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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 12 January 2007
Edited : 12 January 2007

Links Of The Day #1

Links to News about Things

The new wave of Spam - I've been telling people about it for months!

Flaws found with the Mac's Safari - But Firefox 2 is available on iMacs anyway

British built stuff going to the moon - Yay

School leaving age to be raised to 18 - Which suggests to me that rather than paying money to low-income families to stay and get skills, they'll just force ya. Bastards. Luckily, I'm still in time for my £30 a week next year.

Owners of fat pets are to be branded criminals - Harsh. I have mixed feelings about this.

Tory prick wants to tax domestic UK flights out of existance - Well, just out of existance enough for the non-millionaires anyway. Anyway, Public transport and private ownership don't mix

Giant Rabbits are the answer for North Korea's corrupt dictatorship? - OMFG! Why North Korea think giant rabbits will solve their problems of starvating people is beyond me. This is crazy on so many levels.

More headlines as they happen.

This is the HoboBen evening news and the time is 1:41am. We now return to your feature film, "Sleep is for Losers". Good night.



Friday, 12 January 2007, 22:14
power mousey

pet owners of fat cats are going to be branded criminals. ???
but doesn't pet food companies encourage and even hype pet owners to buy more food for their Johnny cats and Danny dogs. What about them?
and also how about the pets themselves!!? for gosh sakes, who has who on a leash and emotionally and mentally speaking.

hey, Giant hybrid Rabbits! true! North Koreans answer for their super soldier. true. Transhumanism and giant rabbit chimeras dude.
They breed fast, can hop,skip and jump. Super hearing and eyesight and can see on levels which we humans can't dude. Same goes for horses, cats, digs, birds. Plus their thick hides as well. Bullet proof bunny hides.
I know its time I took off my tin foil hat. but seriously look into transhumanism and genetic cloning. And also what Darpa is doing too. check it out if you like.
but also for a food source...this will raise political, ethical and moral issues of mixing different animals and even human dna and genes for Giant Rabbits. seriously!
when does a Giant Rabbit in this case become a human, sub-human, or even super-human or enity type? Will the laws of the law be changed for them or even modified where they will be above and have their own laws and constitution?
How will the law and law enforcement be used if they break the law or go astray?? some things to think and ponder about.

here are a few interesting links:

Raiders 1


Raiders 2
Saturday, 13 January 2007, 06:43

I might make my own tin foil hat in response to those two links!
Saturday, 13 January 2007, 08:30