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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

power mousey
Created : 25 December 2006

Back down from Snake Mountain

from the abandoned temple


and hello all. finally! I downloaded the Cobra demo.
I was about ready to give up on Cobra and the problems of downloading on my computer.
Thanks to Graham for putting up a download for those with low bandwidth limits and speeds. Some people still have dial ups rather than DSL or Broadband.

I installed Cobra on my computer and ran the demo. I opened and ran some of the examples. What can I say??

Wow!! I'm impressed with some of them. I especially liked the 2d distort program and also the bobsnake. And its variations like numbersnake and a few others.

I know that the debugger...Snakebite, and oh what a bite it is on the frame rate of your computer....is permanently on. However, I was getting a good frame rate and on my HP computer of 25 to about 35 frames per second for most of the examples. Just imagine how Cobra will perform with the debugger off and also with the full version.
On my moms Dell computer...the frame rates were averaging from about 35 to 40 frames per second. Her computer has 512 mb and Nvidia Geforce 2 integrated video memory.

The screen resolution type is set to windowed mode it seems on the Cobra demo. 800 by 600 seems to be full screen or fills the sreen area on the monitors...my moms 19 inch monitor and my 17 inch KDS USA monitor. If its a lower screen type such as 640 by 480 then, its definitely smaller and windowed too.

I don't mind the watermark logo but the compiler dialogue box or nag screen is annoying and has got to go. Yes, true, by buying the full version.

I already wrote some programs in Cobra. I definitely like the Pascal structure and similarities. This will also be a good intro into Spin programming language for the Hydra. Since both Spin and Cobra have Basic and Pascal similarities and likeness.

For now, I think Cobra will be a contender and alternative to DBPRO, BLITZ 3D, and also Pure Basic.
Kudos and thanks to Graham for a awesome product.

I will be heading back to the abandoned temple on Snake Mountain and in the Dagger Wound Islands. I will be researching more of Cobra.
More on my research of Cobra later.

power mousey

