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Socoder -> Blitz -> Blitz3D on Server 2003 X64 Datacenter

Mon, 26 Nov 2007, 22:32
We installed WS2k3 X64 on my server, and one of the applications i suggested to use it for were multiple workstation deployments of Blitz3D as a teaching tool. Only bad thing is, When trying to run the IDE it gives me the error 'DirectX 7 must be installed in order to run Blitz3D!' ... I don't understand, since i just installed the newest redist of DX9. Blitzplus seems to work, but i only have the demo version at the moment since i couldn't be fucked to buy it. Am I missing something behind the scenes here? I know everything is running correctly on the server since I can create my own DirectX scene in other things like C or Blitzmax. Any suggestions?

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Tue, 27 Nov 2007, 02:11
I thought DX9 left out DirectDraw, which is what I thought BB made use of...?

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Tue, 27 Nov 2007, 03:47
I dunno, if Blitz Plus worked then I doubt it's a DirectDraw issue, since that uses DD anyway, doesn't it?

Maybe better asking Mark about it.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 27 Nov 2007, 04:10
That is weird directX 9 has all the stuff that directX 6,7, and 8 have. It makes no sense that blitzplus works fine too. I suggest using windows XP to develop everything. Its the best version of windows to program blitz3D in. Oh and try a nice new IDE like IDEAL or Protean. I like IDEAL the best though and its free too. Just do a google search like blitz3D IDEAL.
Tue, 27 Nov 2007, 04:32
Toaster, he is using Server 2003 so he can deploy it to multiple machines. Although I suspect this will break your licence agreement.

No idea about the DirectX issue, but Server 2003 has done similar for me involving sound.
Tue, 27 Nov 2007, 04:38
Hmm.. Actually Toaster's suggestion of using a different IDE gives me a thought.
Does Server 2003's I.E. work in any non-standard way that would lead to the IDE not being able to use it for it's home page?
ie, Have you tried running a standard Blitz3D program without the IDE?
IIRC, BlitzPlus doesn't use the same IE wrapper, since it's IDE was actually written in BlitzPlus. (Although I haven't used that in years, so I might be talking garbage.)

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 27 Nov 2007, 06:19
JL235: I was just suggesting that the best OS to develop in blitz3D is XP. Server 2003 has a different setup then XP,2000,98 and its not supported by blitz3D.

Jayenkai: Yeah thats another possibility. I strongly suggest downloading IDEAL and seeing if it works.


Tue, 27 Nov 2007, 06:47
I've tried a few B3D programs, but I think as said, Server 2003 does not enjoy the setup for some reason. I've tried running a few things (Even minimal apps) only to either get USERLIB NOT FOUND -- MEMORY ERROR -- COULD NOT CREATE SURFACE and ... -- %1 IS NOT A VALID WIN32 APP.

Wee... Guess I'll have to bastard tweak WinXP on a lesser computer (Comp 2) to run apps decently, I just think it would have been cool to have been able to VPN to my network to be able to develop, as well as have a solid server platform.

Blitzplus uses DirectX 3 i think (Where did i see this?), as well as just a standard GDI drawing system, I think that may be why BlitzPlus can run without question and Blitz3D kinda screws up due to the fact it has to create a DirectX 7 scene, which for some reason, Server 2k3 hates it.

Up yours, Microsoft.

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Tue, 27 Nov 2007, 07:16
Yeah that sucks but server 2k3 wasn't meant to use 3D stuff. Its a server OS I am sure you know that though and Microsoft just jacks up all their OS's..
Tue, 27 Nov 2007, 14:28
What are you using to deploy it? Citrix?
Best idea I have to suggest is that you look and see if you can find an old version of DX to install... The main issue is that Windows Server wasn't designed to run games... at all.

you can try checking out the hacked "eXperience" edition of windows server, its basically windows server designed for running games; a friend of mine uses it... maybe that will give you some ideas:
windows tiny2003 experience edition for slim os and faster xp gaming on windows 2003 r2 server |moan| |moan|

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