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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

power mousey
Created : 04 January 2007

Walking on Sunshine

yeah Walking on Sunshine.

I like the original song by Katrina and the Waves. I also like the remake by the Countdown Singers.
I'm playing it now and its a kinda song I play over and over for the rhythum and melody. I'm connected to it. I can play it and certain other songs for hours...until I get sick of them A good song pair to play and back to back are: Promises,Promises by Naked Eyes and then with a litle gap of a few seconds is These Dreams by Heart.

on another level...thank gosh the cold and winter here is leaving. Now, its raining more. I can't stand the cold. I don't mind the rain from time to time.
I'm a desert person and like and enjoy the sun and heat. I'm most active and ever hyper in the sun and heat. But during the winter and cold...brrrrrr!!! I tend to slow down, get grumpy and hibernate like a bear. I need some Dark Beer, Light Cheer. true
The sun and sunshine is coming out more yay!! Let the sunshine come in.

also speaking of which....I'm starting to walk more and in the sunshine too. Yesterday, it was sunny but a little nippy out there. I went for a walk. Walking is good for you and for me.
Walking exercises the whole legs, circulates the body with both air and blood, good to move and stretch those ligaments,tendons and joints too. Also helps you tyo lose weight. I feel better and also think and ponder things too.
Also I see and visit other sites. Maybe, I'll start taking my pocket digital camera along. Who knows maybe I get good or interesting pictures of people and things too.




Thursday, 04 January 2007, 10:35
Well, there's not a great deal of sunshine in the winter... But there's a lot of lovely crisp days, which are cold but fresh. Today I got up early, and went for a walk to the dentist and back. It was one of those nice crisp days.

Yesterday I missed the sunshine - it was 5pm when I woke up and pitch black!

Hey, that song "Promises, promises"... I've heard a song with that title by the Cooper Temple Clause... I don't know if it's the same song though. The one I know is reasonably heavy, with eletric guitars. I also know another song by these guys called "The Devil Walks in the Sand", which is very well done and artistic...

Hey, I'll check out Naked Eyes, and compare.

Thursday, 04 January 2007, 10:52
power mousey
thanks hoboben.

this may sound funny
but when I used to be on Myspace there was this womans portfolio and she had a picture of this animated girl and her pet cat doing some kind of cool and techn dance movements.

at the time...I was listening to Promises, Promises by Naked Eyes. I adapted this and modified the dance movement. of course, I don't have wooden dance shoes to slid like these animated characters did But I do try sometimes.

I'll check out this Cooper Temple Clause. and hey heavy guitar strings. probably like BTO. Bachman Turner Overdrive and their loud three chord strings.
hey also check out ELO. Electric Light Orchestra. You'll probably like them.