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SoCoder -> Link Home -> Dev-News

Created : 31 October 2007

Firefox memory usage and memory leak news

v3 may be lighter

"Many Mozilla community members, including both volunteers and Mozilla Corporation employees, have been helping to reduce Firefox's memory usage and fix memory leak bugs lately. Hopefully, the result of this effort will be that Firefox 3 uses less memory than Firefox 2 did, especially after it has been used for several hours."

Click the link for the technical parts



Thursday, 01 November 2007, 16:38
It's about time.
Thursday, 01 November 2007, 16:51
Finally! Now I can stop sacrificing those goats to the pagan gods of the Flaming Fox...
Thursday, 01 November 2007, 18:07
power mousey
Wicked Witch of the Windows Os:

" so you think you're really foxy?
hey where's Toto too!??"


"um he leaked in his current state
upgraded Toto to the FireFox.
Sick her, FireFox!"


grrrrrrrr!! ruff.ruff!!
< translation-->no more memory leaks from you..you Witch of Wicked Windows.>
Friday, 02 November 2007, 21:40
power mousey
sorry for the weird,wacky scenario above.

Probably make a very good but weird
commercial for Mozilla and Firefox.

probably could get a good license or even fair-use condition to use imagery or clip sequences or perhaps
parodies of the Wizard of Oz for the Firefox.

the Wicked Witch of the West: represents indirectly
Micro$oft and directly Windows OS too.

Dorothy: you the user..and even the many common and average users.

Toto: leaky, quirky IE browser.

FireFox: the new and improved browser.

and even perhaps
the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion:

the Mozilla Employees and others and even you for
the brain,the heart and the nerve(courage) to use
Saturday, 03 November 2007, 08:29
Hehe, Cool

Anyway, I think it's good that FF3 won't (well, apparently) introduce any extra bloat, and even though on Linux Firefox behaves better with the memory, I'm the sort of person who has upwards of 50 tabs open at any time (and I can remain sane too, thanks to this extension) and occasionally it gets a bit noticable.
Saturday, 03 November 2007, 18:31
power mousey
I should be writing commercials and scripts.
And perhaps doing voice overs for movies,shows
and cartoons.

By the way there is a big strike from the Writers
Guild so if you plan to watch the lastest CSI,Stargate
Atlantis(is MacGuyver still in Atlantis ? , HEROES,
and other shows.
Sorry people its Rerun City.

but definitely I'm getting all this imagery
and the Wizard of Oz characters are coming alive themselves. So, I'll talk to my brother about a FireFox commercial and also parody and fair use too.
I'm weird and have an active over-imagination.
But that helps too.
Saturday, 03 November 2007, 23:38
Hoboben, that extension looks great, but mostly I don't have THAT many tabs open! I did find myself having to deal with tab-shifting the other day, but I had loads of stuff open, trying to get the Upload stuff working right.

Oh, and I don't really mind the memory usage, just make it work with Java properly without stalling for 15 minutes before it half-works, and I'll be much happier (or at least, whilst trying out DD's stuff, anyway!)

Oh, and PM, McGuyver's occasionally in Atlantis. He's been in 4 episodes over 3 years, and is lined up to be in more over the next few years.. (What with him not being able to do the occasional SG-1 anymore) .. that's assuming the show's still there.. which hopefully it will be! Along with Stargate Universe.
Sunday, 04 November 2007, 04:05
Oh BTW, if you want to make me very happy, can you upload a favicon.ico image? You just chuck it in the root HTML directory so that it's visible from socoder.net/favicon.ico

When I have 50 tabs open it's the only time when my memory* seems to be any good and I generally know what's in each tab, but seeing as I've got auto-faviconising of the tabs turned on, seeing some pretty favicons would be cool

(* Human memory, not RAM! )
Sunday, 04 November 2007, 04:31
Really not sure why https://socoder.net/favicon.ico doesn't actually work.

It's been there since day 1.

I'll have a play.
Sunday, 04 November 2007, 06:53
Well, when you go to https://socoder.net/favicon.ico, you just get a blank HTML page. Perhaps that's why?
Sunday, 04 November 2007, 07:09
FF messed it up for me, for some reason the favicon for socoder shows up as the google favicon in my bookmarks 0_o
Sunday, 04 November 2007, 07:33
If you're having trouble with saving .ico files, Jay, you could always use a plain ole GIF with this in the HTML <head>:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="socoder-icon.gif" type="image/x-icon">
Sunday, 04 November 2007, 07:34
BTW, I'm getting this while editing/posting (JS turned off ATM, otherwise I'd be redirected)

You broke summat? If you fix it, feel free to delete this post.
Sunday, 04 November 2007, 08:14
Although FireFox does use a lot of memory, especially for a web browser, it isn't that much in reality. It only becomes a problem when I'm using NetBeans as well, as that will regularly use over 300mb.

FireFox biggest problem for me is also Java support, but it goes further then that. Any extension which requires lots of loading (like IE tab) makes it stall. It's just that Java needs more loading then most.

I don't understand why they can't have a 'FireFox is currently loading the extension, please wait...' image appear in the tab whilst it loads the extension in using a separate thread. Then (hopefully) it should never stall.
Sunday, 04 November 2007, 08:26
Cool, look at that! A forgotten feature!
I had the XML at one point, generating 1 different feed at all times. It would generate every page load, but only do one at a time to keep the CPULoad down.
Then I decided to do all at once, but only when someone posts/edits something.. Made more sense!

Seems I left in the counter (rssfeed.txt) How strange!
*deletes that bit*

That should be fine, thanks for letting me know!
Sunday, 04 November 2007, 08:52
power mousey
yeah Jay,

I can't believe MacGuyver ran for 17 seasons.
Wow! and another fact it was co-produced by Henry "The Fonz"
Winkler. Fonzie from Happy Days.

Stargate Universe?
I remember when the original movie came out
and starred Kurt Russell as the main character.
He was really cool and funny playing the Commander
in the Disney flick Sky High.

but getting back on topic..I'll have to
travel the yellow Brick Data Road to Windows
and take a good look at the new Firefox.
I meant to have Glenda the Good Witch come in and
indirectly help Dorothy by summoning the FireFox creature
after Toto leaks(memory leaks and security issues,instability and the like ) and takes his leave.
Monday, 05 November 2007, 23:59
I still use FireFox 1.
I may switch to 3 if it isn't junk like 2.