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SoCoder -> Link Home -> Useful Apps

Created : 08 June 2017
Edited : 08 May 2022

Handy Dev-Tool Guide

I'll try my best to keep this list up to date. If you have any tips, stick 'em in the comments!

Alt Forum

SyntaxBomb - Forum
If this forum is down, you probably can't read this, but if you can manage to read this, know that SyntaxBomb should at least be available!

Mark Sibly's Languages

Blitz3D - itch.io
     Targets : Windows
     Install Note > Reveal 🔎

BlitzPlus - GitHub
     Targets : Windows

BlitzMax - itch.io - GitHub
     Targets : Windows, MacOS, Linux
     BMX-NG - GitHub

Monkey-X - itch.io - GitHub
     Targets : Windows, MacOS, Linux, Javascript, Android, iOS
     Cerberus-X - .com - Forum

Other Basics

AMOS2 - .org - Facebook Group
     Targets : Javascript
     About > Reveal 🔎

GLBasic - .com - Forum
     Targets : Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS, GP2X, Pandora
Basic4GL- .net
     Targets : Windows
Basic4GL Mobile - .net
     Targets : Windows, Android, Javascript

FreeBasic - .net
     Targets : Windows

DarkBasic Pro - .com - GitHub
     Targets : Windows

BBC Basic - .co.uk
     Targets : Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi
B4X - .com
     Targets : Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, .. and more!
XProfan - .de (German language website, but BASIC is BASIC)
     Targets : Windows, Linux

PureBasic - .com
     Targets : Windows, MacOS, Linux

RFO Basic for Android - .net
     Targets : Android

Retro Coding

8-bit Workshop - .com
     Targets : Atari 2600, Atari Vector, AppleII and more.

CPCtelera - .io
     Targets : Amstrad CPC

CBM .prg Studio - .co.uk
     Targets : C64/Vic/etc

SecondBASIC - .net
     Targets : Sega MegaDrive/Genesis

GBDK - GitHub
     Targets : Gameboy

Modern Retro Coding

PetitCom/SmileBasic - .com
     Targets : Different verions exist for DS, 3DS, Switch and Raspberry Pi. Compatibility between versions is .. erratic!

Pico-8 - .com
     Targets : Anything (Browser/Arduino/etc) that runs the Pico8 Virtual system
Pokitto - .com
     Targets : OpenSource ARM-based devices
LowRes NX - .com
     Targets : Browsers or Mobiles using the LowRes NX app

Turbo Rascal - .com
     Runs on : Windows, Linux, Mac
     Targets : Pretty much all 8 bit and many 16 bit micros (C64, Vic 20, Amiga, ST, BBC, Amstrad etc)


XCode - .com
     Targets : MacOS, iOS, tvOS
Visual Studio - .com - Community Edition
     Targets : Windows, and others, but usually awkwardly!

Android Studio - .com
     Targets : Android
Cocos Creator .org
     Targets : Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS

AppGameKit - .com
     Targets : Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS

Corona - .com
     Targets : Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

Mega Studios

These are the big ones.
Mass marketed, with huge support and masses of plugins and other stuff.
They allow for a HUGE number of targets, but watch out for those license costs!

Unity - .com
     Targets : Pretty much anything!
Unreal Engine - .com
     Targets : Pretty much anything!
GameMaker - .com
     Targets : Pretty much anything!

Misc Languages

Phaser - .io
     Targets : Javascript
Haxe - .org
     Targets : Javascript, Java, PHP, C# and other such targets.

MonoGame - .net
     Targets : Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS, tvOS, WindowsPhone, PS4, PSVita, XBone, Switch
DIV Game Studio - .co.uk - GitHub
     Targets : Windows, MacOS, Linux, Javascript, Android, Raspberry Pi, Pandora, GP2X
NaaLaa - .com
     Targets : Windows, Linux

Core Languages

MinGW - .org
Python - .org
PHP - .net
Perl - .org

Posting Your Game

     itch.io is a popular place to upload your games.
     GameJolt is another place to upload your games.

     Socoder has a Showcase
     SyntaxBomb have a "Showcase Area" within the forum.
     TIGSource Forum has an Announcement section



Thursday, 08 June 2017, 11:48
I was going to go over to AGK2, I already have the old AGK, but have now decided to try out Monkey2 when I return to coding.

Is there any way you could make this thread sticky Jay?, maybe a hot-link at top left of the site.
Thursday, 08 June 2017, 13:22
Yeah, I'm going to shove it in the left sidebar, with the FAQs link and those bits and pieces. Figured that's as good a place as any.
Thursday, 03 August 2017, 11:06
Here are few other basic or programming languages:

QB64 Q/QuickBasic for Windows
RFO! Basic - As freeware basic for Android.

Naalaa 6 For windows.

DIV Games Studio Div - Available for windows (beta freeware version)
Thursday, 03 August 2017, 11:34
Thanks, added them into the main list.
Thursday, 03 August 2017, 14:44
There is also the B4X languages


Also for 8 bit retro there is
CBM .prg Studio
Friday, 04 August 2017, 04:20
Thanks, added. (Although I only gave B4X one single link!)
Wednesday, 16 August 2017, 08:48
You should add Visual Studio Community and Character Generator!!
Wednesday, 16 August 2017, 09:20
Added VisStudio, but not adding ChrGen. That's not a language...
Wednesday, 07 February 2018, 10:49
Hey, anybody heard of Profan/Xprofan ?

They offer an older version 10.0a as the Full version-download, with compiler.

The XProfanFree 11 is newer, but it functions only as a Script-Language.

Their newest product is Xprofan X3.1, but this is commercial version.

The only disadvantage is, that the manual and the editor/compiler & runtime are in German Language. (the text output/buttons etc)

There is a patch for the v6.6 and v7.5 which enables the runtime, compiler and the editor to be displayed in English language. But, i guess, these versions aren't available as freeware.

You can download it at xprofan.de/start.htm

This is how the language looks like:

Wednesday, 07 February 2018, 11:34
Added to the list. I don’t mind sites being in different languages, as long as the code is still readable.
I can’t imagine how difficult it might be, trying to actually code using none-English commands!
Wednesday, 07 February 2018, 12:14
I wouldn't want to imagine it ^^;

Anyway, programming helped me a lot to expand my knowledge of the English language.

Here is another suggestion: http://web.archive.org/web/20080915174046/http://users.csolve.net/~keiko/HSP/ Hot Soup Processor. Archived page.
The IDE on this page is translated into English, manual is still in Japanese (at least the commands are in readable english).
(P.S. if you are using the Chrome Browser, you may open the HTML file, and let it translate the Japanese language into English. Just discovered this on my SrWare Iron browser)

Anyway worth a look. Here are few Sample programs: http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA003112/index_e.html
Wednesday, 07 February 2018, 12:51
Wednesday, 07 February 2018, 16:24
Don't forget python!
Wednesday, 07 February 2018, 16:34
Is python still a functional Gamedev language? I typically see it for scripts, but not much more.
Wednesday, 07 February 2018, 18:17
Yeah there's projects like pygame been around for 17 years! Also you even have Perl up there
Wednesday, 07 February 2018, 21:17
Yeah, but only because of it's ability as a server based thing!!
I dunno. Python seems very old-hat to me!
But I’ve added it to the Misc languages, and also added Pico-8 to the Retro section.
Tuesday, 25 December 2018, 00:25
Was there a font generator on this site recently... Digging around to see if my memory is misfiring or not. Edit, found it :
Saturday, 07 May 2022, 06:35
I'm not sure if this belongs in this section as it's a graphics tool rather than a coding tool, I learned about this tool (Krita) a few days ago in a Godot shaders tutorial video.

Saturday, 07 May 2022, 11:21
Can I throw Turbo Rascal onto the list under Modern Retro Coding?

Turbo Rascal - https://turborascal.com/
Runs on: Windows, Linux, Mac
Targets: Pretty much all 8 bit and many 16 bit micros (C64, Vic 20, Amiga, ST, BBC, Amstrad etc)