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Socoder -> Blitz -> OSX Dock style menu

Tue, 27 Oct 2009, 03:56
I thought I would post this, as I have a habit of loosing code that I end up needing in the future.
What we have here, is an example of icon movement used in the osx shortcut dock, if anyone remembers, I used this methot in both DSision and DSision2. I hope someone finds it useful.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 02 Nov 2009, 07:13
Thanks for sharing this code. I believe this will be very handy.

Are You Rapture Ready?
Mon, 27 Jan 2025, 04:57
Trying to do this in 3d...

How on earth do you get a sprite to be 100% scale when rendered?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 27 Jan 2025, 05:05
Can you switch to Orthogonal view? That'll be slightly easier. But you have a myriad of issues, like distance from lens, graphics resolution scaling on DirectX's side, graphics resolution scaling on Windows' side, and a whole lot of other bits and pieces.

Orthogonal projection will stop things getting bigger/smaller when further away, which should help trying to get things a bit more exact.

(16 years?!!)

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 27 Jan 2025, 06:47
Loads a 128x128 image, displays it in the centre of the screen. It turns out that the sacle of the sprites are directly related to the width of the window, no wonder I couldn't scale it properly.

Anyway, this example changes the window size with spacebar and recaculates the icon size from the new window width.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 27 Jan 2025, 13:51
Got the mouse pointer moving correctly, but then I realised, I can't make a transparent window in Blitz3D. I'll be giving up on this then.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 27 Jan 2025, 15:16

That's a shame, but it's probably a good idea to stop here, before spending FAR too long on the project!
I honestly can't think of what else you could use, or at least, nothing that'll be easy to work with!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 27 Jan 2025, 15:56
Turns out, if you ask copilot enough over a couple of hours, you can get quite close in python...

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