danger from Iran is grave and real and my goal will be to eliminate this threat."

But he also seems to promise that if Iran cooperates, it will be rewarded.
Saturday, 28 June 2008, 04:59
Water powered car? Ha Ha Ha.

One good thing about dissociating water into it's Hydrogen and Oxygen components... When the resulting gasses are ignited, they turn back into water. "Renewable Resource"

Yeah, unfortunately that means the net energy release is zero. And that is assuming 100% efficiency.

The concept has been around for years, yet another form of impossible "perpetual motion machine".
Rumour is that the Genepax one is actually powered by reacting metal hydride (as is used to power batteries).
Saturday, 28 June 2008, 06:20
Yeah, unfortunately that means the net energy release is zero. And that is assuming 100% efficiency.

Not ALL of the gas is turned back to water, some (probably most) of it is burned and produces heat. I think the main argument, is that instead of poisonous chemicals and gasses being given off when the fuel is burned, you get water, clean water.
Also the main point of the thing, is that a bunch of people world wide have shown that you can split water using a process similar to electrolysis, but using far less electricity. by using the resonance frequency of the water, for it to slit itself, like an opera singer breaking glass. Apparently this is resulting in way more than 100% efficiency, producing enough gas to be burned real-time to be used to power a car. People were just as sceptical about petrol burning cars back when steam was the norm, it may take a long time for this to be accepted, especially with the oil companies putting so much money into hiding it.
Saturday, 28 June 2008, 06:40
It is impossible to have >100% efficiency in a closed system. Google/Wiki "laws of thermodynamics".

Google/Wiki "standard enthalpy change" to see why this would never work. Basically it costs exactly the same amount of energy to split the water, however you do it, that can be obtained from burning it. That energy has to come from another source, not magically appear.

Petrol engines work because hydrocarbons are unstable and have a lot of bond energy that can be released my making them into more stable compounds. In fact water - a very stable molecule - is one of the waste products!
Saturday, 28 June 2008, 06:53
Not ALL of the gas is turned back to water, some (probably most) of it is burned and produces heat

No mass is converted to energy (steering clear of nuclear explosions).

2H2 + O2 --> 2H20

When you burn hydrogen and oxygen, you break then bonds between the atoms ie H-H and O=O and form new bonds ie O-H.
In the reaction above, energy is released because the "reactants" have more energy than the "products".

2H20 --> 4H+ + 2O2- --> 2H2 + O2

The reaction is reversible, in the sense that you could go the other way -- except you would need to add energy to get it to work. Unfortunately this energy is just as much as you got from burning it, so you cannot extract any usable energy from the system.

I don't mean to go on, but these crackpot scams annoy me somewhat!
Saturday, 28 June 2008, 08:33
flying_cucco Water powered car? Ha Ha Ha.

One good thing about dissociating water into it's Hydrogen and Oxygen components... When the resulting gasses are ignited, they turn back into water. "Renewable Resource"

Yeah, unfortunately that means the net energy release is zero. And that is assuming 100% efficiency.

The concept has been around for years, yet another form of impossible "perpetual motion machine".
Rumour is that the Genepax one is actually powered by reacting metal hydride (as is used to power batteries).

But it can still be useful... The idea would be to use natural renewable resourses to generate the power to crack the water, then somehow seperate the two gasses so that the Hydrogen can be stored safely. This could then be used to power machinery.

@ spinal...
All of the two gasses are turned back into water.

You are partly right in saying that you lose something through thermodynamics though. The energy that is released comes from the catalysm process when the molecules are fused back together, that is the part where the heat comes from.

But as you have already stated about energy loss, not all of the heat from the catylism process can be used to power the machinery. You will always lose some heat somewhere, thats why appliances get hot.

Another way would be to wait for Lithium-Ion batteries to get a lot cheaper and better, which could be used to power electric vehicles. But at the moment we need something cheaper to power current vehicles, and I don't think that the public are ready to go and sell their cars at scrap current prices.

We need a lot more garden-shed tinkerers to find out more paths to a solution.
Saturday, 28 June 2008, 10:32
But it can still be useful... The idea would be to use natural renewable resourses to generate the power to crack the water, then somehow seperate the two gasses so that the Hydrogen can be stored safely. This could then be used to power machinery.

You're spot on there. There remain many obstacles (it might be cheaper to store and use the electricity), but it is one of the ways we can move forward without fossil fuels and very clean/green.
Saturday, 28 June 2008, 19:26
There are more reasons to promote DIY Hydroxy production. One of the reasons is FUN .

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