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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - April 2023

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Sat, 01 Apr 2023, 01:51

Question of the Day : April 1st

What did you buy recently?
Sat, 01 Apr 2023, 02:21
The most recent thing I bought was some food shopping. Did a big shop from Iceland. Got some of those lovely frozen Meatballs that they do.

Lazy Man's Pasta+Meatballs
1. Stick some pasta on the hob, give it 7/8 minutes depending on cooking instructions.
2. Open a jar of Dolmio bolognaise sauce, and put that on another ring, let it simmer.
3. About halfway through the Pasta's cooking time, pour about 10 or so of the frozen meatballs into a pyrex dish, pop them in the microwave with a splatter guard for 2.5 minutes.
4. Pour meatballs out into the Dolmio sauce. Beware : Super Hot!
5. Leave to simmer until the pasta's done.
6. Pasta goto Bowl.
7. Meatballs and Sauce goto Pasta.
8. Food goto Mouth.

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Sun, 02 Apr 2023, 02:31

Question of the Day : April 2nd

Have you experienced falling down the stairs?
Sun, 02 Apr 2023, 04:27
Reently bought err, just food stuffs really, nothing exciting but I am getting a replacement monitor for the kids room on Monday for £20

Nope, just falling up the stairs, at least, IRL.

I've had lots of times where I've woken up after having a dream / nightmare where I start to fall down the stairs.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 02 Apr 2023, 04:45
To many times.
Sun, 02 Apr 2023, 04:47
Since.. .. you know.. I have to take stairs very carefully, especially going up. I have a tendency to stumble backwards, and doing that on the stairs is dangerous as hell.
When going up, I tend to launch myself at full speed so I can get to the other side without any issues.
Coming down's not as bad, since a stumble backwards will usually result in me sat on my arse on a step midway.. But even still, I have to take care doing so.

But, no. As of yet, I haven't took a tumble.

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Sun, 02 Apr 2023, 07:51
With me, according to the quacks, my balance problem is to do with diabetes so I guess that must mean the fluid in the inner ear is more viscous than it should be or something like that. I don't know much about human biology stuff.
Mon, 03 Apr 2023, 00:35

Question of the Day : April 3rd

How often do you play games on your phone?
Mon, 03 Apr 2023, 00:37
Rarely. That's not to say I don't play mobile games, though. I just play them on my tablet because my eyes are too old and weary to play little games on a tiny phone screen!!
As for how often?
All the time.
Zookeeper World on Apple Arcade, or ShoeboxOfGames

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Mon, 03 Apr 2023, 15:05
Mainly Chess.com and Super Auto Pets, with a bit o spike dislike now and then.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 04 Apr 2023, 00:21

Question of the Day : April 4th

What time were you born?
Tue, 04 Apr 2023, 00:21
Tue, 04 Apr 2023, 01:30
Tue, 04 Apr 2023, 02:14
I think it was 2:17 am.
Tue, 04 Apr 2023, 03:29
About 7:30
|edit| Or it might be 7:00, I'll have to ask Mummus |edit|
Wed, 05 Apr 2023, 02:15

Question of the Day : April 5th

If you could only teach three things to your future child, what would they be?
Thu, 06 Apr 2023, 00:12

Question of the Day : April 6th

How do you make games that are accessible to both retro enthusiasts and modern gamers?
Fri, 07 Apr 2023, 01:22

Question of the Day : April 7th

Is there something you recently regretted doing?
Fri, 07 Apr 2023, 01:42
Yep... :/
Fri, 07 Apr 2023, 02:35
I used my 15kg dumbells without warming up enough. Now my right knee has a slight injury. This means I wont be able to exercise that much for a while.
Fri, 07 Apr 2023, 03:16
Ugh, that sucks. Hopefully you can find something else to keep your exercise going in the meantime. Taking a break is always hard for me to get back into the swing of things. (Quite literally when my exercise consists of swinging my arms around in VR!)

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Fri, 07 Apr 2023, 03:36
Apple is releasing VR this year? I remember that it requires having to have a powerful system to use these kind of things. I can not see myself using it for anything right now. I did want that ps1 vr system when I first saw that back then.
Fri, 07 Apr 2023, 03:41
The Quest 2's been great for me. I've lost a bunch of weight, and my big fat belly's reduced to now being no more than a moderately fat belly
I've been tempted by the Quest Pro, but I'm being sensible and waiting for Quest 3's release to see which ends up being better. Apparently the colour-additive stuff in the Quest Pro's AR mode is a bit glitchy, and the Q3 might solve that. .. But we have to wait and see.

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Sat, 08 Apr 2023, 02:32

Question of the Day : April 8th

If you could meet anyone in the world today, who would you meet?
Sun, 09 Apr 2023, 01:45
April 7th: Leg day on Wednesday, hamstrings are never happy for a few days afterwards

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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