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Socoder -> Site & Server -> Obligatory GDPR Gubbins

Thu, 24 May 2018, 16:37

Created : 24 May 2018
Edited : 24 May 2018

Privacy Policy and GDPR Information

I refuse to write a mass-mailer to mass-mail everyone to say "Hey, I don't have a mass-mailer coded, so I'm not mass-mailing you in the first place", so instead I'll write it here, and people can find it, and people can either understand or not.

I don't have a mass-mailer... Well, I probably do on the server host's CPanel or something, but I haven't bothered to use it.
It's probably an easy task to take everyone's emails from the database, and bung it into a mailing list, but I haven't ever, nor will I ever, do that.

Basic privacy policy : If you've posted it here, then it's visible to the world, and you already knew that when you posted it.
Your data is not, otherwise, used in any way shape or form*.

If you want your email address changed/removed, let me know. You can either log in and ask, request it on Twitter, or just email Jayenkai@Gmail.com Usernames, too, can be changed on request.
99% of other things in your profile are editable. Simply log in and tweak, or request it if you'd rather not log in.

Any content should be easily editable, or removable.
If you'd like me to click my handy "Delete everything" button, then I do have one of those available.

Wednesday Workshop entries are also removable, but that'll have to be (again) done by me. (Wednesday Workshop predates SoCoder by a few months, so integration has always been slightly hacky!!)

So, again, if you need changes/tweaks/edits, email Jayenkai@Gmail.com or @Jayenkai on Twitter.
Any/all additional data on the site is only content that you, yourself, have chosen to post here, eg, I haven't done a "Blitzcoder Archive" or anything else that might not be something you agreed to post here in the first place.


* Although I did sneak a peek to get Eikon's email address, the other day. Emailed him about me currently making a remake of Fiery Fourth, and asked permission. He said it was fine, and that he's currently working a codey-based office job at a bank. He doesn't appear to be in the game-dev place any more.


Data Tracking

Your data is not shared.. At all!
However, it is easily accessible, so you should probably know that anything you DO post will probably be read by about a thousand bots within the next hour or so of you posting it, and probably retained forever.
General rule of the web.. Delete never really deletes anything.
This isn't me, or my doing, it's just the shitty side of the web.

There's a handful of cookies on the site, storing login and a few theme settings, but otherwise this site's as clean as a whistle. There's not even basic analytics, or adverts, or anything that might Google-ify your access on the site. There's no tracking, other than the server knowing which posts you've read so it can highlight new posts (usually!) in the sidebar.
The site is as "raw" as I could possibly have made it, and hopefully that means that you shouldn't need me to have written all of this crap.


Newsletter Mailing
The SoCoder Newsletter is handled by Google Groups. Newsletter Home
I imagine it should've already emailed you to ask if it's ok to keep emailing you, but if it hasn't you can probably find it in your Google Groups settings, somewhere. I think.. Maybe!
The older Yahoo-based group seems to have disappeared, so quite what that did with everyone's data, I'm not sure.

Take any issues up with either of those two, as you see fit.

Fri, 25 May 2018, 02:00
I'm cool with it all
Fri, 25 May 2018, 02:56
Fri, 25 May 2018, 03:56
Yay no email from SoCoder regarding the GDPR!!!
Fri, 25 May 2018, 12:25
Happy times here!

Fri, 25 May 2018, 15:50
Cool beans.
Fri, 25 May 2018, 21:53
Blitz Basic has this writetcp command that could be used to write emails. Pretty simple stuff. I once wrote a mass mailer with it. Back then anyway you needed to use a pauze of a few seconds between mails or my internet provider would block the connection.

I have been getting a number of mails with these new privacy rules. I have not been looking at them at all. I hope they not auto end my steam games etc though.

The cookie wall we have is anoying also.
Sat, 26 May 2018, 13:22
Nobody needed to email anybody about the GDPR

You may be interested to know that, while informal, your privacy policy is actually pretty good and basically compliant.

One thing you need to say (my comment here will probably do!) is, if in the unlikely event that someone is unhappy they have the right to take it to a supervisory body - in the UK this is ICO. That's about all!

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 26 May 2018, 13:30
My workplace has gone nuts about this crap. We are now, for example, not allowed to post the work rota outside the office door because it contains personal information ie. peoples names.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 26 May 2018, 13:39
@Hobo : I tried my best to include most of the important stuff. Must've missed off the "if you wish to complain" bit. To be honest, there was a LOT of waffle to read through!!!

@Spinal : that’s going a bit too far!!! Give it a week or two, and they'll be posted as normal

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 26 May 2018, 23:37
Just a thought, I wonder if them debt collector pain in the arses can now share your data?

I've still got that £160 Sky bill thingy going off, and noticed it been passed from one "company" to "another"... I know its the same firm, and basically, John in the East side of the office who works for Shotgun, Bastard and Dribble Solicitors gets an earful from me, then my £160 debt gets moved to the West side of the office to Karen, who according to letters works for Weiner and Cox Law!



Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 27 May 2018, 02:13
LOL @Dabz.