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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What Have You Done - July 2020

Sat, 25 Jul 2020, 05:07

What Have You Done - July 2020

Haven't done one of these for a while.. ..!!


What did you get done this Month?
  • Games
  • Art
  • Farting About

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    My Art XP seem to have upgraded to 0.2205698%, this month. I've been doodling coverart, and tiny little icons, and more, and it's not looked terrible!!
    Meanwhile, out of my month's games, Kabooma Looma is most definitely the winner. That's become a bit of a favourite of mine to play at night.


    What didn't you get done?
  • Gaming

    Why not?
    Too busy coding!
    Barely touched the PS4 pro, other than little quick tests of various demos, and my Animal Crossing islanders are starting to get lonely. Haven't played that for .. at least 2 days.. They'll be worried sick!


    What are you working on right now?
    Screenshot Saturday posts.

    How's that going?
    CBA doing that, it's like a whole extra job at the end of a busy week, right when I should be starting next week's games.
    Bah, humbug!


    What's the plan for the next Month?
  • Stop?

    I've already made over 80 games, this year. I might have a well earned rest over August and see about finishing off all the unfinished bits and pieces that are scattered throughout my harddrive.


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  • Tue, 28 Jul 2020, 08:02


    What did you get done this Month?
  • Jogged... A Lot!!
  • Lost 1 St in weight in a month
  • Finished upgrading the Kids PC

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Not exactly. I'm happily surprised that it's now the 28th of July and I've jogged every day into work and most Saturdays over to the kids but I woke up this morning and felt like I had the life just taken out from me, possibly I've overdone it, ended up takig today off work instead of tomorrow. I don't know but it feels that I might have overdone things.

    Convincing myself to get up and ready to go the 7.5 km into work each day has been daunting and I might scale back my ambitions from 12 weeks to ...the end of this month.

    My shins are not the most pleased with me and I can feel that even now. No shin splints but yeah, they don't feel right.

    I need to set myself a different challenge for next month, possibly less leggy although I'll still be walking to and from everywhere possible. Maybe planks might be a good one instead.


    What didn't you get done?
  • Hardly any game coding

    Why not?

    ASM is long form and I need to be in the right mood for it still


    What are you working on right now?
    Not much, today's a chill out day.

    How's that going?
    Pretty chilled out.


    What's the plan for the next Month?
  • Spend as little as possible
  • Exercise
  • Make some wise investments
  • Code the game damnit Ryan!!

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
  • Thu, 30 Jul 2020, 08:03
    I have been getting back to lots of exercise. After I got sick and rested I needed to build up again. I can manage to row 4 hours in a day again.

    I have bought a Yamaha ModX6 synthesizer last week and have been getting used to using it for making music. I think I watched every tutorial on youtube that shows how to use it.
    Currently I am working on a Final Fight and Jaguar XJ 220 Music remix with it. I think I wil add several other remixes to work on at the same time.
    It does not have the ability to write a sequenced song to a stick so a cable is required to move the music to a computer.

    I have done no coding for quite some time now. No pixel art either.

    Tomorrow there is a tropical day. I am sweating already.