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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What's Going On : 15th December 2010

Wed, 15 Dec 2010, 06:43
Today's new topmost question is based on the fact that something was mentioned on Facebook, this week, that I had absolutely no prior knowledge of.
Luckily the person seems to be fine, but I'm really quite annoyed at myself for not having been paying any attention whatsoever.

In General

How are you?

Fine. I'm slightly overdoing things with the whole AGameADay thing, but my neck seems to be coping, at least, so I've not had to stop all day, like I had been doing.

Over the past year I've had some insane neck-based issues, but all seem to be whittling away thanks to some daily Tiger Balm, and a stupid amount of Vitamins.

.. hopefully!


What did you get done this week.
  • More AGameADay, randomly throwing things in despite having no ideas!
  • Built a Music Archive
  • Submitted a Stringy Things update
  • Did the big Xmas food shopping.

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Yep, can't grumble.
    Spent about twice as much on the Xmas shop as I was going to, though.. D'oh!


    What didn't you get done?
  • I didn't not get nuffin done!

    Why not?
    I did lots!


    What are you working on right now?
    I'm going to go and play GTA for the first time this year! In a gamey mood, today.

    How's that going?
    I was going to play it a few days ago, so switched on the Xbox360 for the first time since December.
    It took around about 40 minutes to do all it's updates, at which point it got switched back off again.

    Hopefully today will be quicker!


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • Same as always!


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  • Wed, 15 Dec 2010, 08:37

    In General

    How are you?
    I'm good!


    What did you get done this week.
  • Greenfoot Gallery release
  • PlayMyCode bug fixes
  • PlayMyCode docs
  • I built a clock

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    In the end, yes. If you visit the GreenfootGallery.org in IE 8 or below and take a look at the source you'll see the elements all use images (for backgrounds and borders, btw I didn't do those). If you visit it in a modern browser (including IE 9) then it'll all use CSS3.

    That change was quite big as it affected every page, involved altering the way the core layout is structured and
    making changes that could be undone by an IE specific css file (so they get the old slower non-CSS3 layout). That had no impact at all on the site when released (\o/)! A dozen other changes also didn't impact the site, although one did (the like it buttons but it was pretty minor and all fixed now).

    I was also sent some suggestions from a user who said they were very pleased with the new changes being made to the Gallery.

    On PlayMyCode.com I have made dozens and dozens of bug fixes. I've also gone back and re-implemented some stuff properly (like the games now pause correctly). It's gone from very buggy to quite usable in just 7 days. I also finally got around to finishing the current API which is (AFAIK) all up to date and correct!

    I also built this yesterday. Might not look that impressive but it was a way of testing two new functions: centred text and getting the time (hence a clock). Btw you can view the source on that page if you click 'code'.


    What didn't you get done?
  • PMC Docs section
  • PMC Dev tools

    There is an admin section on PMC. In there I'm slowly building a wiki like system for handling documentation. It's designed to be quite ajaxy so I can just type and tab my way through a docs page as I'm writing it in (all the places to type are generated on the fly). It'll then link all the bits together and display it all correctly.

    So far that's far from complete. I had originally wanted the current documentation to be built using it, but we've had to settle on static pages instead.

    Second I also wanted to replicate the IDE and other build tools I have online. The idea is that I can upload new copies of Quby to the admin area and test it on existing projects. This way I can do live coding on the site without the bugs affecting any users. Again this is not done, but tbh it's not a huge job and should be a days coding.

    Why not?
    Just ran out of time. To be very fair I have done a lot of work over the last week so I'm not too fussed that I didn't get the above PMC features done. Plus I am the only person who is impacted by that, not the users.


    What are you working on right now?
    I have a private project on PMC of some glowing blobs moving around. It's very intensive and seems to be quite slow on my PC. Currently I'm optimizing it to try and get it running at standard speed.

    I'm also planning to build a game (yes for the SoCoder compo)!

    How's that going?
    Blobs: Good! I managed to find some ways to quadrouple the speed and was also pleasently surprised that some of the optimizations I tried had no impact (for example I optimized out an multi-dimensional array and it had no impact on performance, meaning it's either being optimized already by Chrome or it's just very cheap to begin with).

    Game: nothing done yet.


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • Build my game
  • Another Greenfoot Gallery release!

  • Wed, 15 Dec 2010, 08:53

    In General

    How are you?


    What did you get done this week.
  • Exam week is over!
  • Wrote some code for the robot
  • Ordered a bunch of new parts for the robot

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    So far, we're a little behind on getting our motors mounted


    What didn't you get done?
  • Motor mounts

    Why not?
    Complications, should be resolved tonight


    What are you working on right now?
    Robot! And generally trying to kill time doing nothing/playing Civ4

    How's that going?
    Pretty great.


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • Go on vacation, see family, Christmas!

    YouTube Twitter
    Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
  • Wed, 15 Dec 2010, 13:49

    In General

    How are you?
    I'm alright... I guess. I'm not sick for once, which is sort of a surprise.


    What did you get done this week.
  • Book Collection
  • Messaging people

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Not quite. I only noticed that they had handed me the wrong mathematics text book. I guess I'll have to deal with it next year...


    What didn't you get done?
  • L.in.oleum learning
  • Linking sites to other pages

    Why not?
    I really don't know. I have all this spare time, yet I'm not using it. At all.


    What are you working on right now?
    Coming up with an idea for rendering.

    How's that going?
    Not at all that well.


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • L.in.oleum learning (I'm trying again)
  • Linking the index to mystery page