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power mousey

Happy Saint David's!

2nd March 2007

Have a or had a Happy St. Davids' Day. :)
Happy Saint ElseWhere too.
but no Hill Street Blues. :)
scroll down to check out these and other shows. ;)
cheers :)
power mousey

power mousey


2nd March 2007

the site and style look fine, Jay.
its good. Don't change it.
cheers, :)
power mousey

power mousey

emailing specific individuals or at random

2nd March 2007

hey, agent smith
I hope not either. The only spam I like
are Spam sandwiches...and especially with Spam Lite. ;)
And 2 spam sandwiches, please.
power mousey

power mousey

blitzbasic.com has left the server.

2nd March 2007

they have some articles,tutorials
and programs too. also, there are good people
there too.
but, if they kicked the domain...
rats!!! I thought TGC would go first. :(
I'll check again. Like right now....
maybe just maintennance. Or, could it be

power mousey

type help

2nd March 2007

yeah, dna, how do you like the site? :)
I hope you work out that program with those types.
power mousey

power mousey

Game Requirements

1st March 2007

Cool Cat says: give my Diablo a cigar! ;)
meow, meow. purrrrrrrrr. :)
purfectly purrs, :)-

power mousey

The Prestigious Power Mousey

28th February 2007

you're welcome. :-)

power mousey

type help

28th February 2007

yeah, absolutely, steve. absolutely.
you're right. its an array.
its set for 10 items....0 to 9.
you can set,assign,delete the contents
of each element of the array.
Even, setting the range withing the min of 0 and the max of 9...10 elements.

power mousey

type help

28th February 2007

you and mike are right. You can delete a whole object.
and also delete each instance of an object with Delete Each.
and also, iterate thru with that special Each loop too.
I don't know if dna wants to delete each instance in the array and/o*snip*

power mousey

type help

28th February 2007

hey mike,
how true. :) I'll leave this to you and others.
I'll be learning more of and concentrating on Cobra.

Yet, thank you dna. Its motivating me
to look into record types and other data containers
in Cobra.
cheers to you both, :-)

power mousey

Game Requirements

28th February 2007

Moms Pc....Dell computer.
Marks Pc.....HP Computer, like mine but better.
Wes Pc... both a Mac and a Dell too.
Dianes' Pc...just a Windows laptop for work.
I also have a HP Pavilion computer and a Compaq Presario.
In the future, I will be *snip*

power mousey

Game Requirements

28th February 2007

yes, especially with some family members and a few friends too.
then if you are feeling frisky and risky,
put it up on this showcase. ;)

power mousey

The Prestigious Power Mousey

28th February 2007

yes, they did gar. :) and ;)

power mousey

The Prestigious Power Mousey

28th February 2007

I got an ecosphere a couple of years ago
as a Birthday gift from my brother Mark.
They are supposed to last up to 5 years
for the smaller spheres.
The bigger ones can last many, many years.
If you do get one....remember to put them i*snip*

power mousey

The Prestigious Power Mousey

28th February 2007

yes snakes eat mouses,mice,and rats too.
But not the Mousey of Power! :)
yet, don't those eco-spheres look really cool?
I think I'm going to get another one.
power mousey

power mousey

The Prestigious Power Mousey

27th February 2007

Well, I have and am learning Cobra. ;)
Even though a lot of people are scared or cautious
with snakes...consciously and sub-consciously. It could
be the latent and built-in fear of the ancient and antediluvian fear and hatred of them as the fallen *snip*

power mousey

The Prestigious Power Mousey

27th February 2007

blanko, :)
I like that shirt you have on. and thank you too
for providing the link to purchase that shirt and other things. I think I might be one. Yes, true. :)
and hey, you're so cool.
Blanko, the mysterious. Mystical and mighty...with thin, l*snip*

power mousey

Hobby Pictures.

27th February 2007

yes, steve, the power mousey is a Trekkie of sorts.
I do like some of the Star Wars but I'm more into Star Trek.
I like the original ST. Yet, the STNG was a whole lot better. I especially like Data, Worf, and Jordi LaForge.
I also liked Q a lot an*snip*

power mousey

Hobby Pictures.

26th February 2007

what starship design are you going to use?
triumphant treks :)
power mousey

power mousey


26th February 2007

hey gar,
really cool site. :)
power mousey

power mousey

Hobby Pictures.

25th February 2007

steve I like to make some of these models too.
but they are so expensive. I could buy those toy model kits but I don't think I'll have the patience with gluing
the parts together with the glue or rubber cement.
Besides I'll probably get all st*snip*

power mousey

The Prestigious Power Mousey

25th February 2007

yes, cool. :-)
and hey, thats your little half sister.
okay, she looks like the lil darling sis. :-)
that last pic would be good for one too.
maybe sorta some kind of caption
like...in the fashion of 'In Your Face'
or 'Here I AM' type of saying.

power mousey

Hobby Pictures.

25th February 2007

I have a friend at work. His name is Daniel.
By the way, he is 21 years old. He has a cousin who is 36 years old.
His cousin is into this aeroplane flying thing and also
radio kit cars. I asked Daniel how much it costs for these
kind of *snip*

power mousey

The Prestigious Power Mousey

25th February 2007

hey stealth,
you are awesome, dude. true :-)
and...still the rock star. my gosh!!,
especially in pic#2. Dude!, get those posters
printed and the album cover made out. Seriously.
We're talking serious bread and molah moo.
Cash cows here. t-shirst*snip*

power mousey

The Prestigious Power Mousey

25th February 2007

you look like a talk radio show host.
Or even a tv newscaster. true.
serious you look cool and awesome. true. :-)
have you ever seriously considered acting??
maybe a stint on America Idol or equivalent.
I like that*snip*

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