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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Java fight!!!

Sat, 17 Mar 2012, 04:03
This lot say that Java sucks, well I only need to guess what they suck!. Linkage
Sat, 17 Mar 2012, 04:03
And if they so reckon that Java sucks, then why is installed on the majority of devices?.
Sat, 17 Mar 2012, 04:25
Java wasn't meant to be shit.. they just haven't yet managed to wrangle it back into something neat yet.

It started as a thought, spiralled out of control, and much like Socoder needs a redo from start, no bugger dare go near the shit lest it explodes..

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 17 Mar 2012, 06:27
Having used Java for years, I've grown to appreciate articles like this, since they point out a lot of the warts you have to deal with.

However Java is still an awesome language, and the JVM is actually pretty damn fast (even if it does eat memory). IDEs like NetBeans and Eclipse also make writing code absolute bliss.

The only bit I'd disagree with is the Groovy example, which kinda takes it out of context. Although it looks like a WTF, as the comments point out, it's only used internally for when Groovy gets compiled into Java bytecode.

I actually do very similar stuff in JS, for building much faster versions of heavily called functions, such as 'apply'.
Sat, 17 Mar 2012, 17:21
Well them lot in that link can say what they like about Java, it's definitely not shit and I also think it's a good language, I had plenty of fun when I was tinkering with Java and it also paved the way to helping me to further understand C++.

|edit| And what's the bet those people that reckon Java is crap are the same ones that say Android is crap, they sure do sound like Apple fanboys to me. LOL |edit|