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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 19 December 2019

#446 - Gold News

Weekly Newsletter

; Gold News

#446 - Thursday 19th December, 2019

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Every Thursday, Wrapping


; Hello World

Wrapped all my gifts, yesterday, and have done the majority of the Big Xmas food shop.
All that's left is to grab a few last minute bits and pieces. The veg, mainly, because that shit goes off super-quick from our crappy Tesco.
We also need to find a good selection of Xmas cheeses, too, but .. Again, the local Tesco kinda sucks for those.
In an ideal world, I could hop on a bus/taxi and head out to the not-so-local Asda, but that's a bit of a trek for me.

I could always online-shop them, but .. Cheese and Veg are things I'd rather pick.
You just know the online shopper person's going to pick out the absolute worst, just to ruin your bloody xmas!!!
Bah, humbug..

Are you ready for Xmas?
All your gifts bought, and wrapped and put carefully under the tree?

It's less than a week until Xmas!! Fooook!!


; microStudio

Pakz discovers a "Code in your Browser" site that feels quite a lot like PlayMyCode did.
Jay gives it a go, but finds it a little awkward in places.
It's workable, but I'm not sure I could've wrapped my head around it, if I were new to coding.

This week's Word of the Week is Orienter, but will probably go the same way as the past few weeks.
There just aren't enough creative hours in the day!


With just a week remaining, the Advent threads are continuing to bring out the oddities.

In the Creativity thread, Shroomy continues to post his ShaderToy experiments, whilst Jay seems to have gotten caught up in all of the knitting.

Meanwhile, over in the Calendar thread, Rockford continues to get amazing little figures, whilst Jay grumbles about how utterly rubbish his spices are.


; How To

Pakz tells us about a lovely pixelart book that he's been reading.

Continuing to learn and draw, Pakz then shows off his latest Art Skills
There's more Faces

and some Rocks
(With faces!)


; Heated Debate

TheRevillsGames is enjoying the weather in the run up to Xmas.
The rest of us are all slightly peeved, as we wrap ourselves in layers of Xmas Jumpers, as per usual.


; Brave

A "different" browser with a few quirks.
RSKGames posts a link to a story all about the little browser.

; Floatplane

The guys at Linus Tech Tips have built their own YouTube replacement, and are opening it up for creators to use.

View on YouTube


; Cyriak's Circle

View on YouTube

; Chao In Space


; Coming Through


; Pokemon


; Our Fred


; Bless You


; Pizza, Please


; Tubeage Classics

The old ones are the best.


; Burning in the Fires of Hell

No, not Britain post-Brexit. ... maybe.
It's a little town called Centralia.

View on YouTube

; Impressions


; Robot Wars

William and co battle their Robot Vacuums


; Who Said That??The uncredited announcer in Super Monkey Ball

View on YouTube

; Talking

Mark Hamill talks to Frank Oz

; Cheating in the Snow

Mario Kart's broken track

80s Cover Corner

View on YouTube




TVCover Corner

View on YouTube




VGRemix Corner

View on YouTube



; and finally...


Load, Next List!

