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Socoder -> Nintendo Gaming -> Switch Game Suggestions

Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 07:07
Bought a Switch on release day in 2017. Had it for about a year then sold it due to finances. Finally getting another tomorrow, and I'm dead excited. Apart from SmileBASIC for Jay's games, what post 2017 games would you recommend?
Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 07:07
Animal Crossing, obv!!

Clubhouse Games is ... ok.. but the music is repetitive as hell, and as is the norm with Ninty, there's no option to turn it off.

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Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 07:23
Clubhouse Games looks great! Might have to get that.

Animal Crossing is a funny one. I was 14 when I played New Leaf. Not sure if I can juggle a full-time job, a social life, AND AC:NH all at the same time, lol.
Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 07:50
As long as you can find time to do the weeding, you'll be ok.


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Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 08:43
Just started ringfit, it's not as stupid as I thought it would be. Saying that, in story mode, you can't just skip all the boring text, at least they can't force you to read it. I'm 3 worlds in and have no idea what the story is.

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Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 08:48
I would LOVE to be able to play that game.
So tempted to buy it, but I know it'll go to waste. (As opposed to going to waist)

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Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 09:08
just bought Starlink: Battle for Atlas. Paid 8 quid which includes Starfox, and 2 other physical ships. It's a no brainer to snap it up at that price. Also just bought 3D all stars, which will give me a reason to complete Mario Sunshine and Galaxy.

My 71-year-old Grandma has been playing New Leaf for a few weeks and didn't realise you had to do weeding. Uh oh...
Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 09:30
Starlink is no No Man's Sky..
When I tried to enjoy it, my head kept going "well, that's really obvious how they coded that bit.." and I couldn't get into it, as a result.
I hope you can turn off your dev-brain enough to enjoy it!

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Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 15:23
I work full time and have a homelife and a son and wife and 3 dogs and I have time for AC:NH but nothing else!!!!

Pikmin 3 is a cracking entry in the series.

Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

Disgaea (any - they're all the same, but will suck your life from you)

Yoshi's Crafted World

The new Super Mario 3D collection - Galaxy FTW!!!!

That lot will keep you going until the next generation actually kicks in. (2045 looks to be about right).

What I would say though is look at the Indie games in the eShop. Some absolutely cracking games with itty bitty prices. There are loads of sales nowadays too where full, decent games are made available for virtually (or even) free.
Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 15:31
Rob (of RetroRemakes) and friends (many familiar names within our circle of blitz-coders) have a version of DRM in there, which is quite quite good!

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Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 15:42
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!

I've bought a fair few games now. I Rebought Mario Odyessy as I feel like playing it again, bought Astral Chain, Daemon x Machina, Mario Maker 2 and Tetris 99 (20 quid on Amazon which gets you the DLC and a 12-month Switch online membership). Booked tomorrow afternoon off work so I can sit at home and wait not-so-patiently!!!
Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 15:48
Aaargh. Waiting!!! Aaaaarrrgh!!!!
It'll be one of those "between 5pm and 10pm" deliveries

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Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 16:58
LOL. Probably. My Amazon parcels have been getting later and later recently.
Sun, 14 Feb 2021, 10:46
Been trying to play Mario 3d world + bowsers fury....

The controlled are the worst of any Mario game I ever played. You slide around way too fast, the game has little to no depth cues, it's like playing an ice level on a spectrum isometric game.

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Mon, 15 Feb 2021, 02:52
The Switch turned up at about 8pm on Friday. Played a bit of Mario Maker, and it's mostly okay. Doesn't really capture me as the first Mario maker did. Really good fun, though.

Tetris 99 is brilliant but super bloody difficult.

Spent this weekend playing through Mario Odyssey again and it was fantastic. Also been playing Mario 3D all-stars, which exceeded my expectations. The ports look pretty great compared to the originals!

All in all, I'm having a lot of fun!
Mon, 15 Feb 2021, 04:03
I still own all three original games in the AllStars, and IMO the DS edition of Mario64 was much improved over the original. I'm still not sure why they reverted to the original. I expected better from Ninty.
Sunshine is absolutely one of my least favourite Mario games, and Galaxy I can play any time I feel like attempting to play a game on my Wii.

Incidentally, I tried playing Wii Sports Tennis the other day, after the earlier mention of RingFit.
Didn't go well.. Motion sickness kicked in after about 2 minutes!!
Bah, humbug..

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Mon, 15 Feb 2021, 05:53
I agree with everyhing Jay just said about the Mario games (I have all of them too inc N64 and 3DS Mario 64). Ninty did a dirty on its users with that recent collection methinks.
Mon, 15 Feb 2021, 09:53
I was never a fan of the controls on the DS version, didn't play it often. I play the n64 version more often. I was happy enough with the switch emulation of it.

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Mon, 15 Feb 2021, 10:33
Controls are easily fixed. Hell, they fixed Sunshine's lack of analogue trigger.
If I had a choice, I'd definitely go for the bigger one.
I'm not sure why Ninty didn't.

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Thu, 18 Feb 2021, 09:46
Does anyone else hear this or is it just me?

(- Click watch on youtube, the plugin doesn't seem to like adding a time offset)

View on YouTube

View on YouTube

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Thu, 18 Feb 2021, 09:51
I was thinking more Kylie's "Can't get you out of my head"
But.. yeah!!

I'm sure they must've "borrowed" a few ideas to get the right style.
Metropolis Street Racer, too, is full of borrowed styles, and is one of my favourites.

Also : need to fix that, Jay! At least the link works, though.

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Thu, 18 Feb 2021, 10:12
The worst part was no knowing what the song was called, nor the lyrics, but only the fact that it was on a CD I got for christmas one year as a teenager. You can't just say "Hey google, which song goes do do dodododoo do do d,d,d,d,d....."

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Thu, 18 Feb 2021, 10:17