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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 04 August 2011
Edited : 31 December 1969

#116 - SleepyJay

; SleepyJay

#0116 - Friday 05th August 2011

Subscribe to Socoder Newsletter

Every Friday!!


; Hello World

It's Friday again, so time for me to sit and type the obscure piles of garbage that flow through my mind like a streaming torrent of insanity.

I say that..
It's actually Thursday, at half 2 in the afternoon.
I'm cooking a Chicken Casserole, and in a moment will be peeling the potatoes.
Life is mindbogglingly uninteresting, right now.

I should be doing iDev, but I'm downstairs, the Mac's upstairs, and I haven't got jack done for two weeks, now.
Damn, that's depressing..

Maybe tomorrow..

By the time you read this, I'll have eaten 1/3 of the chicken casserole, Mum would've eaten 1/3 of the chicken casserole, and my sister will have left yet another night's tea in the microwave, uneaten. FFS

.. The cat will be eating the other 1/3

; Virtual PC Oddities

Having finally fixed his oddball network connections, Spinal now notices a crazy amount of CPU Usage coming from Virtual PC.

; More Server Stuffs

DD was pretty convinced he was going with Stealth's hosts, until HoboBen showed off some pretty damned convincing graphs.
Now everyone's jumping ship.
Linode's in front!


Argh, it's a snake!!!
Steve makes snake in C.
Happy Snake!

Random Bits

; Adverts Suck

Sucky adverts, created in the depths of hell, to sell you shampoo and bathroom cleaning products.

; Ernest's iPod

Did Apple steal their iPod ads from Ernest?!!

; Unlimited!

The only limits being that it needs most of the Enterprise D's memory core to cope with the giant amounts of data.
May as well make a replicator while you're at it.

; Meat, Pasties and Pies

Group Sites

; PlayMyCode.com

DD's done a nice big writeup about how his HTML5 based Image Collision Detection stuff works.
Fancy tech, and a nice amount of background code to show it off, good and proper.

; Return of the Prospector

PixelProspector.com's back, and has a nice new darker theme.. MMmmm...
His new Blog-style frontend is going to be a fantastic thing to keep an eye on.
No longer will he just be posting a cracking indie game a week, Kaizen will also be adding interesting Indie blogs, Indie help topics, and loads of "Big List" topics full of helpful sites and other bits and pieces.
Welcome back Kaizen!
Kicking arse!!

; Meteor Storm

Might as well keep an eye on Terry Paton, too!
He's currently remaking his Meteor Storm game, and is using some big chunky 3D models for the turrets and enemy ships.


via @Kaaaaaayyy do the mario

View on YouTube

A lonely sheep. Stick to the path lads. He's vicious.

Ooh, purdy clouds

New article from yours truly Over on @gamingsymmetry entitled: "Why Do We Never Grow Out of Gaming?"

Tiny Spiderman Won't Back Down: This is definitely not one of the droids we're looking for.

Balloon animal cruelty

Mark Jones remembers his days working for Ocean and Imagine - a Spectrum focused interview

; Hmmmmmm....

View on YouTube

; Hot Ice




; Ultimate Duel


; Cat's Day (NSFW)


; Meh, why not


; Move!


; Find the Lime!!


End Of

; Gimme Gimme Gimme!

Post stuffs!

FFS, Where's my Time Machine?!

I asked for a time machine 2 whole weeks ago, and not a single one of you has bothered to spend the next 80 years making me one, then bringing it back for me to use.

I need a sleep!!!

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