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Socoder -> Off Topic -> New Job oppotunity for me

Wed, 06 Jul 2011, 04:53

I have the opportunity to apply for a new job internally where I work.

Its for a Network Operations role I really would like to have.

My team leader and colleagues in that department are confident I can get it.

I would like to ask you guys for some interview advice, I think this will be my only weak point.

Im fine on the technical side, its the more working day stuff I think I need to attend to, things like time management etc

Wed, 06 Jul 2011, 06:06
Here is some generic advice you might find useful. First find a friend to practice with. Someone professional, who would have experience being asked all these questions, and have them grill you for an hour.

You then get a range of common questions: a time when you have succeeded, a time you have failed, what are your strengths, what are your weaknesses, tell me about you, etc.

Work out some common answers to these, and for any other questions you expect might come up, and build a cheat sheet. Nothing long, at most two sides of A4 and don't try to remember it word for word (your responses need to be natural).

Try to think up any specific points you'd like to get raised; perhaps you've helped to get lots of failing projects out the door. Then make sure you bring this up; even if it's at the end, i.e. "before we end I'd just like to mention x, y and z".

You might already know this (depends on how close you are to the team), but finally make sure you know what the team does in detail. If possible this includes what their day to day activities include, what they are currently working on, and projects/major issues they have recently completed. Essentially if you turn up to the interview, and you give the impression you already know the job inside out, then it makes sense to give you the position. Failing to know could also turn into a bit of an embarrassment, since this team is within the company where you currently work.
Wed, 06 Jul 2011, 07:17
excellent advice there JL,

I will do the cheat sheet thing as it helps to write things down rather than think of answers.

closing date for applications is friday so I will do a running commentary of progress.

I have been working towards this role for 2 years so now one is finally here i want to make sure its not time wasted.
Wed, 06 Jul 2011, 07:25
Good luck!

(experience suggests that advice from me will probably not help, so I'm staying out of it!!)

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 08 Jul 2011, 04:30
well I submitted my application now to prepare for an interview.

I should get one, I'm the only applicant!
Fri, 08 Jul 2011, 04:34
Good luck!
Mon, 11 Jul 2011, 02:40
Two of the hardest things I have to write down or come up with examples.

Times I have failed and my weaknesses

I find this part difficult, not because I'm perfect but I generally learn from mistakes so its not a failure or I research a task before attempting it. I understand no one is perfect and I have weaknesses but putting down something thats not too much of an epic fail (Turning up to work hungover and accidentally deleting £60000 worth of photos instead of backing them up) or not too trivial like a typo in coding while tired.

I have a mock interview today
Mon, 11 Jul 2011, 09:58
dear god that was quite scary even for a mock interview.

I was about 60% towards a perfect interview.

more work needed but not much says my team leader and the team senior
Mon, 11 Jul 2011, 17:55

I find this part difficult, not because I'm perfect but I generally learn from mistakes so its not a failure or I research a task before attempting it. I understand no one is perfect and I have weaknesses but putting down something thats not too much of an epic fail (Turning up to work hungover and accidentally deleting £60000 worth of photos instead of backing them up) or not too trivial like a typo in coding while tired.

I think this is a great answer. I'll be borrowing this for my next interview I think.
Mon, 11 Jul 2011, 19:37
One of the really important things to remember in your "how have you failed" question is to mention what you learnt from it.

How will you improve, how will you be working in the future to avoid that issue, what would you do differently?
Thu, 28 Jul 2011, 10:33
i finally have an interview date of 08 August 12:30

Its a 2 stage interview :S
Mon, 08 Aug 2011, 05:00
today is the day.

I feel reasonably confident but not sure if this is the technical interview or not.

I have been preparing for a while now and not really done any coding for a bit. I will pick it up soon though, dont want my game to start slipping again.

Laters guys
Mon, 08 Aug 2011, 05:10
*fingers crossed*
Good Luck!
Mon, 08 Aug 2011, 06:52
thanks, it was in fact the technical interview.

I did well from my point of view, lots of nodding and ticks on his form.

now just need to wait for a second interview date.

Mon, 08 Aug 2011, 08:15
I got my second interview date, thursday at 10.

I must have done alright then

Thanks for the encouragement
Wed, 17 Aug 2011, 07:15
YAY I got the job.

Thanks for your input chaps.

This means I can concentrate on coding again.

Im working on a gmail notifier, steam punk of course!

Wed, 17 Aug 2011, 07:17
Well Done *Fast Clap clap clap*
Wed, 17 Aug 2011, 07:31

Due to the help I gave, I will be expecting a 60% cut of your pay.
Wed, 17 Aug 2011, 08:12

Wed, 17 Aug 2011, 09:28
Wed, 17 Aug 2011, 13:34
Wed, 17 Aug 2011, 18:32
Congratz waroffice.
Thu, 18 Aug 2011, 05:22
thanks guys cant wait