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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Making Scrolling Beat Em up?

Wed, 22 Apr 2009, 10:31
I am surprize no one have made Scrolling beat em up in any proggy language but if I remmy correctly that one guy called milkybar who made interesting scrolling beat em up in old blitzcoder website! That was about 5 yrs back wasnt it!

I think it could be number of reason why people wont do scrolling beat em up are lack of art skills on drawing sprites or it is too hard to make one because 2D in 3D(You got 2D character in looklike 3D background) and you have work out character playing area and also enemys area where is close to the player of when to punch and not to punch or back off then punch. It like Enemys AI of knowing what to do, they have different Enemys AI like easy/medium/hard.

Easy Enemys are like to brainless bashing at the player.

Medium Enemys are qute smart when to punch and when to back off.

Hard Enemys are very smart when to punch or block or back off then punch....

So for Damage when come to punch or kick to player then Easy Enemys have little damage, Medium Enemys have Medium Damage and so on.

Do you like that blow

IF player punch twice on easy Enemys then he died!
IF player Punch Four times on Medium Enemys then he died!
IF player Punch 6 times on Hard Enemys then he died!

I cant think of anymore of inputing this interesting topic.

Thank for reading

Wed, 22 Apr 2009, 14:54
I've contemplated doing this SO many times, but..
Well.. The thing is.. All my chr's seem to have really stumpy arms and legs!
They don't really "Feel" like they'd be good at kicking/punching each other.
And, I kinda suck at animating, too. (some people might've noticed that!)

Those few things tend to put me off.
I'd like to do it, but.. Meh!

AI Wise, train the AI to pull off Combo moves, and get the higher levels to do things like that more often, whereas.. like you said, Easy AI resorts to button mashing. And probably a lot of standing around, unless the player moves up close.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 22 Apr 2009, 15:11
At the moment...I been working Enemys AI such as between distance between player and the enemys such as X and Y positions. I also put in when the enemys punch or not and to be honest...working out as whole of it isnt easy as I havnt even put Collisions yet! ARGH!

Bless me!
Wed, 22 Apr 2009, 17:05

Wed, 22 Apr 2009, 17:59
BEFORE ( MEAN Somethings isnt right)

AFTER ( NOW IT Been Fixed but still need Tweaking to make sure Enemy touch player face)

Wed, 22 Apr 2009, 19:06
Graphics are the single reason why I wouldn't and couldn't build something like this. Otherwise I'd have thought it would be pretty straight forward.
Thu, 23 Apr 2009, 06:31
I only Experiment with the beat em up game for fun. The pink glow is gone now and have been fixed!