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SoCoder -> Link Home -> Just for Fun

Created : 02 August 2007

How To Write Unmaintainable Code

Ensure a job for life ;-)

I thought of this because of HoboBen's post for writing code using the Hungarian Notation... this is the complete and utter opposite.



Thursday, 02 August 2007, 12:38
Definitely raises a chuckle or two, nice link

This makes me wonder if a fun mini-challenge one day would be to see who can create the most obfuscated and pointless program, then see if anyone else can guess what it does...
Thursday, 02 August 2007, 19:49
Cool link!
Admitedly, I only read half of it - but I have a cold and my eyes hurt, so I'm not too guilty.
Thursday, 02 August 2007, 22:16
LOL! Next weeks WW should be the unmaintainable code challenge.
Friday, 03 August 2007, 06:23
That could be fun!

Someone remind me on Tuesday!
Monday, 06 August 2007, 10:51
Haha, thats great
Thursday, 09 August 2007, 16:15
Evil Roy Ferguso
I have read this before and enjoyed it perhaps a little too much -- it may have been what lead me to name a vital global variable "arghhhhhble" long ago!