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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Coronavirus - COVID-19

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Thu, 26 Mar 2020, 06:09
Thu, 26 Mar 2020, 13:08
I'm actually more worried about the effects of the quarantine measures, than about the virus itself.
Thu, 26 Mar 2020, 13:49
The measures wouldn't be there unless they were necessary. I don't think we should ever get into that "the vaccine might kill me" mindset, or we end up right back at square one, eventually.

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Thu, 26 Mar 2020, 15:31
Vaccines, eh? Don't count on vaccines any time soon... I know too much about this subject for that... It was originally my study (cancelled, though).
And necessary is another question... They come too late, and we can't stop the virus itself... All we can do is hope that most people build up natural immunity. It's just that hospitals can't take the high number of ill ones, so they're hoping to buy to extra time, by not everyone getting infected in once.... And that is the only explanation that still makes sense also... Point is, they could only have done that by taking these measures months ago.... When the Italian outbreak began, to be precise... And the side-effects of the measures are already visible....

Small businesses going bankrupt, more in-house violence, marriages on the line... Some medics already confirmed to me that psychiatrists are working over-time now. Increase of suicides can be expected pretty soon. and of course, not to mention the economic damage as awhole. When you live in a country with a health-care system partially regulated by state, you must notice that the first thing that gets hit by budgets cuts when the economic goes down the drain is the health care system. That being said, if this takes too long, this also won't help the fight against the virus.

So all in all, I am pretty realistic about these measures, and I refuse to call them pessimistic. What I mentioned now is quite optimistic, since I only mentioned the tip of the iceberg for the side-effects to come... We haven't yet had the worst of this... The worst will come most likely when the virus itself is no longer an issue, at all.
Thu, 26 Mar 2020, 17:20
I'm sure there'll be plenty of casualties, but shutting everything down is, IMO, the right thing to do.
If we all carried on as normal, the health services couldn't cope, and things would be horrific.
Shutting things down slows the spread, gives them time to react, find a vaccine, figure it out,

That's more important.
We'll be temporarily screwed, but it's better in the long term.

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Fri, 27 Mar 2020, 03:39
No actually it was the wrong thing to do, the the virus will go on the way it always did, and if it would be gone, it would only come back with a vengeance... Something we now see in some countries that followed the most strict regime thinking they'd eradicate the virus that way. And buying time, as that is all they hope to get would have been fruitful if it was done before, and with completely different measures.

When it comes to a vaccine, when it's there before June 2021 or even August 2021, I am not gonna risk to use it. Vaccines are nasty things you cannot be too careful with. They can, if not properly prepared cause more damage and devastation than the virus it has to protect you against. It ain't so long ago that people vaccinated got maimed for the rest of their lives, due to the hurry in which the vaccine was developed. It's for a good reason that vaccines need a long time to be tested to make sure stuff like that can't happen. The normal period to test medicines is 10 years, so that means that if all protocols are followed as normally the vaccine should arrive in 2030 soonest, although in situations like these they can do it in less time, but that is always a kind of a risk.

A vaccine is in principal just the virus itself being injected forcing your body to create antibodies against it. Of course these anti-bodies are our only hope against any virus, but it's only logical that this method also poses some risks

"We'll be temporarily screwed, but it's better in the long term. "
And that is the best formulation why these quarantine measures should NOT have been taken, as you use the words in the reversed sense as they should be used. I already see the long-term effects around me. Businesses getting bankrupt (permanent), marriages on the line (most likely leading to a divorce), and increase of violence in the house (leaving permanent marks), an increase of suicide attempts, actually I think psychiatrists are now more overworked than doctors treating people ill of corona right now. And what I mentioned is only the tip of the iceberg. The (permanent) damage these measures cause outranks whatever the virus can do by far.

In the meantime in loads of countries we can still do our shopping in supermarkets and grocery stores, and where I live, they (ironically) closed down their webservices due to this virus, while these stores are THE place were the virus has most chance to spread. Closing supermarkets down, and only doing shopping over the internet, would already have been more effective, and then loads of other things, now closed down could just have gone on like normal. But the point is also, prevention is only possible when that what you wanted to prevent didn't already take place. In NONE of the countries in lockdown now, that is the case... They all began to prevent when it already happened. It's like trying to prevent WWII in 1942.

The truth is that if we did nothing the virus would only have caused much trouble for a few months (probably even less as we'd sooner be resistant), these measures have consequences that will last much longer (the economic crisis that is on the way, may take a few years if this goes on for too long), and lasting much longer, and probably on a larger scale. And I wonder if their ain't more efficient ways not to overwork medical personnel, as that is the only thing that justifies these measures, as I too am worried about those guys and girls.
Also note that the damage COVID-19 does has been overstated. The virus is actually pretty weak, and most people won't even notice they've been infected. It's only a small group getting in danger, however, a small group is in an entire population still a lot of people, and they now all fall ill in the same time, that probably won't happen again next year. It would have been more prudent if people were measured more, as these measures are also like going to war with an enemy you don't know where they are, sending all your troops to the East while nobody knows the enemy is actually in the West. What is also more devastating than the virus is that countries cannot come to an agreement what to do, and as long as they don't agree with each other, nothing's gonna work anyway (but then again, isn't that the issue with everything?)

There is a Dutch proverb "De genezing is erger geworden dan de kwaal", which literally means "The cure has become worse than the disease".... When it comes to COVID-19, the meaning and truth of that proverb is irrefutable evidenced. The virus is here, there is nothing that can change that. Leaving home at 8:30am in order to catch the train leaving at 8:00am is also pointless, and that is what these measures do. When we could do something we did nothing, when nothing is useful anymore all registers are pulled open (also a Dutch proverb).

No this is not better in the long term... It's actually the long term results that make me against these measures. All of them!

Trust me, Corona is gonna haunt us for years with terrible consequences and none of them caused by the virus itself. Furthermore the virus itself is here to stay....

A chessmaster can only become a master when he's willing to think about the results of his moves.... All results.... Nobody in charge did that. And I hope they'll learn from this debacle and come up with a better plan when the next virus breaks out.
Fri, 27 Mar 2020, 04:57
Tricky, people are dying. The UK was trying to go the Herd Immunity route, but when scientists warned the government that upwards of 500,000 could die if we went that route. We're flattening the curve with self isolation, which will drag the shit-show on longer, but it'll save lives as the NHS won't be chuffing overwhelmed.

And non of that Anti-Vax shite. Ugh.

EDIT: And where has it ever said that the virus is weak? It killed a 21 year old woman the other day with no underlying health conditions!!!!!!!!
Fri, 27 Mar 2020, 05:07
I miss my kids and well, any proper human contact.

Working from home is proving to be tough to do when my mind is clouded by so many other things, are the kids safe, parents, friends, etc.

!NSFW : Not Safe for Work!

Keeping myself busy is going to be key here but it's amazingly tough to concentrate.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 27 Mar 2020, 10:20
Boris and Wancock get Covid - (Linkage)
Fri, 27 Mar 2020, 10:22
Inevitable, really, but.. So quick!!
Sat, 28 Mar 2020, 04:18
A vaccine is in principal just the virus itself being injected forcing your body to create antibodies against it

Vaccines are actually DEAD versions of the viruses, which themselves pose no harm to you at all. Your body reacts in the same way as if it were alive and build an immune response.

On the political side, I for one am more than happy to stay indoors for a while if the outcome is that our (and other countries) health services can cope better with the amount of people that will require help. Any government who chooses to let a new virus run it's course without doing anything and allowing hundreds of thousands of people die through inactivity should not be allowed to run a country.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 28 Mar 2020, 08:48
Ration-mindset thinking "cup a soups would go down well.."
Amazon checking "Box of 12? That'll do.. Two boxes, please.."
Delivery result

> Reveal 🔎

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Sat, 28 Mar 2020, 13:22
Y'know, it's actually piss easy to make your own soup and v v v cheap?
Sat, 28 Mar 2020, 14:07
Yeah, mum makes tons of soups. Our favourite is the spicy tomato one, with chilli and paprika in it. Nom nom..

But both Mum and I have been sent the "at risk" text alert, telling us we have to isolate for about 12 weeks, and as of right now, online shopping is damn near impossible. I'm hopeful that, in a week or so, I'll be able to start doing some proper online shopping again.
Until then, I figured "12 cup-a-soups" would tide me over..
.. oops!!

Incidentally, the chilli one's delicious! Will be trying the minestrone tomorrow..

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Sat, 28 Mar 2020, 15:53
260 deaths in the UK in the past 24 hours. linkage

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Sat, 28 Mar 2020, 17:44
Those Ainsley Harriet Chilli soups are lovely. He also does another that's really nice - Hot & Sour. Nom Nom Nom.
Sun, 29 Mar 2020, 04:57
Convinced myself to go outside for a walk yesterday. Just to try and clear my head.

Went through the park with a general "keep the fuck away from anyone" mind still going on. That didn't let up despite walking into town afterwards. It's all so deserted and I'm paranoid about being near anybody, in particular people working in a shop. Avoiding the hell out of super markets.

Trying to ignore that I've got the beginnings of a sore throat, have done for a few days, which would mean nothing to me in any normal situation but just ...ergghhhh. 25% of the way through this lockdown, can't wait for the remaining 75% to go away.

Keeping inside is driving me insane slowly it seems.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 29 Mar 2020, 06:39
List of high street stores and how they're treating staff. Linkage

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Sun, 29 Mar 2020, 22:15
There was some hard wind yesterday. My mothers fence was damaged. I had a hard time temporarily fixing it. I first tried to fix it by sticking some wood on the sides but it this did not work. I had to put some rope on a pole I put in the ground and it survived the day and night.

Luckily there is still the possibility to order things online. I am going to order 3 fence poles and 20m of washing line and hope I can strenghten the fence so it will survive for a foreseeable time. It is a rather big fence! Great timing with the lockdown there!

Yesterday there were 130+ deaths. Every day at 14:00+/- there is the new update on the deaths.

My brothers ex and his/her children have been sick for weeks now. They were not tested. They got sick just at the time the virus was starting out in holland. They live close to the most hard region here.
Mon, 30 Mar 2020, 09:00
Man vs Boredom.

Don't get bored, guys!

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Mon, 30 Mar 2020, 09:09
Gotta love the phrasing! 'Denies other magnets' - Sounds like the option was offered

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 30 Mar 2020, 16:05
God damn, that looks scary as fuck.. linkage

Less the "we need more hospital beds" and more "shove them all inside a giant air-hanger"...

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Tue, 31 Mar 2020, 14:42
Today was a bit better of a day somehow, I think spending as much time as possible away from the bed / work room and outside is key for me, even if it is just wandering around the park nearby, it helps.

Also, tried streaming last night on twitch, it was fun!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 31 Mar 2020, 14:52
I went out for a wander around the street the other day, and my sister did her nut!! "Don't go out!!"
It's fucking dead out here, though.
Even with all my stumbling about, I'm currently quite safe out there, as there literally nothing in my way!
I was in the middle of the road for most of the short trip.
You lot can stay in. I'm going walkies!

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Tue, 31 Mar 2020, 18:17
Last Wednesday I got bored and went for an hour's drive on the A27, and then went down Asda on Thursday. Not even been out of the front door since then.
Fri, 03 Apr 2020, 09:57
The Queen will be making a special broadcast on Sunday, at 8pm. linkage

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