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Socoder -> Off Topic -> DD's Ear Infection

Fri, 05 Aug 2011, 18:30
my ear was full of pure-liquid ear wax this morning, right to the brim. I suspect it felt like there was more there because my ear is still swollen (so it looks like there is more wax then normal since it's a small space), and it might have been part watery due to puss. My ear infection is exceptionally bad, and it would not surprise me if it was creating puss inside (which can happen, and just lengthens the whole experience by a few days).
Fri, 05 Aug 2011, 18:30
Did you pour out the wax and use it for a candle? I hear there is a market for infected ear wax candles.
Crayons, too.
Sat, 06 Aug 2011, 02:00
You have at least been to see a doctor, right!?
Sat, 06 Aug 2011, 04:29
Open a bottle of Vodka and pour it in to your ear. It should do the trick.
Edit: Depending on the size of your ear canal, you might wanna use a straw.

Afr0 Games

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Sat, 06 Aug 2011, 05:51
Surely some antibiotics should clear it up in no time. I'd see a doc though, ear infections can cause burst drums (too much pressure) which Iv'e heard can hurt a lot. Then, depending on how well it heals, you might never be able to scuba dive ever again :o

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Sat, 06 Aug 2011, 11:36
I've heard that a perforated eardrum is akin to having a screwdriver stuck in your ear and hit with a hammer.